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"So what would you like me to do?" Michael was a whole other person behind closed doors. I mentally kicked myself to keep it together.

"Keep me alive." I responded.

"Already guaranteed." He chuckled. "What else?"

I felt incredibly hot, making me uncomfortable in my clothing. I hated the heat, especially in an enclosed space where I couldn't really breathe or move. Given being up against a wall and between that and Michael's body, I was automatically agitated. It made me claustrophobic almost. I didn't like the feeling of being trapped and unable to escape.

"Its too hot." I said and brought my hands up to Michael's chest to push him away but didn't move him at all.

"What are you going to do about it?" Michael seductively spoke into my ear. His breath and lips tickled my ear. I don't know why such weird areas of the body were the most sensitive to touch. I muffled a soft moan, but my discomfort was more overcoming than Michael's seducing. 

"I thought you didn't play games." I was growing weaker. It was like the energy was being drained from me. The room looked darker. I felt sick, but not frozen.

"I don't." He lips touched my neck ever so gently.

"Then why are you playing right now?" My voice wasn't so kind. His head shot up to look at me. "How do you suck the energy out of me every time you're around me?"

"You still need to adjust to the living arrangements. Not having fresh air or sunlight can be very depriving." He answered with no hesitation and spoke with confidence. And just like that he flipped the attention back on me, "Answer my question, Gia."

"Which question? You've asked plenty." I was only becoming more annoyed with him.

"What are you feeling?" He tilted his head to the side and caressed my waist.

"Not this." I kept myself composed as did Michael. Seeing him not react as I wanted him to or expected only made me more upset yet sort of turned on. This part of me was triggered and I didn't know what to do about it because I still don't remember a thing. Have I been touched before? Have I even had sex? What do I even do? My head isn't the only part of my body that has a brain... "Let me ask you a question. What were those pills you gave me?"

Michael raised his eyebrows amused by me and just about everything I said or did.

"I told you," he smirked and brought his face close to mine again, "some pain medication."

"No, you didn't tell me what it was at all. I passed out after I took them." I could feel heat rising to my cheeks as anger started to burn through me.

"Yes, strong pain medication that makes you sleepy. There is such things." He mocked me with that smug smile. I shoved him away. Now  I was infuriated. At first I was surprised because it just happened, I didn't even think of pushing him away, but I knew I wanted to do something to show my anger.

"I'm leaving." Michael grabbed me and kept me from moving from my spot. "What do you want?" I spat.

I quickly regretted being so rude. It isn't an ideal way to act or react just because I was upset. But I was also afraid of how Michael was going to react to me. He towered over me. I froze up. His touch felt like static... his presence was suddenly weighing down on me. My sickness worsened; I couldn't handle the negative energy his touch was emitting onto me, but I fought it. I didn't want to pass out again. I gripped onto Michael's arms for support, but it was the worst thing I had done.

It felt like a thousand bolts shocking through me in waves. Images flashed through my mind. Images of an ugly, scary white face grinned at me. Then this horrid burning sensation was rising up my arms, stemming from where I held Michael.

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