Chapter 13

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L I S A 

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L I S A 

"Can i kiss you?One last time.. "  

Rosé then moves closer closing the gap between us and placed her hands on my shoulder moving her face closer to mine. 

"N..No.. I can't. I'm sorry, Rosé" I move my face away from her, "I can't do it...  I can't kiss you.." 

She looks at me then smiles, "Mm. That's okay. I understand.. You're still you, no matter what happens. You've always been the kind of person to speak your mind" Rosé said. 

I smiled at her, and oh i almost forgot Jennie, "But.. come to think of it.. why isn't Jennie here yet? What's taking  her so long with that call?"

"Mm. you think she's gotten herself lost, Do you?" Rosé said. 

I decided to call her and then suddenly we heard a phone ringing, "Wait.. That's Jennie's Ringtone! Why does it sounds so close!?" I exclaimed. 

We follow the sound and to our surprise, we found Jennie's phone behind the bush together with her eyeglasses. 

"W-What happened!? Where did she go!?" 

Shit! Don't tell me...

I immediately took my phone and started to dial Bambam, "Wait, What's going on!?" Rosé exclaimed and began to panic. 

"It's your asshole troublemaker boyfriend, Rosé! Now i'm sure that he definitely followed us here!" I said

"Wait, Kai..!? H-He's here!?

Bambam's not answering his goddamn phone! What is he doing!? 

"C'mon! Bam! Pick up the phone!" I know Rosé was terrified right now after i told her that Kai was here. I know she's afraid and so am I because i know Jennie is with him. 

"Hello? how's my sweet lil' sister doi -- 

"BAAAAM! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!!?? Jennie's been kidnapped!! How could you let this happen!? how could you let him do this!!? Find him now!!" 

"I don't know why he kidnapped her or what he's even going to do to her..."

"Okay. Okay. Calm down. I already checked his license plate with the hotel records, I know where he's staying at." 


"Look... there's nowhere for you to run, Rosé.." the guy said. 

He carried me all the way in a place i don't know..But i'm sure i'm sitted on a cozy bed. My face were still covered with something. And wait.. did he just call me Rosé!?

"W..Wait.. I'm not...

"I've loved you and worshiped  you so much.. and still managed to cheat on me..." the guy said. 

The guy step closer as i heard his footsteps, "I won't have any of that, you hear me!!? You're mine!! Only mine!!" He shouted as he removes the thing on my head. 

"N..No.. Don't hurt me please..." I beg. 

"H..Huh!? But...Rosé?" He was surprised the moment he saw me. 

"P..Please don't hurt me..." 

"Whaaaaaaaat!!?? W-What is this!!?? Who are you!!? I was sure this was foolproof....!!?" He exclaimed 

He moved away from me, "But how'd you..!!? I-I was sure i finally had her!! W..Where's Rosé!? Why do you have her jacket!?" 

"This is Lisa's jacket! You've made a mistake.. Rosé only borrowed this to go to the restroom. Don't tell me you were planning on kidnapping her..? or... wait.. are you 'Kai!?' her boyfriend.!??" I asked

"Huh? Aaaaaarghh. I kidnapped the wrong personn!! No.. Damn it!" 

"Uh.. Anyway...could you untie me first, please? my wrist are starting to hurt." He then walk towards me and started to untie me, "S-sorry about that, I'm on it.." 

"Thank you."

"But.. Why don't you just sit down talk it out with her? This isn't the right way to go about doing things. Not only is this dangerous, but i'm fairly sure this is against the law." I said.

"What do you know.. I've already tried calling, coddling, and even threatening her.. i've tried everything in the book. But she just keeps cutting off every method of contact i have with her." He said. 

"That still doesn't justify what you're doing to her.." I said. He started to scratch his nape trying to find some words. "If anything, this would scare her off and make her try even harder to avoid you."

"My father told me that good guys are gentlemen who respects women. She's smaller than you, more fragile, even if you're her boyfriend that doesn't give you the right to do this to her. It's like you're trying to trap and take advantage of her. This is abuse. On top of being immoral, it's also misdemeanor-- 

Wait.. Why am i giving some life lesson shit advice thing to him? i don't even know this guy but anyway...

 "I..I-I'm sorryyy! I.. It was wrong of me!! I just suddenlu.. I didn't intend on hurting anyone.. I just wanted to talk to her, I swear!" He knelt on the floor and began to apoligize..


Suddenly the door opens revealing Bambam,

"Freeze! This is the police!" 

"Ah! Jennie! Are you okay!? Did he hurt you!!?" Lisa shouted. She's standing behind Bambam with Rosé,

"P..Police!? Wait, hear me out! This is just one big misunderstanding! Please calm down and listen to me. I never hurt her! I swear!!" Kai said 

"Let her go! NOW!" Lisa exclaimed.

"H-Here you go! take her! I just took her by mistake because i thought she was Rosé, i'm really sorry. I didn't do anything to her! I promise she doesn't have a single scratch on her!" Kai said as he held my shoulders. 

And in a blink of an eye, Lisa grab my hand and hit Kai's face, "Learn to keep your fucking hands off my woman!!" 

"Amen" Rosé said. 

"Poor guy.. He's messed with the wrong girl.." Bambam added.

"Psycho!! Don't you ever lay a finger on her with your filth again!! That's my girl! Nobody messes with her! NO ONE!!" Lisa's still holding Kai's shirt while yelling at him. 

"BURN! Burn in hell!!" Lisa added. 

"L-Lisa, That's enough" Rosé held Lisa's arm


"Uhmm. You'd better separate them before he dies, Bam. Please" I chuckled nervously. 


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