Young Love

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"Five bucks says they'll get together this month."

"Buh-Buh-Bullshit. T-Ten says they'll g-get together in the next t-two w-w-weeks."

"I've got twenty on this week."

"Guys, are we really betting on Richie and Eddie's potential relationship?"

"You're such a buzzkill, Stan."

"Fine. I have twenty five on Richie being into Bev."


The trapdoor to the clubhouse opened above them and Richie's face appeared, silhouetted by the bright June sunlight.

"What're you losers talking about?" He asked, dropping into the clubhouse with them.

"Nuh-Nuh Nothing, Trashmouth. Where's Eddie?"

"Like I know. Probably in the emergency room for stubbing his toe or something," He answered, getting a cigarette from Beverly.

"Aren't you two together every second of every single day?" Mike half-teased.

Richie exhaled, smoke clouding his face. "And what exactly are you implying, Homeschool?" he chirped in a British accent.

"Nothing," Stan reassured wearily. "They're just being weirdos. Like you."

Richie grinned. "Wow, Stan the man gets mouthy. I must have missed something."

"We were thinking about going to the quarry tomorrow at eight," Ben chimed in.

Bev smirked a bit.

"Alright, now we're talking!" Richie exclaimed, waving away the layer of cigarette smoke surrounding his face.

"Why don't you tell Eh-Eddie?" There was a sly smile on Bill's face that none of the losers had ever seen before.

"Hell yeah! He loves the quarry," Richie sighed. He cleared his throat when he noticed the rest of the teens staring at him. "I-I should get going. Kiss your moms goodnight for me."

And just like that, he was gone.


"Are you sure they said eight?"

"Yeah of course. What do you take me for, an idiot?"


"Watch it, Spaghetti. I'll push you off the fucking cliff."

Richie and Eddie were the only ones at the quarry, or so they thought. The others were hiding in the foliage nearby waiting to see who was right about Rich and Eds. They made sure not to bring their bikes, as they didn't want to risk being found out. Sure, the walk was long and tiring, but it was totally worth it.

"It's almost eight thirty. Are they going to show up or not?" Eddie sighed, kicking a pebble over the cliff.

Richie looked over at him. "Shit, man, I don't know. Why would they-"

"Shut up."


"Shut up for a second." Eddie's gaze fixed on the horizon beyond the cliff edge. "Look."

Richie followed Eddie's line of sight to the sunset. The sky was splashed with pink, orange, yellow and red blending into a beautiful watercolor-like view above the sun, setting lazily below the horizon.

Richie laughed and threw his arm around Eddie, who was spellbound. "Well damn, this is a cliche, isn't it?"

"You have no romance in your soul, Trashmouth," Eddie shot playfully.

Eyes wide, Richie clapped a hand over his mouth. "How could you say that, Eds?"


"Here, watch me!" He stood up and offered Eddie his hand. Eddie hesitantly accepted and let Richie pull him up on his feet. Richie dragged him over to the transistor radio and set it in the channel that always played Frank Sinatra. "Fly Me To The Moon" was playing and Richie grabbed Eddie's other hand and pulled him close.

"What are you doing-" Eddie's face now matched the bright red of the setting sun.

Richie touched his finger to Eddie's lips gently, smiling faintly. "Your turn to shut up," he whispered.

Staring up into Richie's face, Eddie felt his knees go weak and his head fill with stars. They swayed slowly to the music, murmuring nonsensical words that only made sense to them in that very moment. Eddie rested his head on Richie's shoulder.

"Don't go falling asleep on me, Eds." Richie whispered in his ear, swaying to the beat.

'In other words, hold my hand'

Richie spun Eddie and pulled him back to his embrace once more.

"Eds... "


'In other words, baby kiss me'

Richie leaned down and connected Eddie's lips with his own.

And Eddie disinigrated.


Beverly pressed a hand over her mouth to muffle her squeal. She pointed wildly at the two interlocked silhouettes. The boys simply gaped.

"Well," Mike breathed after a few moments. "Looks like Bev won."

"Sh-hit," Bill sighed, handing Beverly a twenty dollar bill.

Bev smirked. "Pay up, boys."

Ben handed her another twenty, followed by Mike. Stan was last to pay.

"I told you we shouldn't have done this. It's fucking stupid."

"Don't be a sore loser, Stanley," Bev chided, holding out her hand expectantly. "I won fair and square."

Stan rolled his eyes and handed her the bill.


Eddie broke the contact, but still held on to Richie's soft hands.

"Wow..." Eddie mumbled. "That was..."

"I know..."

Eddie touched his lips. "Kinda tasted like vanilla."

"Yeah, sorry... I just ate a shit ton of frosting so... um..." Richie practically glowed with a thousand emotions at once.

"Wow, way to kill the mood," Eddie mumbled under his breath.

"We can revive it."

"Yeah sure..."

Richie dipped Eddie and beamed down at him. "I fucking love you, spaghetti."

"You talk too much, Tozier," Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie's neck and leaned in for another kiss.

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