Chapter 3: Leaving and Familiar Strangers

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Chara rises with a start. She gets off the bed and looks to the floor to see a slice of pie. 'A pie? Really?' she thought silently. She picked up the slice of pie and it disappeared. "WHAT ON-" She shouted in surprise. She stared in disbelief at where the pie was in her hands. At this point she gave up and walked out the room. She found Asgore sitting in a chair, reading a book about flowers, as far as she could tell. Chara makes her way over to the large goat man and hops up slightly onto his lap. 'I'm way too old for this.' She thought to herself. He looks at her in slight surprise, but he smiles none the less. Chara leans on his chest a bit and sits there. Asgore sets his book down and wraps his arms around her in a fatherly like motion. Chara sighs softly, seeming content. She sighs and breathes in softly. He smells like buttercups and cinnamon. ' That sounds wrong, like..... really wrong.' chuckles softly and pats her head. Chara didn't want to go but knew that she had to leave eventually. She moves back a little before looking Asgore in the eye. " How do I go home?" She asked. Asgore looks slightly surprised before stuttering out a reply " H-home? This- this IS your home now. Do you wanna know an interesting flower fact?" Chara sighs and rephrased her question. " How do I exit the ruined home?" He slightly ignores the question. "Um- Did you know, that a venus fly trap eats insects for food? Interesting." Chara huffs and asks one last time. "How do I leave this place?" Asgore sets her in the chair and gets up. "I have to go do something, please stay here." He walks away. Chara gets up and follows. "You wish to leave the ruined home, do you not? Ahead of us lies the only exit. I am going to destroy it. Now be a good child and go upstairs." Chara follows, refusing to go back. He stops again and sighs. "Every human that falls down here meets the same fate. They come, they leave, they die. I have seen it time and Time again. You naive child. If you leave the Ruined Home, They. TORIEL will kill you. Don't you see? I'm only trying to protect you. Now go to your room." He starts walking again . Chara continues to follow. " Please just go upstairs. I will not tell you again. This is your final warning." They get to a giant purple door. "You really want to leave so badly. Fine then. Prove to me. Prove to me that you're strong enough to survive !" The whole room turns to a monochrome  color. Chara takes a small step backwards. She wasn't going to fight him! He was like a father to her! She looks down at her options. Something told her to hit either the fight or mercy button. She touches mercy and slams down on Spare. He looks at her confused. "What are you doing? Fight me or run away !" Several Fire balls were sent her way. One hits her.



25/30 HP

Wait wait what? She was told her LV would increase if she killed monsters.( or anything for that matter ) She hasn't killed anyone! What?

After about a few more turns of sparing him, Asgore gave up. "It's pathetic, is it not. I couldn't even save a single child.... If you wish to leave the Ruined home. I will not stop you. However when you leave, please don't come back. I hope you understand." Chara looks at him and sighs. She makes a small run before giving him a hug. Asgore tears up a bit and hugs back. "Please be good my child. I'll miss you." Chara whispers back. "I'll miss you too, dad." Asgore lets go, pats her head, and walks away, only glancing back with a small smile.

Chara walks out the door and shivers. Why is it snowing Underground?! She starts forward before seeing something yellow and blue in the corner of her eye. When she turns around however , there was nothing there. Weird. She kept walking when she heard a branch snap behind her. ' Crap'. She walks faster, her fear controlling her. Something makes her slow to a stop at a poorly made barrier. 'I'm gonna die' she thought silently. 

" H U M A N," Oh hell nah. She shivers at the male voice. "D O N ' T Y O U K N O W H OW T O G R E E T A N E W P A L ? T U R N A R O U N D A N D S H A K E M Y H A N D." Chara turns around slowly. Now she wasn't sure what she was expecting but she was expecting a whoopie cushion . " * PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT* Hehehehe. The ol whoopie cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny. Anyway. You're a human, right? That's hilarious. I'm Papyrus. Papyrus the skele -ton........ you came back...... You actually came back." Chara looks at him confused. She didn't understand the comment at all. "So what are you doing this time? Neutral? Genocide ? Pacifist? You know what? I don't care. Just stay away from my bro." Papyrus walks off. Chara blinks. What the hell just happened? She sighs and continues forward. Man it's cold! She should've brought a jacket. Maybe Asgore would take her back? Well probably not, but it's wishful thinking.  As she walks, she notices a conveniently shaped lamp. A sudden thought came to her, as if she was supposed to hide behind it, to hide from someone else. That doesn't make any sense now so she kept going. She found a save point after a few minutes. Pressing it, she saved and moved on.

Chara face plants into the Snow, she was cold and hungry. She wished she never left Asgore.  She starts to think of why she came here.

Chara P.O.V

Why did I leave home?! I know I was mad at Mike taking my sister! But still .... I'm suffering consequences that I don't understand. Why was Papyrus so mad at me? What did I do to deserve this? I don't understand.... "I JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND!!!" Great. Now I'm cold, hungry, and wet. I didn't notice a figure approach me because I fell asleep due to the lack of heat.

Third Person 

Another Skeleton ( Who goes by the Name of Sans[ But it will be Blue later on] ) had found Chara in the Snow. He heard sobbing so he came to investigate. He saw she passed out so he decided to take her home. He put on the couch. Oh poor choice Sans. Papyrus walked into the house right then and there. 

" Hey bro! I'm-....... back." Papyrus stares at the small figure of the young teen on the couch. How did she get here?!

"HELLO PAPY! I FOUND HER IN THE SNOW! SHE WAS CRYING I THINK! SO I BROUGHT HER HERE SO SHE COULD WARM UP! MWEH HEH HEH HEH!" Sans stated proudly . Papyrus looks at him in disbelief before skullpalming. Of course he brought her here. He was too nice to leave her in the snow. Papyrus looked over the sleeping teen and realized that she was probably hungry and passed out due to lack of heat.

" K-Kiwi....." Papyrus and Sans turn to her in surprise. Papyrus had never thought someone would call out a fruit in there sleep. Chara continued to mumble. "Kiwi...... I'm..... Please come...... sister." Papyrus blinks. So Kiwi was a nickname? And this 'Kiwi' person was her sister? He never knew this child had a sibling.... nor a gender. Is this the same human that fell down so long ago? Maybe not.... he shouldn't have been so cold to her- No. She couldn't have changed that easily. She's still human. Humans can kill. He's going to let her stay, but he doesn't fully trust her.

" But you should, weed bag."

Papyrus shivers. That voice..... he always hated H E R. F R I S K. The demon.

Chara began to stir. Well now he could apologize to her.

(ANNNNNNNNNND I'mma cur myself off here. Phew. This is one of the LONGEST chapters I have EVER WRITTEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! Aw man this was fun to write. Anyway. Undertale belongs to Toby Fox. Underswap is part of the AU community which means you can imagine it however you want. This story is fun to write. Don't worry! Chapter 4 is coming soon! We'll be leaving the Underground for a bit. So what AU do you guys want a Genocide route? Undertale or Underfell? See y'all later. Stay positive my goat and skeleton children! Peace out!)

Word Count: 1382

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