Chapter 4: Surface Experiment

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Kiwi looks out the window. It's the second day of her younger sister being missing. Mike had been quiet for the past day... it was strange because whenever he was around, he would be off the walls. Kiwi sighs and gets out of her bed. She passes by Chara's room and looks inside. She had left presents in the younger's closet. Kiwi chuckles sadly and continues down the hall. Mike was still asleep in the 3rd bedroom. He wanted Chara's room since she was gone but Kiwi turned him down. The 24-year-old walks into the kitchen. For some odd reason this was the darkest room in the house. She sighs and takes a single step in the kitchen before hearing a glass shatter. 'Oh, H E L L NO!' She thought to herself. The young black- haired female turns around, only to be grabbed by a slimy appendage. 'WHAT THE ACTUAL F @ $ K MAN?!' Next thing she knows is the air being knocked out of her while being slammed into a wall. "GAH!" Somehow Mike was still asleep during this time. Kiwi slides down the wall with the tentacle moving up to her neck. "HURK-" Kiwi struggles to breathe as the figure proceeds to choke her. She hears a sinister chuckle. "Well well well. Look what we have here. A weak human. I guess you'll do for a pet.... If you don't struggle." The figure stops choking her, obviously having left a bruise on her neck. Kiwi tries to make herself smaller against the wall but to no avail. The figure steps closer to her as she whimpers. The light turns on. "HISSSSSSSSSS" The figure disappears, leaving Blue Razz standing there. "You okay Ash?" Kiwi shakes her head. Blue Razz helps her up. "You need to be more careful. You're down to 2 HP." Kiwi sighs. Razz helps her to get something to heal herself. He sighs. "What exactly happened?" Kiwi looks at him. "I walked into the kitchen, heard a glass shatter, turned around, and then I got slammed into the wall." She touches the back of her neck and flinches. Razz sighs. "I got ya....." He kisses softly on the spot, and it heals...... but of course, Mike had to walk in then and there. "EEEEWWWWWWWW! GET A ROOM!" Kiwi's face flushes a bright red and Razz laughs awkwardly. Mike runs off as they two adults burst out laughing.

Another 2 hours went by since the incident.

Kiwi stares outside the window. Still no Chara. The shop's been closed ever since she left, two days ago. Her birthday was only 3 weeks away, and that's when the search would end. Dead. That's what everyone would be saying. Dead. That she was dead. Age of 17. Kiwi shudders, that doesn't sound too good. Dead- more like murdered. People would start up rumors. The young 17-year-old murdered in cold blood. Death by the hands of her family. How cruel would that sound? Extremely cruel. That's stupid too. What purpose does it serve to murder your ow-?!!!!

"HOLY SH!T!" There was a loud crash, followed by something- or someONE being thrown through a window in the house. "The heck?" Kiwi scrambles toward the figure, and the window they were thrown through. She sees a black figure quickly retreat. "Uh. Okay?" She hears a small groan and rushes to check on the figure to see if they're dead or not. She almost screams. A SKELETON?! A FUCKING SKELETON?!!!!! The said monster rolls over and suddenly she stares into the pupils of the figure. They're eyes were yellow with bright, white stars in the center. "OH GOD! I'M SO SORRY MISS!" He- she assumed the skeleton was male- shouts, scooting away. He seems to be blushing a bit while scooting away. "I'm Dream...... I'm so sorry for breaking your window, Ashley!" Kiwi blinks.... how the hell did he know her name? "I assume you're confused. Allow me to explain. I'm Sans- known as Dream to our Multiverse. You have met my brother, Nightmare not too long ago. Also having met Error when you were 9. They aren't bad people per say...... It'll make more sense when your universe's monster population comes to the surface. In the meantime, you may get a visit from another skeleton, by the name of Ink. I... gotta go. Hope to see you again, Princess!" With that last message, he left. Kiwi's cheeks flushed a bright red. 'Princess? PRINCESS?! W H A T?!'

She sighs. 'Hopefully Chara is fairing far better than me............I miss her.' Kiwi groans and gets up, before tripping. She looks to see a golden bow & arrow. 'Dream must've left it on accident' Great...... might as well hold on to it until he comes back. 'Only God knows when he'll realize he left his shit....... ooooOooo. This is giving me some positive vibes right now.'

Meanwhile a dark shadow looms above, watching from afar.

"Dream, you idiot. Yes, she's the key to stopping this, but Princess? Really, she'd do better as a QUEEN- ACK! Not that I think like that. Ugh." The figure disappears into the wind.  

Sisters Connected By a Soul And a Song ( An Underswap/ Undertale AU fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now