Jason's Conundrum

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-Jason POV-
"Her outfit was simple green, black and purple with gold lining." I mumble softly to myself, looking for any file Bruce might have had on her, the Riddler fangirl. I had not recognize her from any crime before to night but she was no rookie villain. Strange enough, the mysterious girl had no file in Bruce's database. The only conclusion I could come with was that she had deleted prior to this event. The emblem on her chest was the only thing which faintly gave her away. A green question mark. Why would she wear something so obvious if she prefered to remain a mysterious. Nothing about this girl made sense...unless...that's it! She had no choice in the matter of her outfit! Yes that had to be it. My fingers type quickly trying to find some relation to the Riddler. Any obsessed followers or girlfriends or something that had a direct correlation with him. A newspaper headline pops up which catches my eye. The only thing remotely similar to my theory was a mysterious calling card of some sorts. It was found 2 years back at an explosion sight. The computer seems to take forever to load, the bars moving slowly while I try to pull up the picture of the card. Finally the images loads. I groan, seeing it was hardly an image. Far to blurry to make out any detail on the object. At first glance there seemed to be a scribble on it. Resembling a faint image of a 3? No it was an E? or maybe a B? Great, I'm back to square one.

I groan, resting my head on the back of the chair.This new villian girl was driving me insane, I knew absolutely nothing about her. No motives, no patterns, past experiences she was exactly what she wanted to be, a conundrum. What if she striked again but this time on a more mass scale, what if she hurt people this time? I had to figure this out before the citzians of Gotham got hurt. She had already planted a virus on Wayne Enterprises system, corrupting it almost instantly. Beep Beep The alarm on my phone started to ring, it was 7 am already? All night I had been focused on her stupid riddle. Her voice still echoed in my mind; I am the beginning of eternity, the end of every crime. Figure it out for you don't have much time. Find me at the end of space, or the beginning of every end and the end of every place. I had it written down infront of me so I would not forget it.Ha, like that was possible. The stupid riddle had consumed my night. What the hell did it mean? She spoke as if her name was the asnwer to the riddle. The notepad beside me had my latest asnwers on it, all of which crossed out; stars, moonlight,jail,law. Honestly, I've got nothing.

"Where could they have disappeared too?" I sigh tiresomely, slamming my fist down on the desk. Lately I have been stressed out. Not only had rumours been surfing about Joker planning an escape on arkham and Riddler shifting a more center focus on Batman with his game and this mysterious villain girl to deal with. Now, Emily was missing. She had completely disappeared the night after the gala. I mean there was no trace of her anywhere. Her house was completely vacant minus a few items tossed about through her place. What if she never made it home that night? Gotham was plagued with drug loads, pimps and god knows what else. I couldn't help to feel at fault if something did happened to her. After the gala, Emily didn't take my teasing well and ran off. I wasn't actually going to kiss her, just mess with her. Prove she was scared of a silly kiss. How was I supposed to know she didn't understand a joke. She literally flipped shit. A complete over reaction if you ask me. Something about her was just...off.

My eyes focused down at the sketch again, creating knots in my mind. The new villainness did manage one thing; two advils and my headache was still throbbing. Why couldn't this brat make things easy. The worst part was she escaped without me receiving any detail on her or what she did. I only found out about the virus after I arrived back at the Batcave. Wait, there was another thing that bothered me. She outsmarted me. The first time I fought her and she had me conviced their was a bomb in the room. How could I be so stupid? Of course there was no bomb, she wouldn't want to be caught in the debree or risk injury with that cocky attitude of hers. Bruce would arrive back in the cave at any minute. Hopefully, he picked up the Riddler so he could answer some questions of mine. To my dismay Batman came back empty handed, "No luck." I state plainly, leaning back into the black metal seat. He gave a slight nod, pulling of his wetten crowl. The rain first started to patter when I left Wayne enterprises and now it was at a complete downpour. News reporters called it the storm of a century.

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