Chapter 2: The Runaway

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Chapter 2: The Runaway

Okay. She was sooooooooooooo wrong! This kid was so needy! Chara could barely hang out with her sibling without Mike going on about needing something. Chara had enough! She decided to go out on an adventure of her own. She left a note that night on the coffee table saying where she was going. She packed a bag and snuck out that night. Little did she know, Mike had found the note, and thrown it away. "Finally," he muttered. "About time she left. Now no one can have my dear sister's attention but me." He laughed softly before rushing back to bed. Around 10 a.m........uh let's just say if you were in a 10- mile radius of Kiwi's house, it would sound like 80 cats were drowning and 15 dogs being burned alive. Kiwi was found on the floor sobbing and wailing as Apple rubbed her back soothingly. Kiwi couldn't find her sister. She called around the town and checked everywhere she could. But the younger of the two wasn't there. Mike watches from the corner in slight surprise. He assumed since Kiwi spent so much time with him, that Chara meant nothing to her. He sighs in slight frustration. She'll get over it. Meanwhile with Chara, the young girl was climbing Mtt.Ebott. She heard the legends of this place, and Kiwi had promised when Chara turned 18 that they would adventure here. Her birthday was just a month from now, she decided, with or without her sister, she was going. One.......two...........three......aaaaaaaaand she fell. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The poor teenager screamed. 'IS THIS HOW I DIE?!' She thought. The last thing she remembers before blacking out was a small mutter that sounded like her sister. "It's okay Chara......just stay determined."
About an hour later, the young female awakes with a start. She looks around frantically. Oh good god where is she? OH RIGHT! She fell down the mountain! Well crap. Might as well get going. She gets up from the flower patch she landed on, and begins into the next room where she sees a strange, yet familiar site. "Well look what the cat dragged in." Chara stares at the little doll- like figure. He seemed so familiar, yet she couldn't place it. "Couldn't get enough... now could ya? Been a good 5 years.... jeez your tall...... anyway. You seem confused. Guess lil ol me will have to teach ya how things work around here! Here we go!" Suddenly the whole screen goes monochrome. "See dat heart? Dat u sol! SOL stat wek, but get stwonger wiff luv! U wat sum wuv, don't u? Don't wowwy! I shera sum wit chu! Dow hre in da undergroundz, luv sharde thogh wittle, whit, fweidliness fwakes!" Okay Chara remembers why he seemed so familiar. She saw him in a dream and he was gonna kill her. Suddenly the little white pellets were thrown at her and she had to jump out the way. "Oh so ya remember now?!" Temmie..... his name was Temmie. Suddenly a fireball comes out of nowhere, sending Temmie flying. "Are you alright, young one?" Said a soothing, male voice. Chara turns to see a large goat man. "Do not be afraid my child, it is I, Asgore, caretaker of the Ruined Home." Okay. Can this day get any weirder?
It took a whole hour to get to Asgore's house. Especially since he left Chara in a hallway and a dog stole his phone........weird. She sighed and decided to take a nap on the bed in the room the large, goat man had given her. The bed was soft, fluffy, and so warm. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Sisters Connected By a Soul And a Song ( An Underswap/ Undertale AU fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now