The Levi Squad

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We had been riding on horseback for what seemed like the entire morning before the large castle came into view and springing forth from the trees the large stone building looked to be crumbling and overgrown with wildlife.

This place has seen better days. 

The scout's special operations unit or the newly adjusted Levi squad had been chosen for their accomplishments in the field, that and they are meant to be my executioners. The ones who will stop me if I lose control and my current guardians. It was up to us to make this castle habitable for the rest of the Survey Corps to follow, that and to get me out the public eye and as such the eight of us had left not long after first light on the orders of the Commander.

Petra Ral, the smallest of the group and another redhead to boot had 10 titan kills to her credit and 48 assists. Oluo Bozad, the man, currently glaring at me to my side, had 39 kills and 9 assists. Eld Jinn, squad leader and second in command of the unit had 14 kills and 32 assists. Gunther Schultz, a large dark-haired man with a fierce face, had 7 kills and 40 assists to his name. Rian Sparhawke, protégé of the Commander himself boasted 31 kills and 19 assists. Aurora Sparhawke, one of the finest Titan slayers after Captain Levi, held 47 kills and 13 assists and was most recently known as the Battle angel of Trost for her accomplishments in taking back the city. All of them were without peer and were beacons of pride for the Scouts, I was honoured to be in their presence. 

"An architectural marvel don't you agree. A proper royal residence once upon a time and more recently, our former headquarters. Fancy yes but absurdly impractical once the scouts got down to business, Much much too far removed from either river or wall. This was the early days for us you understand, hopes soared high. Now this bauble is nothing more than a holding cell, the place where we store our newest toy" Oluo finished slyly as he eyeballed me from his horse. 

That would be me .

Gulping, I stupidly looked behind me to meet the dead-eyed stare of Captain Levi and a trickle of fear ran down my spine as his cold grey irises bored into mine before another rider blocked my view from him. Readjusting my focus, Aurora's pale face came into view as she gave me a gentle smile. 

Petra had told me this morning that two men had attempted to kill Aurora and Rian last night in the middle of the Trost Headquarters. I had been startled by the news and hadn't been able to keep the guilt from gnawing ever since as the attempt on their lives had likely been because of me.

First, I nearly get Armin and Mikasa killed and now Aurora and Rian too, no one close to me is safe anymore.

"Do not be deceived greenhorn" Oluo sneered as he leaned in close to my face with a menacing glare pulling me from my thoughts.  

"Excuse me?" I said unsure while also trying not to flinch away.

Show no fear.

"Shut it Oluo, or I will shut it for you" Aurora warned from the back of her large horse as she stroked the sides of his neck, her mismatched eyes trained on Oluo. 

"Bring it. I'm not afraid of you!" Oluo challenged, and a wide feral smile split Aurora's face as she brought her horse alongside the now visibly nervous man. Leaning forward, she feigned towards Oluo who whelped and flinched away from her, nearly falling from his saddle before Aurora's hand snaked out and dragged him back into position. With one final look, she flicked Oluo on the nose before pushing onwards with her horse to the front of the group alongside Petra and Gunther. 

"You really showed her," Eld said sarcastically from his horse next to the Captain and laughter erupted all around and even the Captain and Rian, who were trailing at the back of the group, smiled.

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