What's Wrong With You?

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"What do you mean you don't know?" Michael scowled at me so bitterly.

"You say you deem me fit without a good reason, and if I have to be honest I don't quite trust you.. or anyone here for that matter." I answered with the small bit of confidence I could gather.

"You can't just be grateful that I'm saving your life without you having to try like everyone else in here?-"

"That! That right there." I disrupted him. "Why do they have to but not me? What did I do? What did I do to even be alive here right now?"

Michael was frozen with an unpleased look and no answer to my question. A quick debate with myself flashed by in half a second. I just shook my head and decided then and there to give up.

"I won't argue with you or try to incite an argument. I won't deny your hand in deciding to save my life. I'm sorry for questioning you and being ungrateful and wasting your time." I held my head down.

I get that yes this man is really odd and something is up, but I don't have the greatest chance of surviving given what has happened to the world. I do want to live. I do want to be safe and protected. Even if it means kissing ass to a strange man who's power I depend on.  As we stood there in silence, I felt drained and uneasy. This negative energy surrounded me. I didn't understand what it was, but I only felt it when I was near Michael.

"Apology accepted." He spoke. "It's okay to be a bit confused and uncomfortable given that you don't know anyone here. We are all strangers to one another. But that is how life started anyways-- meeting and then getting to know a stranger."

I found the balls to raise my head and look Michael in the eye. He was absolutely handsome and hard to not look at. He may have been intimidating, but he was good looking either way. Michael walked up to me and grinned. He slowly ran both hands up my arms to my shoulders, and held them firmly. He just smiled at me adoringly. His hands cupped my face and he took a step closer to me. Our bodies nearly touching. I felt his legs brushing up against mine, he was that damn close. Michael was entirely in my space.

"What are you feeling right now?" Michael asked. I choked on my anxiety, at a loss to answer. I felt compelled and unable to move. I was stuck, staring into his blue eyes. I literally couldn't move no matter how hard I tried. His face was so close to mine and only grew closer. "Hm?"

"I-" I was able to choke out. My heart began to race and my fear levels were through the roof.

Knocking on the door freed me. Michael dropped his hands and walked away from me to the door. My body just dropped. It felt like my whole body was an extreme weight that I could not bear to carry until all of that weight just vanished. I put in a lot of my energy to fight through it that it drained me entirely. I hit the cold floor so violently that it startled Michael when he went to open the door.

I just remember my head hitting the ground, some muffled voices of worry, and someone grabbing me.

I woke up in my room some time later by a massive headache. I was tucked into my bed and to my surprise was Michael sitting at the end of my bed, waiting for me.

"What happened?" I said. Michael looked at me in shock and got up to be near me.

"How do you feel?" He asked. The sound of concern was tied into his words.

"What happened?" I asked once more.

"You fainted and hit your head." He answered.

"Well that explains the pain." I pushed myself up to sit up. Michael's hands held my face again, truly concerned. He examined me and then my head. He felt around for the lump that had grown on the left side of my head near my temple.

"I'll have them bring up some ice and your meal." Michael's worry really made me more uneasy than I already had been with him.

"Jello isn't much of a meal." I sputtered out without thinking. "Sorry." I quickly took it back.

"Take this." He held out his closed fist towards me. I held my hand under his, and dropped two pills into my palm. "It'll suffice for now."

"Thank you." I said and took the glass of water that was on the night stand beside my bed.

Michael stood up and walked out of my room. I swallowed down the pills that looked like Tylenol. I was trying to remember what happened. All I recall was apologizing to Michael, then blank.

What the fuck?

"Gia." Someone said. I slowly woke up, becoming fully conscious. Realizing someone had called my name, I jumped out of bed as quickly as I could. It was Michael.

I fell to my knees, I had gotten up too fast and my head was still hurting. Not only was my new head injury hurting, my first head injury was hurting too.

"I thought those pills you gave me were pain meds." I held my aching head. I felt Michael's presence shift around the room, I didn't have to hear or see him. He was quickly at my side, and he pulled me up to my bed.

"You need to be careful. I won't always be around to assist you. You need to be better than that." Michael said. I glared at him, but he just ignored my stare. He examined my stitched scar, then the growing lump. Every time we were near each other, we were so close. I examined his facial features, admiring his lips and eyes. There was something so beautiful about him, and in that moment I told myself that it was everything. I scolded my thoughts. Michael shifted his eyes to mine and smirked. "You're okay." He said.

I was frozen once again. There was this aching tension between us. I wanted to lunge myself on top of him all of a sudden. I bit my lip unknowingly. I watched Michael's eyes shift down to my lips then back to my locked gaze. I broke the trance and dropped my head. Michael's hand traveled down from my head to my chin, lifting my head up.

He didn't hesitate to bring our faces close together. The tips of our noses touched, and his smirk remained plastered on his face.

"You want this." He whispered. I was speechless. "Don't you, Gia?"

"I-" I choked again, my mouth gaping open with a loss for words. I felt my body wanting to gravitate closer to him, like magnets. My heart was beating so fast.

"You what?" He asked, wanted me to finish what I wanted to say. I began to feel weak and hazy. I felt light like a feather. I pushed myself away and stood up. I walked to the other side of the room nervously.

"Uhm, I'm tired that's all." I said and rubbed one of my palms anxiously. Michael looked a bit agitated but his cold expression returned. He stood up and started to walk towards me ever so slowly. It scared me a bit. Michael walked right up to me. With each step towards me, I took a step back, up until he had my back to the wall.

"You're afraid." He said.

"Of what?" I asked trying to be tough.

"Of me." His voice was deep. He smirked evilly. "Don't be. I won't do anything you wouldn't want me to do."

His words were so strange, and like a tease.

I still felt that urge to have his body against mine. As if my body had a mind of its own, my hand was on his chest. Michael looked down at my hand which slowly traveled down to the brim of his pants. My index finger traced the top of his pants. I brought my face close to his as he did to me just earlier. Michael looked up at me surprised and speechless. He tried to look composed, but already failed to do so from the start.

"I'm not." I whispered, then slipped away from him. I sat on my bed and took a quick deep breath, realizing what I just did. Michael turned around and looked at me. The fear gathered up in my chest once more.

"I don't play games." Michael said.

"Neither do I." I spoke the same way as him.

Hi guys! I'd appreciate any feedback so feel free to comment and message!

G <3

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