It's Complicated

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Fuck my head hurts. I remember getting out of the cuffs and was just about to tuck and roll before everything went black. I crawled up front after realizing the police officer was either passed out or dead, and opened the door falling out of the car. I slowly stood up, touching the spot on my head that hurt the most and pulled a large shard of glass out.

"Ahh fuck." I hissed.

"Baby girl?" A voice said approaching me.

"Ricky? Wha- how?" I said squinting my eyes making sure it was really him.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm alive. Satan brought me back." He replied, now in front of me tucking hair behind my ear.

For some reason I hugged him tightly, letting myself sob into his chest. He walked me to the car, still embracing me. But I stopped as I saw jingles sitting in the passenger seat.

"YOU! Why did you bring him!?" I seethed through my teeth.

"Whoa whoa, I'm an ally now." Jingles replied.

"Fuck that!" I said before pulling the gun from Ricks jeans. Pointing it right at his temple through the open window.

"Amy, babe. As much as I love this new you, we have to get the fuck outta here. We can deal with this later. C'mon." Rick said quickly taking his gun back.

"Fine, but I call shot gun." I said opening the door crossing my arms waiting for jingles to move.

"You heard her key man, move your ass." Rick said when he didnt budge.

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"Miss, are you ok?" A remaining officer asked as I appeared after Rick sped off in his car.

"I'm fucking dead!" I shouted, taking his gun from his holster.

"Hold on we can figure this out." He said putting his hands up.

"Ya think I'd get the chair if I killed you right now?" I asked cocking the gun.

"Most definately." He replied before I shot him.

"Agree to disagree." I said stepping over his body.

Ray and Jonas just stood there dumbfounded.

"Y'all got this purgatory thing all wrong. We can be Gods here." I said walking back to camp.

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I can't believe that bitch killed me after I fuckin saved her. I should've listened to Amy. Oh fuck, Amy wonder if she made it out? Is she here too? I gotta find her.

"Amy!?" I started calling for her running through camp.

I went back to the cabin to see if she was there.

"Why are you calling for that bitch?" Montana asked as I entered.

"Where is she? Is she here?" I asked.

"No she got arrested for killing me." She answered grinning.

"What!?" I asked almost choking. I couldnt believe this.

"Ugh, long story short, I brought the night stalker here to rid her because I was jealous. Then I saw how much you 2 liked eachother and called it off. But Ricky just used me to find her again, then one thing led to another and she fucking butchered me." She explained.

I was speechless and plopped myself on a nearby matress. Then Ray, Chet, and Jonas walked in.

"Has anyone seen Brooke?" Ray asked.

"No, maybe she got out." Montana replied.

"What is this place? I just wanna go home." I said staring at the floor.

"This is home now." Jonas said.

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I was riding with Donna (Rita) in her car after we ran into each other in the woods. She expressed how she was sorry and how she witnessed Rick be resurrected after jingles killed him. We were on our way to her car when we saw Amy being arrested. We followed behind, but far enough to not be noticed. We saw the accident and how she got in the car with Rick and jingles and decided we had to follow them and save Amy.

"Can't really blame her for killing Montana though. It was self defence." I said as Donna lit a smoke.

"I know, but there's darkness in her too, we have to get to her before she completely gives into it. We also have to proove it was self defence before the police catch her again." Donna replied exhaling.

"One thing's for sure, all of this is because of Margaret. You saw how she pinned it all on Amy." I said rolling down my window to keep her smoke out of my face.

"Yes, she also used jingles as a part in 70.  We need to keep up with her and get our proof. I know Amy has become your best friend, but we gotta focus on Margaret first." Donna explained.

"Agreed, that bitch needs to be taken down once and for all." I agreed as we reached the interstate.

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I finally made it home to my mansion and plopped down on my couch.

"Courtney! Bring me a sparkling water." I called out.

Within a matter of seconds the short chubby man handed me my drink.

"Here Margie. So how are you feeling? That mustve been awful to go through again." He said setting beside me.

"I'm ok. I'm a survivor. I have the Jesus in my corner. The Lord helps those who help themselves." I answered taking a drink.

Just then the phone rang from the other side of the room.

"I'll get it." Courtney said standing and rushing over.

I continued to drink my water as I heard him speak on the phone. Suddenly he was back beside me covering the speaker.

"It's for you, you're gonna wanna take this." He said, stretching his arm out.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Mrs. Booth. I'm sorry but Amy Bennett has escaped custody." A detective from the police station said.

"Oh my God how?" I asked.

"There was an accident, the officer is dead but she wasn't on scene. Theres a statewide man hunt for her. Makesure you protect yourself, lock your doors and windows and do NOT approach her just call us immediately if you see her." He explained befire hanging up.

"FUCK!" I yelled chucking the phone across the room. This is NOT good.

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