Chapter 2

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Winter came late this year but it's not cold enough to shake Korea. I have plenty of sweater on my cabinet and I really want to wear my favorite sweater too.

Its hardly feels like it. this nothing compared to the passed winters in Seoul.

I lay on my bed as soon as I finish folding my sweaters, I'm so bored. Sigh.

"A new year and here I am stuck in this boarding room. I envy those who get to travel," I mumbled.

Then suddenly my phone vibrated, "Oh, it's just a status update. I'm so jealous. They get to travel" I said as I look at the picture of Jisoo Unnie with her grandma.

Hey! Jennie, are you still in Seoul? Did you go anywhere?

Nope. I'm still in the dorms.

Ha!? Really?

Yeah -_-

Hahaha. Looks like you really love your dorm room

Eh? I hate you all for leaving me.

Oh, don't cry. I'll bring you a souvenir when I come back, haha

I'm starting to resemble a loner. Jisoo Unnie and the others were on vacation but here I am, stuck.

I put my phone down as soon as I sent my last message to unnie, "I might as well go to the convenience store and find something to eat."

I went out and I glance at Lisa's room, maybe she is traveling too.

I made my way out and look at the street. The stress are normally crowded with people going through their daily lives. But now there aren't even any cars around almost like a completely different city.

It seems it's only like this around this time of year.

I went inside the door and bought some foods. I really need to restock my foods.

"Oh! Jennie!" I turn around to see Lisa with bags of her groceries.

"You're still here? Unbelievable. Don't you go home or travel like everyone else?" she asked.

"Oh, Lisa. You're still here? I thought you left like the others" I said.

"Yeah, I had a friend who invited me to travel with them, but I have Leo I could never leave him behind." We walked together back to the dorm.

"I'm stuck here too. For now. I can't go home just yet. And when I do go back, I'm just gonna end up staying home alone. Not really anywhere to go." I sigh.

"My parents are always busy, always hard at work. So, I figured it's better to just stay here. Since it's the same thing either way." I continued.

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