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"Ugh, why are you so cheerfull its 7AM?" I ask hearing Montana blasting Billy Idol.

"Why aren't you?" She asked back.

"Uh, because it's fucking 7 AM." I answer.

"Ok miss grouch ass. I get it you're not a morning person. But hurry up. Xavier will be here any minute to pick us up." She says.

So we walk out to his van after hearing him beep the horn. I always shake my head at his cheesy front license plate "vanta-c."

"Good morning ladies." He says cheerfully.

"Oh God, not you too. It's too early for this." I say piling in the back as Monty takes her usual spot up front.

"Oh, forgot she's Lucifer in the mornings." He says putting the van in gear.

"Bite me X." I reply flipping him off.

"Gladly, doll." He says winking at me through the rearview.

We make our way to the gym where Xavier teaches summersize class (Which all our friends attend, except me) and I work at the juice bar. I'm glad to have a job, but this place sucks.

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"Finally, another boring shift over." I say plopping on the couch beside Brooke.

"Yeah, I hear ya. Need a change of scenery." Ray says from behind Xavier.

"Speaking of that, I got a gig as a counselor at a summer camp a couple hours from here. You guys should all come." Xavier suggests.

"Cool, when do we leave?" Ray asks.

"Tomorrow after class." He answers.

"Will they let me teach aerobics?" Montana asks.

"Don't see why not." He replies again.

"Why can't we leave tonight? I wanna be outta here before the Olympics start." Chet pipes up.

"Oh fuck not this again." I say runnyng my hand through my hair.

"I'm all for leaving tonight, the news says theres a killer on the loose, they call him the night stalker." Brooke adds.

I choke on my smoothie. Fuck, this can't be happening.

"How bout you Amy? We could use more estrogen in this group." Montana looks over at me.

"Y-yeah I'm in, definately need to get outta here." I answer.

"Agreed, don't wanna be in LA this time of year, could cost you your life." Brooke says.

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"There you are, was beginning to think you stood me up." I say as Montana finally shows up to our designated meeting spot.

"Oh shut up Rick. I had to make an excuse as to why I'm going out this late.

"Well, what's the news?" I ask.

"I have your perfect opportunity to get Amy out of the way." She says.

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