North Korea X Singapore

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North Korea sat on his desk waiting for the first period to end so he can rush out and go hang out with his friends, the Student Council President, Singapore caught North Korea trying to sneak so he was sent to detention. North Korea grumbled as he began tapping his fingers on the desk irritating the Student Council a bit, "Keep it down." North Korea rolled his eyes and stopped only to began doing it again, "Once again, North Korea, stop it." North Korea rolled his eyes and did a mumble, "What was that?" North Korea closed his mouth, "What I thought," Singapore looked up at the clock, "You're free to go, North Korea." North Korea jumped out of his seat and rush out of the room.

Singapore watched as North Korea rushed out of the room and thought to himself, He's a cute guy but he is a troublemaker.

Don't you think I tried? HAH, yea I did-
The total word count is 165

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