All Yours

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TW: Homophobia, mentions of violence, F slur

"Do what you want, then! I don't fucking care!" Eddie threw up his arms in exasperation.


"Fine!" The short boy stormed out of Richie's house, slamming the door loudly on the way out. Richie and Eddie's friendship had always been built on small arguments and skirmishes, but both of them knew that they cared deeply for each other and nothing could change that... At least that's what they thought. The two had never had a fight to such extent before. And over what? A pack of cigarettes and a weekend spent at the arcade? There were more valuable things.

Eddie kept his head down as he walked home in no particular hurry. He was trying to sort through his thoughts and figure out what exactly had just taken place between him and his best friend. He was interrupted by an unpleasantly familiar voice.

"Hey, faggot! Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

Eddie picked up his pace, only causing him to run face first into Belch Huggins. As if the name wasn't bad enough, he smelled like a walking middle school changing room. Eddie gagged reflexively and reached for his inhaler which was quickly knocked from his hand by Patrick Hockstetter.

Henry grabbed Eddie by the collar of his shirt, slamming him against the side of the abandoned house on Neibolt. "Fucking answer me when I talk to you!" Eddie didn't even have time to blink before Henry's fist connected with his face, causing a sickening crack.

He howled in pain, trying desperately to retreat, but Bowsers' cronies had a firm grip on him. He could feel fresh, warm blood running past his lips, flowing quickly from his nose. "Please... please stop-" he could feel his throat closing up as he struggled for air.

"Give me his fucking arm." Bowers said lowly, drawing his knife. Eddie felt a slight tug on his right arm and opened his eyes just in time to see the cool metal pierce his skin. He screamed, cried, begged for help, please. Someone help.

"I'm gonna write what you fucking are, so everyone knows, you disgusting little fairy-"
Bowers had gotten to the first G and Eddie's vision was fading in and out of focus. After a few more minutes of sharp pain he was pushed to the ground, kicked in the ribs twice, and spat on before Henry had decided he had had enough of Eddie for today.

A few minutes after the red car was out of sight, Eddie weakly pulled himself over to where his inhaler lay abandoned on the ground. He quickly wiped off the dirt that would normally make him cringe and shoved it in his mouth, triggering it twice before slumping against the gate along the edge of the property. He looked down at his blood covered shirt. His mom would never let this fly. He would be in the hospital for a year. Plus there was his arm to worry about. It was probably already infected. "Shit."

He would normally go to Richie's. In fact, there was no place he would rather be at the moment. Eddie managed to pull himself up with some help from the fence and stumbled before walking in the direction he had come from. He knew it was a bad idea to see Richie like this. Especially with what Henry had done. What if Richie asked about it? What if he thought the same thing? By the time Eddie was done analyzing everything that could go wrong, he was at Richie's front door, ringing the doorbell.

"Hello- Eds! Holy fuck!" Richie's jaw dropped in shock when he saw his friend, bloody and bruised. He ushered Eddie into the house quickly, all thoughts of their earlier fight leaving his brain. "Come on, I'll get you fixed up. You can tell me what to do."

Eddie wiped his still bleeding nose with the back of his hand and followed Richie to the bathroom.

Richie pulled out the first aid kit that his parents kept in the closet downstairs and set it on the vanity. "Hop up, Dr. K. It's my turn to take care of you."

Eddie just rolled his eyes playfully, "Beep beep, Rich." He hopped up on the counter and watched as Richie opened the box.

"I honestly don't know what half this shit is." Richie laughed.

"Well that's reassuring."

Richie pulled out a bottle of antiseptic and a bag of cotton pads. He poured it carefully and started to clean Eddie's scraped knees as gently as possible, covering them both in bandages after. When he was done he looked up at Eddie, whose eyes were glued to his sleeve that was now stained with blood. Lightly, Richie rolled it up, revealing the word in glistening red letters.


"Eddie..." Richie could feel tears forming in his eyes. When he finally tore his eyes from the awful sight before him he saw that Eddie had turned his head away, avoiding eye contact. "Eddie. Hey, look at me-" Richie said softly, placing his hand on Eddie's cheek and gently turning his head.

The smaller boy kept his eyes directed down, ashamed of the word on his arm. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke quietly. "It's true... If you were wondering-" Eddie's voice cracked slightly on the last word.

A deafening silence settled over them as Richie poured more of the antiseptic on another cotton ball. He started cleaning the cuts, causing Eddie to wince and pull away slightly. "Sorry, sorry... are you okay?" He looked up at Eddie and noticed the tears in his eyes for the first time.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you-"

Eddie shook his head, "It's not that..."


"I'm sorry-" his breath hitched. "I get it if we can't be friends anymore..."

"Eddie... are you crazy? Why wouldn't I be friends with you? Because you're gay? I am too! Big deal! I would never stop being friends with you!" Richie reached up gently and wiped away his tears. "Eddie..." he sighed, not knowing how to continue. "Look, I uh... I love you."

Eddie smiled softly and placed his hand on Richie's. "Rich... I know..." Eddie leaned forward and connected their lips, slow and gentle.

"You knew?"

"I've seen you staring at my ass at the quarry." He admitted, laughing as Richie turned beet red. "Don't worry, I think it's hot." He smiled a bit.

Richie laughed, "Yeah, well I think you're hot."

Eddie laughed too, "A for effort, Trashmouth." Eddie kissed him again, not as soft as before.

"Woah, Eds! I'm a married man. I can't cheat on your mom!"

"Do you ever shut your fucking mouth?" Eddie wrapped his legs around Richie's waist, pulling him closer.

"Only when you make m-" but he was cut off by Eddie's lips crashing back into his desperately. It didn't take Richie too long to get the message. His hands settled on Eddie's hips when he felt one of Eddie's hands slip into his hair, tugging lightly.

Richie let out a soft sigh and Eddie wasted no time taking advantage of it. Usually, he would be concerned about all of the possible contaminants that could infect him from this, but all he cared about in the moment was Richie.

"Jesus christ, Eds-" Richie whispered breathlessly.

"Shut up and kiss me."

And that's exactly what Richie did. They stayed like that for a few more minutes, soaking in everything about each other.

It was Eddie who pulled away first, nearly gasping for air as he leaned his forehead against Richie's.

"I have to admit..." Richie chuckled softly. "I wasn't expecting that at all."

"Yeah, well, me neither-" Eddie smiled.

"I mean... I liked it- I would definitely do it again... only if you wanted to of course and if you didn't, that's fin-"

Eddie cut him off again with a gentle kiss. "Shh, you talk too much." He smiled, looking into Richie's bright blue eyes.

"Sorry..." he laughed, "I've just imagined this for so long..."

"Me too," Eddie admitted, swinging his feet absentmindedly.

"So... what now? What does this mean?"

"What do you want it to mean, Rich?" Eddie smiled softly again, playing with Richie's dark curls.

"I want it to mean you're mine..." Richie said quietly.

"Then I'm yours. I always have been. I always will be, Richie. All yours."

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