Chapter 3 - everything in the wrong place

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As Midoriya is dragged by the ghoul child, the young detective ran after with his newly obtained injuries. every half a block, the ghoul child would lose speed and the detective would catch up. Midoriya, on the other hand, struggles to break free from the ghoul's clutches, as he continues to be dragged along, he manages to grab a pipe and hit the ghoul. the impact caused the ghoul child to lose their grip on Midoriya and tumble hard into a car. Midoriya got up but could barely run as the grip from the ghoul child burrowed deep into his leg. However, Midoriya was trying to avoid the thought of his pain as he ran back to the detective. The detective was glad that the young child was able to escape and ran as fast as he could to him, but as soon as they were close before he could blink the ghoul child came from the side and grabbed Midoriya by the arm.

With a chilling shock, Midoriya screamed in more pain as this time, the ghoul child snapped his bones with their grip. The detective so exhausted couldn't stop for breath as he knew the worst was yet to come. He continued to chase after the kidnapped child as he followed them into a construction site. The ghoul child was gaining more speed as they used the metal beams to sling themselves to build up speed. Without hesitating, the detective pulled out his gun as he gasps for air, being exhausted of oxygen, he had a difficult time trying to aim. But the moment he had his shot lined up, he pulled the trigger and took the shoot. as the bullet left the muzzle with a flash behind it, it traveled faster than the ghoul child and pierced through its shoulder, knocking both of them down.

they landed on a platform of the structure that seems to be a new building complex. As Midoriya and the ghoul child had a hard landing, with the ghoul child smashing through a wall while Midoriya smacked back first on a pillar, with the impact so does his gasp of air. As he lied down on the floor of the unfinished building, he struggles to gain air for his nearly crushed lungs, he had a moment of peace, but it wasn't a good kind. this was the kind of peace that happened when something bad happened, as Midoriya lied there he had traumatizing visions of his mother's body back home and reliving those moments. No matter how much he tries he couldn't shake away that moment. With no end to the repeating memory, he tried to get up but had no luck, with all the energy taken from the crash all he could do was wiggle. Just as he gave up hope, he heard something, he couldn't tell what it was but he knew one thing, it was coming towards him. Without a second thought, he tried to muster up more energy to get his body up to get away but failed with every try. The sounds came quicker and louder and Midoriya only knew that it was coming towards him, with no hope left he closed his eyes and cried for the worst, wishing for his mom to come. when the sounds were at their loudest, he braced himself for what was to come, only to be met with grace. "Hey, wake up.. come on, wake up!!" an older voice said. As Midoriya opens his eyes, he saw the Detective above, taking him into his arms while being careful not to damage anything else.

"Oh my god!" said the detective in a panic manner as he scans the wounded child's body to assess the damage. He knew very clearly that the child needs to get to the hospital to recover, so without a second thought he spoke in his radio."All units, get to the construction site behind the apartment complex and bring an ambulance as well. I have a child here with major injuries and needs medical attention. And Hurry! the ghoul is also here, I repeat the ghoul is also at the construction site.". Before he could let go of the button, A concrete smashing sound occurred, Sounding as if someone is trying to climb by digging into the hardened rock. The detective froze as he was shocked that the ghoul was still awake, he thought that the ghoul would take longer to recover but he was dead wrong, "oh shit" he said shockingly. As soon as he picked up Midoriya and got up, a claw should up from the ledge at the opposite of them with the ghoul child pulling his head up. His face looked scared as if a knife was slashed across his face. "You FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" yelled the ghoul child, "That was a dick move, know how am I supposed to tell my dad about this?!" as he yelled in frustration, he pulled the rest of his body up, showing a pole jabbed inside his upper hip with their close torn and covered in blood.

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