Chapter 17

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"Uh.. I.. I just wanted to tell you that.. I like you, Jennie. I've liked you for a while now." I confessed. 

Ugh. What am i doing?? 

"You.. get what i'm saying, right? I mean.. Not just as a friends." I said, she was so surprise. I know this is a sudden confession. Blame the alcohol. 

"You must think i'm weird for saying this so suddenly but i've kept it in for so long now. I was scared.. Scared that if you found out you'd hate me.. That wed stop being friends.." I continued. 

She remained silent, I know.. this is not a good idea but here i am, "That is, until you came to me for advice. If i wasn't such a coward i probably could've told you my feelings right from the start. But please don't worry about it! i just wanted to get it out there. i know you're in a relationship, i don't have ulterior motives or anything.. You can just.. pretend i never said anything, if you want." I smiled. 

Yeah the silent treatment after confession, I expected this anyways. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay? bye.." I said but before i close the door behind me, Jennie grab my arm and the next thing i knew is.. 

She kissed my lips. 

------- -


I don't why but... 

I kissed her.. 

I moved my lips, waiting for her to respond. I know she got shocked by my sudden action. After a seconds, she kissed back. I bit her bottom lip asking for entrance, I suck her lips earning a soft moan from her. She tighten her grip on my shoulder as i pulled her closer to me to deepen the kiss. 

After a minute, we pulled out from the kiss, we both catch some air,  "Ah.. J-Jennie.."

I look at her, she was shocked, i can see it in her eyes. "Weren't you the one who said you liked me? Didn't you enjoy having me do that to you? Don't you like kissing me?" I ask. 

I lowered my head as clench my fist, "Lesbians don't care about this sort of stuff, right? Fooling around, no strings attached. There's nothing to lose, not like with people who are straight." I chuckled. 


"If you separate sex from love then that's the way things should go naturally, isn't it? So why am i so disgusted at myself? Why do i feel like such a traitor for doing that?" my tears suddenly fell on my cheek, "It's just a kiss. it shouldn't be like a stab in the chest but i just can't shake that feeling.. I can't do it. Even if i tried, i still wouldn't be able to.. I'm sorry, Chu. I'm so sorry" I sob. 

Jisoo patted me consolingly on the shoulder, "You feel like you betrayed her because you love her, Jennie.. It's not about winning or revenge. When your hearts are so deeply connected, that's when this sort of things hurts. I.. Still don't really know what happened to you but the best way to stop the pain is to listen to her and acknowledge what she has to say. You guys need to reach an understanding. You two are the only ones who can help each other through the trials you'll face in life. Running away won't make any of it easier."

She smiled at me then holds my hand, "I have no interest in being a third wheel or snatching you away, and i don't feel that you and you and I need to view each other the same way either. Because with me, i know it'll only ever be one-sided. Real love can only come from the bond shared by two people, Jennie. There's no other way to go about it unless it's a secret crush or just plain unrequited love. The love that joins two hearts together is the most magical kind, after all." she added. 


"it's love that holds it all together. Compassion, consideration, and longing.. Even if you're not physically there for someone, your feelings will always be able to reach them. You know, i do feel kinda used after all this, actually. Like you just decided to take all your anger out on me." Jisoo chuckled. 

"Ahhh! I'm sorry Chu.. I-I didn't mean to.. sorry!" I exclaimed. Oh my god. She really is a love expert. 

"But i never thought kissing another girl would feel so nice.Your lips are super soft. I think i could get into this." she smirked. 

I covered my face from embarrassment and she laughs, "It did feel a little awkward.. Not like how i imagined it'd be like. Truth told, it's not like i've never kissed anyone before. I've tried it out with a few guys i dated before, but it really doesn't feel the same at all, I never thought a girl's lips would be this soft.. and the part where our cheeks rubbed up felt surprisingly nice " she said. 

"Uhh. I wouldn't know anything about that.. I've never really thought about it or wanted to try it until Lisa came along and just.. now.. " I said avoiding her eye contact. 

"That must be nice. But.. It's 10 pm Jen," Jisoo said. and i almost forgot  i have something to do. 

"Ahhh. You're right. How am i going to get back now?" 

"Why worry about that? You can stay here for the night. It's not like you haven't slept over before. We can head out together in the morning." Jisoo said. 

"Is.. That really okay? I mean.. Just earlier.. I tried to..

"No problem.. I just won't share my bed to you.. If you talk in your sleep and end up thinking i'm Lisa then there'll be big trouble." Jisoo chuckled, 

"hehhh? T-That's silly!! W-Who in their right mind would do that?" I said then she laughs,

------ -

After we changed in pj's, I grab my phone. I forgot to charge my phone so, i borrowed Jisoo's charger. As soon my phone opens, I saw Lisa's name. 

18 missed calls 

"I'm turning the lights off now, okay?" Jisoo said and i nod. 

Jisoo slept on her bed and I laid on the bedroll she gave me earlier.. Jisoo was already asleep. She's dead batt just like that. 


I wonder if she's gone to bed yet. 

I miss her.

L I S A 

I went to her room and knock on her door but there's no respond, "She still isn't back yet.. It's already so late" I sigh. then head back to my room. 

"Not picking up her phone either.. I'm starting to get worried." I sat in front of my laptop and played with the small box on my table, "She's probably just staying over at a friend's place.. Get it together.. She'll be back soon enough."

-------- -


"Shit, we're gonna be so late!!" Jisoo exclaimed as we both started panicking and fixed ourselves. After half an hour, we made our way to the school. 

"Aaaaa! Now, we're cursed! and it's Ms. Lee's class, too! The one-second Witch!" Jisoo whines. 

"It's your fault for taking so long to shower." I said. 

"As if! You were sitting on the toilet for way longer than i was even in there!" Jisoo fights back. 


Chu and I both look at the direction who just called me,

"What are you doing  here?" 


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