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Sam opened one eye, confused why his head hurt so bad. It had been a long time since he had felt pain...why was that? Why hadn't he been feeling pain? He attempted to move his arm to rub his forehead, but his muscles wouldn't respond. What was wrong with him?

"Heya, moose, slow down your roll, okay? Take it easy," he heard Gabriel say. The archangel's voice made him sort of tingly. That's what Sam got for only seeing Gabriel and Lucifer....oh, that's why he hadn't felt pain. Lucifer. He had been his vessel...where was Lucifer?

"He's gonna be disoriented for a second, but he'll be fine. I'm digging this new vessel. What's Michael's?" Sam heard another voice ask. He had spent so much time with Lucifer in their shared conscious that Sam could recognize him even if he no longer had the same voice.

"You shouldn't be worrying about what your boyfriend's vessel looks like. Help me with the moose," Gabriel snapped at Lucifer.

"Hey, your boyfriend is fine, he's just a little worn out. It's been a while since he had control of his body, give him a second to adjust, Gabriel. I didn't hurt your precious human," Lucifer said. Sam figured if he could manage to work his eyelids and open them, Lucifer would be rolling his eyes. Lucifer always seemed to be rolling his eyes.

"Hey, don't be a jerk. Oh, wait, we're a couple of millenia too late for that, aren't we?" Gabriel sassed back. Sam figured Gabriel deserved a high five for that one.

"You're such a brat," Lucifer snapped. "Just because the human doesn't like you doesn't mean you have to take it out on us." Gabriel was silent after that. Sam winced at the thought that someone didn't like Gabriel. Sure, he was annoying, and he ate too much sugar and he came up with the stupidest nicknames, but at his core he was sweet and caring and...Sam had been so irritated by the thought that someone didn't share his affection for the youngest archangel that he didn't notice that he could suddenly move his hands again.

Unfortunately, his muscles weren't used to being under his control, so instead of stretching his fingers out like a normal person, he slammed his fist straight into whoever was closest to him. He heard a loud 'oof' and then something fall over. Apparently, he had hit them very hard.

"Ow, Moose, what the hell? I thought we were friends," Gabriel grumbled. Sam finally managed to work his eyes open, but all he saw was bright light. He shut them again after that. Sam then tried to apologize, but no intelligible words came out of his mouth. He sounded a bit like a zombie.

"I told you, he'd come around, he's just adjusting," Lucifer said.

"Well, I'm going to take him so he can adjust at camp. I suggest you join us," Gabriel said.

"I don't know, is Dean going to try to shoot me? Because he can't kill me with that stupid gun of his but you know he's going to try," Lucifer grumbled. Sam attempted to open his eyes again, and then light wasn't nearly as bright this time. He kept them open and let his eyes adjust, finally seeing what was going on around him. He was in a garden in what seemed to be downtown downtown Kansas City. Last time he was awake, last time he was himself, he was in Detroit. And now he was here. Staring at Gabriel, the archangel.

Sam Winchester never could just have a normal year.

"You doing okay there, Samsquatch?" Gabriel asked.

"No," Sam mumbled before shutting his eyes.

"Told you he'd be fine," Lucifer mumbled.

"Shut the hell up, Luci, before I kill you myself. Who needs Dean Winchester to kill you, I'll do it myself," Gabriel snapped. Lucifer chuckled.

"You wish baby brother," Lucifer said.

"I thought we weren't brothers," Gabriel sassed back. "Stop distracting me, I'm supposed to be taking care of Sam." Gabriel turned back to Sam who had reopened his eyes. "Okay, Samwich, tell me if you're ready to move."

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