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It was a dark night in japan and not the "oh i can't see anything" dark, but a terrible bad dark. There was a an increase of murders during the past week where all the victims either had their bodies teared to pieces or their hearts, lungs and intestines eaten. The only thing that the police and pro-hero agencies can confirm that it was the work of ghouls after one of the witnesses confronted saying it was definitely a ghoul when it came in and eaten their teenage son. it sounds legit  with one problem, nearly every single the ghoul was every exterminated or were sent to a ghoul concentration camp depending on their specialty or skill set. that scenario should have been scrapped off, but every box has been ticked off and it can't be anything else. At the 10th crime scene within the week it was starting to make the citizens worry about who was going to be next, the annoying thing is that all the murders are done at random and is not making any sense at all. 

Ghouls can last up to 2 months after eating one body, so missing cases are nearly rare. but this situation is completely abnormal with the body count increasing. The police and agency's were growing more anxious by the hour not just to stop the murders but to eliminate the threat before anyone else gets killed and  more importantly to prevent any more threats from happening again. 

Two detectives (young and old) arrived to the scene around 11:30 after the call was made. When they reached the room, The first thing that hit them was the smell of fresh blood, After all they saw this week they were almost getting used to it. But the next step would erase that progress as they enter the scene.  They were met with blood covering the couch and TV with intestines hanging from the fan above still spinning with a disturbingly healthy dose of guts spread around the bodies. After almost having to gag they both enter the room.

After a minute long of silence and investigation one of the detectives inspects the bodies more closely, shortly followed by a question from the other detective.

"Same death?" the young detective asked

 "Same death." the older detective answered. 

"That cannibal bastard must have ran off when he heard the landlord scream" the older detective said.

"She said she saw him heading towards an apartment down the street" The young detective said.

The older detective then gave an order "go to the apartment building see if he is there, I'll ask the landlord more questions"

The other detective agreed and replied " we can't let this get out". They both parted ways with a road that just got even darker with no signs of light coming in this way.

The young detective arrived and entered into the building and was met with dead silence. He took out his pistol and had it ready on the spot to take the first move. When he reached the 3rd floor a scream echoed the hallway all of the sudden. "It came from that apartment" They thought and he rushed towards the screaming. As he dashed across the corner he saw a little boy with green hair covered in blood running towards him followed by a ghoul in the form of a little boy. The detective yelled at his radio as he shoot several bullets and made a dash with the little boy.

Meanwhile back at the crime scene the older detective was finishing up with the landlord when he was radioed in by the young detective yelling in exhaust "THE GHOUL IS HERE, I REPEAT THE GHOUL IS AT THE APARTMENT BUILDING!!! (*SHOOTS FIRED*) IT HAS THE FORM OF A LITTLE BOY, I REPEAT IT IS A LITTLE BOY (*MORE SHOOTS FIRED*)!!"The detective dashed towards his car and drove mad to the young detective. As he drove he called in the police force and the pro heroes to get there asap. However it was far too late to get help on time, and a future that will be altered for life for the one that makes it out......Alive.

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