Chapter 1 - A X-mas to Remember

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(However that was only one side of the story that day, what also happened that day was also the day that changed someone's future completely.)

The winter break was pretty hard for little Midoriya and it had nothing to do with him being quirkless. He was coming home with his mom after watching the fireworks at the winter festival at night. He and his mom were both sitting on the rooftop drinking hot chocolate with a wave of fresh snowflakes coming down from the sky. He wasn't thinking about the fact that he was the only person without a quirk in his class nor the bullying from Ka-chan. He was just glad to enjoy the fireworks with his mom on X-mas day. But soon the mood changed as he looked down to see a family of three composed of a child, a mother, and a father all walking down the street together below him. Watching them made young Midoriya ask himself a question "where is my dad?". He asked his mom that exact question. Soon her smile slowly melted and the moment began to change.

She knew that one day her only child will ask about his father. Unfortunately, She knew the answer but she couldn't tell him. How could she after what happened to him, after he abandoned them when her son was only an infant and when the *incident* happened. She knew that her soon will grow even more curious and at one point she will have to tell him the truth. She mustered up the courage to try to tell him about his father. "Well..... He had an accident and he had to go somewhere until he can fully recover." said Inko. "oh." Midorya said in expected shock, knowing that she couldn't tell him everything. So he tried another question. "Do you have any pictures of him??". That sort of gave his mother a little bit of relief, she then answered back with a more promising answer, "You know what, I actually do but they are back in the apartment, i'll just go and get them, just stay here until I come back, OK" answered Inko "I will be back in no time".

Those were the last words Izuku Midoriya heard from his mom before she disappeared behind the roof access door. As he sat back on his chair drinking his hot chocolate, he beings to think about what his mom said about his father. He ended up having more questions now about his absence. For now he can only wait for his mom to come back with the photos. While he was waiting, he heard sirens from police cars from a far that you don't need a quirk to hear it. "Another incident?" Izuku thought, this week he would hear more than 5 sirens, which was starting to get a little strange, but he didn't want to think about it and just wanted for his mom.

"What is taking her so long?" he thought. It's been 30 minutes since his mom left to go and get the photos. Izuku knew that something is wrong, He knew his mom wouldn't take long to find the photos. He knows this cause on his 6th birthday she showed him pictures of him when he was in the hospital." She always keeps the photos in a box under her bed. So she should have been able to found them and came back by now." After Izuku thought about it, he got up and went through the roof access door and went back to his apartment. When he passed the last bend to his apartment, what he saw was something he can never forget and was going to change his life entirely.

After the bend he Noticed that his apartment door was opened. He didn't question it as he knew that only his mom has the key for the apartment at the time. As he walked towards the door, he was hit by a very strong smell, he remembered the smell from his memories of having cuts and bruises from accidents in the past, it was the smell of blood. The only thing he didn't remember was how strong it was as he grew closer to the door. When he got to the door, he entered the apartment the smell was very potent as if he couldn't keep on going, but as soon as he stopped he heard loud crunching noises from the main space, from curiosity, he began to walk towards the room will covering his nose from smelling the very hard potent smell. As he made the last turn into the room, he was in a space of shock and horror, The walls were painted with red blood from all angles, the couch was covered and tipped over, the TV was smashed with a static background and sound,  and in the center of everything was a being that looked like a boy that was almost the same age as he was covered in blood, and his mother laying on the floor lifelessly covered in blood with organs coming out of her stomach and spread across the room. As Izuku watched in horror with the realization of his mother was murdered and now eaten, the child who was over his dead mother was devouring his mother, ripping through her intestines and drinking her blood. 

Izuku tried to quietly go to the phone when he accidentally stepped on a squeaky board making noise and drawing the attention to himself as the bloody child cannibal stopped eating his dinner. The child turned around revealing his face. The lower half of his face was covered in blood with his teeth digging right into the dead corpse's organs, his nose was sharp but round and his eyes were midnight black with glowing red pupils. Izuku then realized that it wasn't just a child, it was a child ghoul, and that exact ghoul was eating his now dead mother in his own home in front of him. "So..... she is your mommy, Right??" the child ghoul asked creepily, Izuku, now stiff as a tree tried to answer, but the words could not take their forms from his mouth. The ghoul child took his shuddering as a yes then replied without letting him answer the question, "Sorry about killing her, I was just sooooooo hunger this week that i ended up eating more bodies than needed.". That reply answered most of Midoriya's questions, but the one he wanted to ask the most was, "why her?", "Why the last person he only knew as his family was murdered?", "Why was his mom laying on the floor with her stomach opened lying on the ground being eaten?", "Why?" was the only question he wanted to know at that exact moment, but he didn't have the power or courage to ask any of them.

 The ghoul dropped the organs from his mouth and proceed to turn around in the direction of Izuku. He then asked "What's your name?", Izuku foolishly answered "Iz....I....Izuku Mi.....M....Midoriya". The ghoul boy then smiled horrifyingly creepy and said "looks like your my NEXT MEAL!!!!" as he pounces towards Midoriya. Midoriya reacted in time and dodged the attack," AHHHH!!!!" Midoriya screamed as he jumped out of the way as the ghoul boy crashed hard into the sink. In that Moment Izuku felt weak, scared, and hopeless, as his world has now changed into a reality where his mom is dead and he was soon about to enter into a world of pain as he was the prey and the ghoul boy was the predator.

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