Can You See What I See?

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"I'm trying to figure you out." Michael took a slow walk around me, examining me up and down with his eyes.

"What is there to figure out?" I asked.

"Nothing that you wouldn't know." He smiled.

"What is that supposed to-"

"You're excused, Gia. Do try to avoid killing the others." I rolled my eyes and quickly left his room.

I was done with this odd shit coming from him, and well, everyone. The frustration made my head ache. I decided to lap around the upstairs halls to calm down and clear my head. As I did so, I tried to memorize each bedroom I passed and who's it was just for shits and giggles. It was better than dwelling on the things and people that irritated me.

I had entered in one of the many halls, and the second one down the left side I recalled was Gallant's. I walked up to his closed door, feeling drawn to it. I gently placed my hand on the door and I felt a strong wave hit me/ Tingles ran into my fingertips and through my body. I saw blood. Lots of blood. Gasps and cries. It was a heavy and dark feeling. I was inside of the room, and on the bed was Gallant. He looked mortified as he sat on top of Evie, his grandmother who laid lifeless beneath him. Evie's chest was full of blood and wounds, and Gallant held the blood covered scissors in his fist. I noticed something above them... a full figure in a black latex body suit in the corner of the ceiling. I could feel it watching me. I yanked hand off the door and broke free of the vision. It was like having an episode.

Panic washed over me, making me more afraid. I wanted to cry. But I couldn't. I had to deal with things one at a time, starting with how I just saw what I did. I didn't understand, and that black suit... I can't. I walked to another familiar bedroom.


I hesitated at first trying to touch it because I was scared, but I had to know. I forced myself and pressed the whole palm of my hand against the door. The feeling was less violent and the energy was... sensual. I saw Timothy and Emily kissing on his bed.

"This one kiss thing is bullshit." Emily said frustratedly.

"I know, but we have to keep ourselves from being killed. Ms. Venable and her posse are scary and I don't think either of us want to face them more than we have to. We got to make it to the sanctuary." Timothy reasoned with Emily sweetly.

I figured those two were up to something. They were always so close to one another.

I pulled away from the door and took a moment to take in what I just saw. I must be tripping. I went to another bedroom door. Coco's.

I was still a bit afraid and hesitant to believe, but how else am I going to know?

I touched Coco's door, and man did I feel off. It wasn't the same energy or vibrations.

I was in the bathroom, and god was I confused as fuck. Coco was on the toilet with her hands up and staring at Mallory who was standing in front of her.

"You can't be serious." Mallory said very unamused.

"My nails are wet. Wipe me!" Coco yelled.

I immediately pulled away and walked out of the hall. That... that was something else. Even though I had saw Evie's murdered body, I was so much more disgusted by Coco. I felt horribly bad for Mallory. I knew Coco was awful towards her, but not like that. But I was very confused by how it felt. It wasn't really dark or negative, it was neutral almost. If Coco was such a negative person, then why don't I feel it? I felt the heaviness and fear from Gallant, and the negativity from that thing in the suit.

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