Chapter 10

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~ earlier ~

3rd person's POV:

Everyone was now at home after the fair except for Chan because he offered to stay with y/n for the night.

All the boys's energy was drained from the long day at the fair. They all decided to get ready for bed and they all said their goodnights to each other.

Ever since Jeongin heard that Chan was going to stay at y/n's house with the two of them alone together, he hasn't stopped thinking about it. As much as he loved his hyung, he was a little angry with Chan for offering to stay with her alone.

"Hyunjin? Do you think Chan would do anything to y/n?" Jeongin slumps onto his bed as he catches Hyunjin's attention.

"Is Innie jealous~?" Hyunjin coos at his maknae causing him to pout. "You know I'm just teasing. Besides, you should know that Chan isn't that kind of person. I know you worry about her a lot but you can trust Chan." Hyunjin begins to get comfy in his bed.

"How can I?! As much as I love my hyung, I just don't want him alone with her! I don't want him to have feelings for her. I like y/n... a lot. I want to be that guy that she will love one day." Jeongin stand up from his bed in frustration.

"Innie. Calm down. Your starting to shout." Hyunjin gets out of bed and tries to calm down Jeongin.

"Ah. Sorry. I didn't mean to get so worked up there. I don't want to admit it but I am jealous." Jeongin sits back down on his bed with sadness filling his eyes.

"It's okay to be jealous, just try not to take it to an extreme. How long have you liked this girl?" This was the first time Hyunjin was hearing this.

"Since the first time I met her. So since 10th grade. She is always so cheerful and outgoing and beautiful." He begins to smile to himself as his thoughts were filled with y/n.

Hyunjin watched how Jeongin smiled as he thought of her which made Hyunjin smile. Hyunjin loved seeing his best friend happy even if he would never return the feelings that Hyunjin had for his maknae.

"I don't think you have to worry about Chan. Now how about we get some sleep now, it's pretty late." Hyunjin crawls back into bed and turns off his side lamp.

"Before I go to bed can I ask you a question?" Jeongin lays down, facing his ceiling.


"That day you were flirting with y/n, do you actually like her?" Jeongin nervously asks.

"No. It was just me being my flirty self. I knew I couldn't get a girl like her either way. Don't worry about me hitting in your girl. I would never go after someone's girl or guy crush." Hyunjin was bisexual. He was the flirtatious type so he would distract himself from his true feelings from his best friend.

"That why your the best Hyunjin." Jeongin lets out a yawn. "Goodnight Jinnie." Jeongin turns to his side and closes his eyes as he dozes off to sleep.

"Night Innie. Sweet dreams." Hyunjin smiles and decides to go to sleep as well.


~present day ~

It was now the next morning with Chan and y/n sound asleep in the same bed cuddling with each other. The storm from last night faded away and now left the sunshine in through the curtains into the bedroom.

As they were sound asleep Jisung brought Minho home with him. Jisung was still worried about y/n and wanted to check on her. As he walked in with Minho behind him, he sees Chan sleeping with y/n in the same bed and same room. Jisung didn't like it one bit.

Jisung grabs a pillow and begins to hit Chan with the pillow as hard as he could to wake him up.

Chan wakes up to Jisung hitting him with a pillow and tries to block it with his hands as he sits up.

"Jisung? What are you doing?" The tired Chan squints his eyes and tries to be quiet as possible as he didn't want to wake up y/n.

"What am I doing?! I should be asking you! Why the hell are you sleeping with my cousin?!" Jisung continues to hit him with the pillow.

"Jisung your to loud. She is trying to sleep." Chan tried to stop the pillow from hitting him but failed.

"So?! That hoe can wake up!" Jisung yells out.

"What did you just call me?!" Y/n woke up from Jisung's yelling and over heard what he said.

"I said that hoe can wake up!" Jisung repeats as he stops from hitting Chan.

"You wanna go?!" Y/n grabs a pillow from behind her and begins to hit Jisung with the pillow.

Minho then joins in and starts attacking y/n with the pillow. Minho then accidentally hits Chan with the pillow. Chan gave an evil smile to Minho, then begins to hit him with a pillow. They all began to have a fun playful pillow fight while laughter bounced of the bedroom walls.

The laughter and pillow fight died down as everyone got tired from it.

"So, you going to tell me why you two were sleeping in the same bed." Jisung sat down to catch his breath.

"U-Umm... well it was... stormy weather... last night... and well you know Jisung." Y/n stumbled over her words as her cheeks blushed as red as a strawberry.

"Doesn't mean you two need to cuddle." Jisung crosses his arms.

"Well it helped... plus you can't keep being so overprotective. What are you gonna do when I do get a boyfriend?!"

"You just have to be difficult." Jisung gets off the bed and grabs Minho by the hand as he walks out of the room.

"What? I don't understand him sometimes but gotta love him." Y/n lets out a giggle that caused Chan to lay a soft gaze on her with a smile. "Umm... Chan?" She catches the still tired boy. "T-Thanks for staying with me last night. I felt a lot better with someone there." She refused to make eye contact as she was embarrassed.

"It's no problem. I'm just glad I could help. Kinda wish we could've slept longer." Chan begins to stretch.

"That would have been nice. How about we get some breakfast?"

    Writting this while half asleep hehe whoops🤷🏻‍♀️. Have a great day!!!😁

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