Punk Eddie? Punk Eddie.

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AN: I'm sorry I hate this so much but I tried.

Eddie Kaspbrak was a weird kid. He was short, quite obviously gay, and... scary. Of course, he didn't exactly strike fear into the hearts of his enemies, but he could hold his own. He was rarely seen in anything besides black and in fourth grade he swapped his fanny pack for a leather jacket that he never left home without.
Richie Tozier was quite possibly weirder. Although he was about the average height of kids his age, he still stuck out like a sore thumb. His sense of humor ranged from shitty impressions to bad pickup lines and he NEVER shut his mouth. Then there was his clothes. He wore more pastels to school than the 5th grade girls. He might've had one black thing in his wardrobe at the most and it was probably either socks or boxers. He was soft despite his personality and he was usually the target of Bowers and company. His only friend was Bev Marsh and they stuck up for each other. Usually it worked pretty well, but there were still times when they weren't together. Times like now.
Henry had Richie cornered against the bathroom wall. Richie's lip was already bleeding from Henry's first punch and he was terrified for the next one.
"You're such a weak little shit. A fucking pansy," Henry spat. "You shouldn't even bother coming to school we all know you've got no brains, fuck face."
"You're one to talk. I heard about you trying to cheat off of Ben in social studies!" Richie shouted. He regretted it as soon as Henry's fist connected with his face for a second time. Fresh blood ran over his lips and down his chin. He wiped his nose with the back of his hand and saw his glasses laying broken on the floor. "Not again-" he whined, picking them up frantically. Henry was winding up for another blow when someone shouted from the doorway.
"What the fuck is your problem, Bowers?" It was Eddie, all 5' 2" of him, and he was fuming.
"Stay out of it and I won't beat your ass too," Henry snarled back, pushing Eddie against the opposite wall.
Richie almost said something, but shut up when Eddie gave him a reassuring smile. He was used to this. He kicked Henry in the gut and sent him stumbling back so that he fell on the floor before adding a swift kick to the ribs for emphasis.
"Do you need me to continue or are you gonna get the fuck out and leave him alone?" Eddie crossed his arms, standing over Henry.
Bowers slowly stood up and walked to the door. He glared at them both and flipped Eddie off before leaving.
As soon as the door closed Eddie rushed over to Richie. "Are you okay? What did he do? Oh my God I think your nose is broken." He started rummaging through his jacket pockets for medical supplies.
Richie was stunned. Was this seriously the same kid? He had seen Eddie around school a few times, but he'd never really talked to him before.
"I'm fine..." Richie responded quietly. His eyes swept over Eddie, taking him in. He smelled like a doctor's office and, after seeing the contents of his pockets, it wasn't hard to tell why. His hair was combed yet messy. One of his combat boots was untied, and his jeans were tight, REALLY tight.
Eddie began to clean the blood off of Richie's face. "Your nose is definitely broken," he said. "You won't need surgery though. I mean, you could get it if you wanted, but it'd be only cosmetic. I don't really think you need it..." his cheeks flushed a bit.
Richie was tempted to kiss him then and there, but he barely knew this kid, and he was kind of scared to get beat up by another guy today.
"You should be okay, but I would suggest going to the nurse just in case," Eddie's voice snapped Richie out of his fantasies.
"Yeah... yeah, thanks," he gave a lopsided smile.
"Don't thank me, Henry's an asshole anyway. I just try to keep him from killing anyone. By the way, you might wanna learn a little self defense. Shitty jokes aren't gonna work all the time, Fozzie."
He started to leave when Richie called out, "See ya, Eds!"
"Waka waka," he replied with a small salute before the door slammed shut.

"But he knows the MUPPETS, Bev!"
"Yeah, and he called you the stupid one with the bad jokes, I doubt he's into you," she answered lazily. Both of them were bi and out to each other. Beverly was dating Ben Hanscom whom Richie had mentioned in the bathroom. He sat with them at lunch. They were also joined by Bill Denbrough and Stan Uris who were also dating, but never really confirmed it to the group.
"But you didn't see how he looked at me-"
"Like you were an idiot who broke his nose by mouthing off to Bowers?" Stan interrupted.
"Shut up, Stan you weren't there either."
"W-where is he anyway? I n-never see him at lunch."
Richie shrugged, "probably in the bathroom thinking about me." He winked.
"Ew you're gross," Bev crinkled her nose. "People are trying to eat here!"
"Don't flatter yourself, Tozier," Ben added.
"Yeah, yeah," he spent the rest of lunch daydreaming about Eddie.

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