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Dean woke up groggily, yawning and stretching. Or, attempting to stretch. He couldn't stretch out completely because someone was laying on his arm. He winced as he realized that his arm was asleep, largely because it was tucked under someone's body. Who the hell....?

"Stop moving," Castiel mumbled, voice at least an octave deeper from sleep. He nuzzled his face back into Dean's neck. Dean was too confused to move, until he remember the previous night.

"Okay, Cas my arm is asleep, so..." Dean started. Cas lifted his body slightly so Dean could slip his arm out from under the former angel. Dean rolled over to his other side to try and work some feeling back into his tingling arm and shoulder. He felt Castiel's hands on his bare stomach pull him to his chest. Was he legitimately spooning him right now? Even worse, was he the little spoon?!?

"Dean, go back to sleep, it's five in the morning," Castiel mumbled in his ear, which sent chills up his spine. Not in a weird way. Or, at least, he hoped not in a weird way. He wasn't exactly in complete control of his future self's body.

"It's real hard to sleep when you're spooning me, Cas," Dean mumbled.

"Don't make this weird," Castiel responded.

"Because Im clearly the one making this weird," Dean said. Cas was silent for so long that Dean figured he was asleep. "All I'm saying..." he choked on his words as Castiel bit his ear lightly. Dean had to take a couple of seconds to get his heart beating again. 

"Now you can say I'm making it weird," Castiel joked, even as he pressed his forehead between Dean's shoulders. 

"Cas, you and I were sleeping together, right?" Dean asked. 

"Yes," Castiel mumbled, his warm breath spreading across Dean's back. Dean wasn't sure how much more physical contact he could take. If he didn't know better, he'd think Castiel was doing it on purpose. 

"When did that start?" Dean asked. Castiel sighed. 

"Dean, I don't think I should tell you that. I don't want anything I say to affect your version of events. You can't push me away because you'd be scared of this," Castiel mumbled. Dean tried to imagine Cas, his Cas, from his time, climbing into his bed in the middle of the night. Yeah, that wasn't likely. Something about the apocalypse, about Cas turning human, must have led to this. 

"Yeah, I'm not worried about anything happening between us in my time," Dean admitted. 

"Whatever you say, Dean," Castiel mumbled. 

"Why do you have to say it like that?" Dean asked, not even bothering to hide his irritation with the former angel. Castiel laughed again and pulled Dean even closer to him. If Dean had known this was going to happen before he laid down in bed the night before, he would have worn a shirt. Now Castiel's forehead was resting against the back of Dean's head. Dean could hear his even breath and fought off the chills that threatened to climb up his spine. 

"Say it like what?" 

"Like you know something I don't." 

"Because I do, Dean. But I'm not going to tell you. You'll figure it out on your own." 

"Fine," Dean huffed. "Why do you get to be the big spoon?" Castiel couldn't limit himself to a light chuckle this time. He burst into laughter, and it was weird for Dean. Had he ever heard the angel laugh? When he got back to his time, that was going to be his mission. He was going to make Castiel laugh more. 

"Because, Dean. I pulled your angsty ass from Hell, didn't I? I think I deserve it," Castiel mumbled. Dean let the other things that Castiel did for him remain unspoken. He had betrayed his family. He had killed some of his family for Dean. He had fallen from grace for Dean. Dean sighed and rested his arm on top of Castiel's, interlocking their fingers. Friends could hold hands, right? 

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