I Don't Know Where to Start

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"I'm worthy?" I didn't understand. I was in this room for all but three minutes, and I was already said to be worthy of the sanctuary? "How?"

"Gia," Langdon kicked back in his seat and clasped his fingers together. "tell me about yourself-- your past."

"What about my past?" Not that I could remember anything, but what exactly was he asking for?

"Anything. Tell me about you." His voice got deeper. I sat there trying to think, but my mind was completely blank.

"I can't." I wanted to take my response back and rephrase it.

"You can't?" He furrowed his brows.

"I, uhm... I can't remember anything." Now I was scared, and I didn't know why. "I woke up like two hours ago. I don't remember getting here, I don't remember the bombing, I don't remember anyone. I don't remember anything. I just have a huge painful wound on the back of my head and-" I stopped myself there as I started to cry. I covered my mouth in shock. It was a flash of impulse to just start crying about it. Langdon's eyes shifted from cold to concerned.

"I'm- I'm sorry." I slightly choked on my words. I quickly wiped my face and took a deep breath. "Please. If you know how and why I'm here, please, just tell me."

"What is it that frightens you the most?" He asked softly. His tone was surprising to me because it was completely different. "Are you afraid to die ...alone?"

"No. I don't care for death. I care about everything I'm at a loss for. I'm afraid I won't remember anything and this will be all I have to remember and take with me to my grave."

My response left him silent. We stared at each other for awhile. It wasn't a staring competition, nor was he sending me negative looks. We just exchanged stares with one another.

Eventually, Langdon raised his chin up and sighed, bringing his chin back down. "I wish I could help you with your memory. I understand your grievance. But, since you are to come to the sanctuary, you can make new memories there. Or maybe there will be someone or something to bring your memories back."

I just remained quiet and let him speak. He almost sounded sarcastic. "I can help you with your injury. I've been hurt before, and I've seen others hurt too. So I have some experience." A little odd...

Langdon got up from his seat and made his way to me. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to show him my scar. I turned my head and parted my hair the best I could so he was able to see the whole thing.

"My..." his voice was so soft and gentle, fascinated even. I felt his body warmth as he stood closer to me to get a better look. He had placed his hand over mine that was holding my hair up, and delicately pressed my hand down to my lap. I turned and looked in his direction. With his other hand, he caressed my cheek. "Don't you worry. It will heal soon, and the pain will subside so that you won't be in much pain any longer."

"Langdon is an interesting name." I responded with the same soft tone.

"You can call me Michael." He grinned. It seemed as though he was closer. He slowly moved closer and closer to me and I didn't even notice. He was just so mesmerizing. The heat was now comforting, and I felt lured in. It made me uncomfortable in a childish way.

"Michael." I repeated him.

"I'll only allow you to call me that." He picked up my hand and pressed his warm lips to the back of my hand. I felt the heat travel from his lips to my face.

I took my hand back and stood up from my seat. I was dizzy and I couldn't really breathe. I felt a panic attack starting. Michael's face was full of confusion as I held my chest, gasping for air more and more as my throat closed up. It felt as thought I was sucking air through one of those tiny red straws you stir coffee with.

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