Mexico X Chile

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Mexico was seeing up Chile's eyepatch when Chile came down, "Hi Mexico! What are you doing?" Mexico looked up at Chile and smiled, "I'm seeing up a eyepatch for your eye" Chile smiled happily and looked at the almost done eyepatch, "It's so cute!" Mexico looked at Chile and smiled, "Thanks." Chile hugged Mexico and then looked around with his only one eye, "I really wonder what happened to my other eye." Mexico froze and looked at Chile, "You really don't wanna know, it's too gruesome." Chile nodded and sat down in front of Mexico, "Mind if I watch?" Mexico nodded slightly as he began to finish the second to last streak of blue in Chile's eyepatch. "Like it?" Chile smiled and wore it, "Thanks, Mexico!"

Mexico smiled and patted Chile's head, "Welcome, Chile. Now you should go play with some others." Chile smile and ran off never remembering his question that he asked that made Mexico froze, Mexico looked at the distance and his smile slowly dropped. His mind began fighting, When are you going to tell him? He's gonna find out later.. Mexico shook his head and turned around, he walked down to his house and turned around again,

I'll tell him when he's old enough.

I'm done- Yay! The total wore count is 217

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