Double Trouble

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"Hey! No alcohol." I say startling the teens as I enter the cabin. The hot blonde biting her lip as soon as I walk past.

"Its you." She says seductively and I wink at her.

"Who are you?" Another pretty girl sitting beside a rep life Ken doll says.

"Trevor, another counselor." I say tsking a beer from their cooler.

"You look familiar." The beefed up one says.

"I was in the Jane Fonda work out video." I say.

"I've seen that video hindreds of times, you're not in it." The goody two shoes states.

"That's not the original one. They had to take me out. I was a distraction." I say gesturing to my crotch region.

"The first thing I ever masturbated to." The hot blonde says, practically creaming her pants right there. "It's getting hot in here." She adds walking out, giving me THE look. So I follow her.

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"What are you doing?" I say cautiously as Rick makes a weird sigil of moons. A full moon in the middle, a dark crescent moon on thr bottom and a light crescent moon on the top.

"I told you, I'm bringing Lilith back." He replies. Lighting the red and black candles he has on either side of the sigil.

He motions for me to come over and sit in front of him. But I don't budge. He gets angry and marches ober to the bed where I'd been sitting after he let me shower and holds a buck knife to my throat.

"I said come. Here." He says jerking me by the arm and throwing me to the floor. I wince in pain.

"I'm sorry baby, but I need you to cooperate." He says carressing my cheek. I know its weird but I feel a little bit better as he does this.

He instructs me tohold his hands as he recites the incantation.

"Lilith, mother of demons. I have your vessel, we invoke the." He chants. Then the candles start flickering and his eyes turn black.

"Who...what the fuck are you!?" I panic, breathing faster.

"I am .... The Night Stalker. And you are my queen, Lilith." He replies with a sinister smile as he cuts my palm.

"Stop!" I shout. But he ignores me. And continues to invoke her.

Shortly I feel a surge of electricity humming through my veins. And my consciousness goes blank.

"She's not ready yet, dear child." Lilith says to Rick.

"WHAT!? WHY?" He growls.

"My love, I cannot fully reclaim my soul in hers until she foregoes great pain. For pain will open the door to her soul to allow me to enter." Lilith explains.

"I can cause her pain." He says ince again gettong his knife.

"No! Not physical pain. Pain of the heart, the soul." She uses Amy's body to block his movements.

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