More Sappy Shit

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"DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!" Eddie screamed.

Richie was vaguely aware of Bev tugging on his shirt, saying something about needing to leave now, right now. He didn't care. He had more important business to attend to.

"Look at me, Eddie! Look at me!" he yelled, taking Eddie's face in his hands. "I need to snap your arm back into place." He softened his tone, attempting to calm down his best friend.


He was going into hysterics, shock, God knows what else. 'Jeez Eds. Just calm down,' Richie thought, wishing he would somehow read his mind and comply.

Ah, screw it.

"Sorry, Eds."

Before Eddie could react, Richie twisted his arm, hard. There was a CRACK! and Eddie howled in agony. Richie scooped him up in his arms and ran outside. He set him down in the basket in front of the bike and rode him doubles to the hospital.


"Holy shit!" Richie stared down at Eddie's cast in shock. "Who the hell did this to your cast?"

Eddie looked down at the cast on his broken arm. The cast that, thanks to Greta Keene, now read LOSER in big black letters. "It was that bitch Greta. I'm fine Richie, really."

"Nope," Richie responded, pulling out a red marker. He held the cap in his mouth while he edited Eddie's cast. He spoke around the cap as he worked. "And I am going to help you out. Obviously because I'm the nicest person you've ever met. Obviously." He squinted at his project and, satisfied, capped the marker. "You're welcome, cutie pie."

Eddie watched him strut away with a certain confidence he had never seen before. He looked down at his cast.


"Yes, Eddie, my love?" He peered around the corner.

"What the fuck?!?!" He held out his arm so the writing was visible. Eddie's cast that was once signed 'LOSER' now read 'LOVER.'

Richie smiled, "It suits you!"

Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Hey, Eds, you think your mom's gonna be mad about you getting home so late? I can take you over now if you want."

"Er- Actually I was wondering if I could maybe just uh stay with you tonight? I don't really wanna be alone after that..."

"Eds-" But Eddie was already crying, wiping his tears away with his sleeve. Richie approached him and hugged him tight. "Of course you can stay. I'll be right here next to you. I won't let you get hurt," he assured him, placing a gentle kiss on Eddie's temple.


"Come on in," Richie invited Eddie. He swept his arm through the doorway like a magician. "Mi casa et tu casa."

"I gotta admit. I'm impressed. I expected a pigsty," Eddie noted, stepping into Rich's room. His eyes swept across the room, the record covers hanging on the wall, the stacks of cassette tapes next to the radio in the corner, the neatly made full size bed.

"I don't know if I should be honored or offended," Richie laughed. He walked to the middle of the room and sat down on the end of the bed. Eddie walked over to where Richie now sat and stood in front of him.

"Um, thank you. Really, thanks a lot for letting me stay. I- I don't know how to put this..." He trailed off.

"Mmm, I think I know," Richie said. He gently set his hands on Eddie's waist and guided him forward. Eddie, however, was a bit more hesitant. "Jeez, Eddie Spaghetti, I don't bite," he smiled, pulling him a bit closer. "It's okay," Richie reassured Eddie, who had now turned a deep shade of crimson.

Eddie sucked in a deep breath and touched his mouth to Richie's. Slow and sweet. Then there were hands on faces and in hair. Richie was caressing Eddie's cheek sweetly, while Eddie knotted his hands in Richie's dark curls. It was a sweet, beautiful mess and neither of them had any idea what they were doing. Eddie pulled away, breathing slightly heavier than normal.

"Damn, Eds. I didn't expect that from you," Richie teased him.

"Yeah yeah I'm tired can we just sleep?" Eddie responded, yawning.

"Sure. You can have the bed," Rich offered, sliding off the bed.

"Richard, I just had your fucking tongue in my mouth. Sharing a bed is the least of my worries," Eddie decided, pulling him back over to where he was sitting before. "Just because we kissed doesn't make a difference. We used to do it all the time."

Eddie grabbed his "PJ's" for sleeping at Richie's: an old tee shirt that belonged to Richie and went down to his knees and his boxers. Richie wore the same, except his shirt actually fit. Eddie burrowed into the sheets on the left, as usual, and soon Richie joined him to the right.

" 'Night, Eds," Richie said sleepily.

"Goodnight, Richie," Eddie replied, holding Richie's hand and intertwining their fingers.

Richie turned off the lights.


"Eddie! EDDIE! EDDIE COME ON!" It was Richie. Why did he seem so far away. It was like he was yelling through a tunnel to Eddie. There were red orbs spinning in front of him. Everything was blurry and kind of muted out. We was dimly aware of a throbbing ache in his arm. The one he broke. He looked down and there was nothing. A stump and a puddle of blood. It was the spider. 'The spider got me because the turtle's dead,' he thought dreamily. 'Yes, the turtle is dead and now we're all gonna die.'

"Eddie!" It was Richie again. Was he crying? It couldn't be. Not Richard Tozier; Richard Tozier didn't cry. But there were definite hiccups in his voice. He sounded so close, and why did his hand feel wet? Blood. 'I used to have arteries there...' he thought blankly. 'I used to have an arm there.'

He almost laughed when he thought about the whole situation. A spider ripped off my arm, ma! Isn't it a great story, ma? Wait till I tell Richie... He wouldn't be telling Richie anything. Eddie Kaspbrak was a dead man.


"EDDIE!!!" It was Richie again. This time Eddie finally broke free of his nightmare. He was covered in cold sweat and he was shaking, like someone put him on vibrate. "Eds, are you okay?" Richie asked, he was sitting up and facing Eddie with tears forming in his eyes and a hand on his shoulder.

"M-my arm..." Eddie stuttered, shocked and horrified by his dream.

Richie pulled him into a tight embrace, "Shh, it's okay. Breathe, just breathe. I'm right here okay. We're gonna be alright. It's okay now... It's one thirty, let's go back to sleep."

Eddie looked at him tentatively.

"It's alright. I'm here. Nothing will hurt you."

For the second time that night, Eddie Kaspbrak fell asleep. Except this time he felt reassured. This time he felt safe. Someone was holding him, protecting him, loving him. This time, Richie had him.

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