scarlet and the secret orb

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        Heart beating fast, lungs burning, body aching, yet I couldnt stop running. Being chased by your best friend wasnt the best thing in the world, but it definitely wasnt the worst. Now I bet youre wondering why Im running through a forest for my life. I suppose I could tell you. It all started with a harmless excursion through a new planet

        Now, it was mid summer and my partner Tressa Nicki and I were cooped up in our house, and lets just say neither of us liked it very much. We were bored out of our minds however, we had our saving grace come in the form of a phone call.

        Yello, Scarlet Jones and Tressa Nicki exploration extraordinaire how can we help you? I questioned with a grin so bright it could put the sun to shame.

        Hello Ms. Scarlet Jones, I am Curtis R. Haddock. I hope Im no bother. My company Just discovered a new planet about a light year away. I was hoping you could help us out with a small excursion of it. If you arent too busy that is. Its your choice of course. If you chose to go, as a result you would be rewarded in cash if you pulled it off. Mr. Haddock explained thoroughly.

         Alrighty a light year isnt all that far with the new 2095 year model for the MK 88 Spartan exploration ship. I replied cheerfully.

        Outstanding! Meet me at the Shipton square tomorrow morning at 3:30 A.M! Mr. Haddock exclaimed and hung up before I could reply.

        Good news Tressa we have a job! I exclaimed and went to sleep since it was quite late at night already. The next day was going to be an early start even for two explorers like ourselves.

        Hey Scar did we have to be up so early? Its like 1:00 A.M. Tressa whined tiredly.

        Of course Tress, Adventure waits for no woman! I exclaimed as I ran around getting ready for the space exploration that was yet to come. I waited for Tressa to finish getting ready. When she was finished it was about 2:45. She takes a while to get ready. I grinned and quickly lead her to the ship. I put my hand on the cool metal and breathed in the soft, musky odor of the makeshift shed we built when we started our business.

        Okay its about 30 minutes to the square. Lets get going. Tressa said. I could tell she was just about as excited about this as I am.

Once we got there we had noticed that the square completely empty. It was rare to ever see the bustling streets completely still, however that stillness didnt last very long because a ship landed suddenly with a slight bang. A small older looking man came out of it with a small, graying goatee and shedding brown hair. His eyes were a kind blue and the wrinkles on his aging face told that the kind smile he wore was nothing less than genuine and true. He was wearing a dark blue almost navy suit that looked like it was made out of the finest material you could find in all the life inhabiting planets out there. He wore a white undershirt with a bright purple tie that had crimson red marks all over it. He was very well dress.

Right Ill keep this short. We found a new planet we named Nekora we havent explored it yet and that is why weve contacted you. Mr. Haddock explained quickly.

Alright just send us th- I was cut off before I could finish.

Already been done. Mr. Haddock finished and walked back into his ship with a hurried blast off. I thought nothing of it and shuffled quickly back on my own ship with Tressa and we set off.

Soon, we made it to newly discovered planet of Nekora. It was a large Jungle planet. The trees were taller than anything you would see on earth. The sweet aroma of sticky sap quickly met my nose. The trees were a deep, eerie green that was almost black with light brown trunks looked kind of like they were oozing some form of tar like liquid.

Hey Tressa, I think were in for some adventure. I said looking around in awe. We walk around examining every new thing we found, until we came across a old withered temple that looked like it shouldnt be standing. It seemed to be hundreds maybe even thousands of years old. Long oozing vines wrapped around it like a boa constrictor squeezing its prey. As we walked inside the musky scent of mold and old wood was thick and heavy coating the back of our mouths and throats. It made me gag slightly as we made our way slowly to the top examining the strange marks that were all over the walls and even some on the stairs. None of the markings made sense until we got to the top seeing a golden glowing orb. I swiped some of my long, curly, red hair behind my ear to get a better look at the mysterious orb. My large green eyes widened as the orb started to shake furiously.

Suddenly the orb shot towards Tressa phasing through her chest as she fell to her knees a dark purple smoke surrounding her. Her brown hair turned midnight black with the dark eerie purple highlighting it. Her brownish tan exploring clothes transformed into a dress that looked like it was made from the universe itself. Tressas tan skin turned grey with a slight purple tint. To say the least I was terrified.

Im sorry I had to take your friend Ms. Scarlet Jones, but youre too powerful to take over. She said as her eyes started to glow. Tressas voice didnt sound like her own. Her once soft smooth high voice was replaced with a deep guttural scratchy one. Now its time to say goodbye. as she finished she she shot a condensed ball of black energy at me. I barely dodged as I ran down the tower being chased by her. Thats how I ended up here.

I look around quickly. I finally lost her. I was furious at that stupid orb. It took over my friend and then attacked me! I have to get Tressa back! I have to! I feel something growing inside me like a feeling I have never known before. I feel a snap and I begin to glow. A bright golden light flashes, however its gone as soon as it appeared. I find a sudden courageousness spark inside me as I dashed quickly back to the withered sandstone temple. At the top of the temple, that was high enough to kill someone if they fell off, I saw the midnight black hair and the dress made from the universe.

Oh come back for mercy have you? Or are you just too stupid to understand when to quit? The orb asked her guttural voice getting louder with each word of her second question.

Who are you and what have you done to Tressa?! I shouted in exclamatory questioning.

Well since you asked so nicely Ill tell you. My name is Minerva. I am an universal god of terror and destruction. Nearly all planet scream in fear at the mention of my name except for Earth. Your planet merely does not know of my existence, but now that I have a vessel of my own I show your planet what it true, agonizing fear is. Now its time for you to go to sleep and never wake up- Minerva rants until I cut her off.

Shut it my planet is fine the way it is and you better leave it alone before I snap. I growl. My eyes begin to glow a crimson red and balls of energy similar in color surround my hands. Before Minerva could reply I shoot an energy ball at her face hitting her straight on. Her face instantly bruises up and her face get almost red. Her eyes shone with hatred and hostility. Something else flares in her eyes for a quick second then disappears. It could only have been described as fear. She was scared and I could see it. I smirk and race towards her jumping higher than I thought I could. I hit her straight in the chest and the orb comes out of Tressas body shattering into what I think is close to a million pieces. Shortly after I black out.

Its been about a year since that has happened. Tressa says it was probably only a dream since she doesnt remember it ever happening. She says it was probably my strong love for friends that brought it on. Sometimes I wonder if it was ever real at all.

//This was a short story I wrote a couple years ago for my ELA class. I was super proud of it, so I decided to share it on quotev. And now it's here ^_^

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