Chapter 2 - Running from death

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"HEY, THAT WAS A DIRTY TRICK!!!!" yelled the ghoul child. "NOW YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET IT!", after the last word Midoriya got up and ran just as the ghoul child was preparing to leap at him. Just as Midoriya opened the door, the ghoul child bounced off the floor and directly towards Midoriya. Izuku was able to dodge the attack swiftly with almost a centimeter distance between his face and the ghoul child's claw. The ghoul child than crashed into the wall directly outside the apartment door and fell to the ground while Midoriya made a quick recovery and dashed away. However the ghoul child was able to get up and as Midoriya took a quick look to see his threat, the ghoul was smiling when he yelled: "WHERE ARE YOU GOING THERE IS NO PLACE TO HIDE, NO HELP IS COMING, YOUR AS GOOD AS DEAD!!". With fear being his only guidance and the unforgettable sight of his dead mother,  Izuku could only cry and run, hoping for someone to come and rescue him.

Just before the next bend, footsteps coming from in front of him. When he reached the bend, a grown-up appeared in a trench jacket and a gun in their hand. He was relieved and frightened at the same time when he saw someone else that isn't a ghoul, but that relief only lasted for not even a quarter of a second, that was all interrupted with the ghoul boy rushing towards them. The man shoots several bullets at the ghoul before grabbing Izuku and runs away. Izuku realized that the man was from the police when he saw him use his radio calling for help from someone on the other end as they both run from the threat. By the time they reached the stairway, the detective shot several more rounds before slamming the door shut and ran with Midoriya to the main floor. Midoriya confused about why the detective was here and wanted to ask him a question, but that never happened as they dashed through the door and were met with the ghoul from the side.

 Before the detective could even pull his gun, the ghoul knocked him so hard into his car that it left a dent and the detective unconscious. Midoriya tried to run away, but he wasn't fast enough and the ghoul strikes him hard enough for him to hit the wall with a thud and a cough of blood from the impact with tremendous pain, all that without getting unconscious, although, he wished he did. As young Midoriya clears his throat filled blood, the child ghoul crawled towards him. The ghoul child then said angrily: "Now you're being a pain in the ass, people heard this and the cops are coming. Let's go somewhere quiet". 

The ghoul child then grabbed Midoriya's foot and began to drag him into a dark alleyway. Young Midoriya used his remaining strength to resist the drag, but he didn't have enough after the throw. All he can do now is try to wiggle out and cry for help. He tried to call out to the detective, but he didn't wake up. As he continued to be dragged away he began to cry for help trying to do everything he can to escape. Before he was dragged into the alleyways shadow curtain he gave out one last cry and yelled: "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

His yell woke up the detective as he tries to get his mind together after being hit so hard. He got up slowly and once his head was clear, he panicked as he was all alone in the parking lot. That phase passed as he heard the sound of a body being dragged into the alleyway. He didn't hesitate for another second as he quickly but painfully grabbed his gun and dragged himself towards the sound as quickly as he possibly can. The only thing he was thinking about was saving the young child and stopping the ghoul from claiming another victim. 

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