With A Million Lies The Truth Will Rise

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Pain. That was my first waking thought, not the kind of broken bones or death but the type that hobbles you and is a complete fucking inconvenience. That being said, I knew I was lucky to be alive after being kicked by the Female Titan, if that's what this was.

Groaning, I forced my eyes open to see the star-filled night sky alight with the paths of luminescent light I had come to dread seeing. There was no mistaking that view, I was back and just like all those times before; It would appear that I was not alone.

Rolling to my stomach, I pushed myself to my feet as my eyes flitted around the crowd of redhaired men and women that were becoming more and more familiar each time I visited this landscape of horrors. 

I wonder what nightmare my ancestors have for me today...

"Aurora..." a childlike whisper rang out, and a shiver ran down my spine as I turned towards the epicentre of light off in the distance. Squinting, I tried to look for the child when my eyes caught sight of  the last face I wanted to see and my teeth bared in a snarl as I remembered the cold steel of his blade piercing my chest.


Stepping forward in anger, I barely had time to shield my eyes when the landscape shifted, and the blinding light rushed forward just as it had done every time before, however this time was different.

Unlike before when a young blonde girl would emerge from the light, this time a beautiful, pale, red-haired woman clad in metal armour from an age ago and holding a wicked-looking spear in her hand came from the light with the young girl beside her, hand in hand.

Releasing the young girls hands and patting her shoulder in passing, the mesmerising woman moved away from the beacon of light and approached me with the purpose and confidence of a warrior sure of her skill.

Weaving through the throngs of Sparhawkes, she came to a halt before me where her mismatched grey and green eyes bored into mine from beneath thick red eyebrows, down to my very soul. Swallowing, I squared my shoulders and refused to shrink in what was clearly her attempt to intimidate me because even though I did feel apprehension and a slither of fear, I fought Titans for a living, and if I could do that without shitting myself then one woman was not going to make me cower, no matter how big her spear is.  

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice loud and clear, but she did not answer. Instead the warrior woman chose to continue her observations as she twirled her spear around slowly.

"What is this place?" I pressed and yet again I was met with silence.

"Why do you keep bringing me here?" I challenged with a dark edge in my voice as I watched her weapon slice through the stale air. I was sick of being tormented without a single reason as to why and it was high time I had answers.

"Aurora..." the childlike whisper sounded again, and I grit my teeth to block the noise out as I waited for the woman in front of me to answer, but still she gave me nothing.

"Are you just going to fucking stare at me all day or is one of you going to answer me?!" I shouted, my composure beginning to break and a broad smile spread across the warrior woman's face.

"What the fuck are you smiling at?" I snapped. 

"Your fire." the red-haired warrior finally answered, her voice husky and compelling "I can see it your eyes, but that will not be enough. I was like you once, the hope of our line, but I wasn't ready, and when they came, even though I had that same fire as you do now, I fell like all those who came before me."

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