Blood Never Lies

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My eyes adjusted to the darkness as a familiar chill ran down my spine, I had been here before.

The landscape remained as unchanging as before and the radiant iridescent paths of light cutting through the night sky as they pointed the way to one beacon of pure white light were as beautiful as I remembered. The haunting sense of Déjà vu tickled down my neck as my bare feet once again moved of their own accord and I followed the paths in the night sky, pulled by that familiar and yet so unnerving feeling.

"Aurora" a sweet childlike whisper floated around me as it had before and I turned around to see my Grandfather once again, as young as he had been the last time I had this dream. 

"Grandfather" I greeted with a sad smile as I reached out my hand towards his face and gasped as my fingertips made contact with the flesh of his sharp jaw.

This is no dream.

Whispers suddenly filled the air as one by one people dressed from various eras from history appeared as if from thin air, and though their garbs vastly differ, it was clear from their various shades of red hair and mismatched grey and green eyes that we were one and the same.


"Aurora" the childlike whisper repeated and I turned as the beacon of light rushed towards us causing my eyes instantly tear up and sting, though I could not look away as in the middle of the beacon of light was the figure of a small child. The child I had tried to save from them.

"You should not be here."Grandfather sighed ,"\You're not strong enough yet."  

"Aurora" the child called to me again as she raised her small hand to beckon me forward but I dared not move, not with all of them watching me. Clutching the sides of my nightdress, I pulled at the fabric as anxiety bled through every inch of my skin. 

"Strong enough for what? Who is she? Where are we, Grandfather? What do they want from me?" I rambled off question after question as my eyes darted nervously around the familiar yet unfamiliar faces before they came to rest on one.


"They want you to become what you are meant to be." Grandfather murmured at my side as he too looked to my father with sad, regret-filled eyes.

"Aurora" a much deeper voice resonated through the air, and my heart clenched in relief, knowing that he was close.

"Levi?" I whispered as I spun around and searched the source of his voice only to be yanked back in place by my Grandfather's large hands as they dug into the tops of my shoulders painfully.

"Your holding on to what isn't yours to have!" Grandfather shouted, every inch of him radiating stress as I stared back in wide-eyed fear like the child I had once been.

"I don't understand..." I whimpered as his nails dug deeper into my flesh with a bruising force, and all those memories of the times his hands had caused me so much pain came rushing back.

"You are to be a warrior; your blood expects it, and your destiny demands it! You must follow its call!" Grandfather demanded as he forcefully shook my frame. My whole life, he told me what I was meant to be, how my blood was important, and it would seem even in death, he still held my leash. I would never be free...

"Aurora," Levi whispered again, though this time it was louder. Hearing his voice was like splashing cold water over my face, and I found the strength to override my fear. Shoving him back forcefully, I broke free from my Grandfather's grip as my clothes shifted from the nightdress I was wearing to my Scouts uniform and I suddenly felt strong.

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