The Ski Masked Imbeciles

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~Emily's POV~


God, couldn't he just leave me alone. He could have blown my cover with his stupid stalking. The screeching of a car's tires was the first sound that caught my attention. It sounded relatively close, drowning out Jason's voice. My head turn around to see what the commotion was. Immediately I'm faced with bright headlights which blind me. Quick to react I dive, smacking down hard onto the wet pavement. Blood ran down the side of my cheek as I sat up. The van had stopped on the exact spot I had been standing just moments before.
"Em! Em are you okay?" Jason rushes to my side, trying to help me up. I push him away so he didn't get the idea I needed it. Annoyingly, he sounding like he cared. Why was he so worried if a car hit me or not? What was this kids deal?

"I'm fine just go..."The sound of my voice trailed off as my eyes come to focus on the van. The doors slid open, pushed aside by three men dressed in black. All of them were armed except one whom had a burlap bag in his hand. They fired two warning shots into the air. People raced out of the way, pushing and shoving to get the fuck out of here. Idiots, how did they know they were not running into a trap. You had to keep a calm mind in these situations. The men pointed their weapons at me and Jason. The only two who had yet to move.

"Come on Em, let's get out of here." He went to stand up-POP! One shot fired into Jason's arm, making him fall aside. His eyes widen but not a tear fell from them. Shockingly he did not cry out in pain like a normal wimp would do. He looked angry more than anything. His hand grasped the bullet wound as he stumbled forwards by the force of the bullet. The trio of goons were headed in our direction, moving closer. I notice a thick rope laced in the skinny one's back hand. This was no coincidence. They were here for a kidnapping, thats what it had to be. Who were they after me or Jason? Well duh it had to be the Wayne's ward. Emily Nashton was a no body in this town. The thug was about to fire again when I shove Jason down. The bullet of skimmed by, making a soft whistling noise as it flew past my ear. A near centimeters and it would have hit me. Petty thug, I'd never hired him. He should know better than to miss a shot from this range. Unphased, I jump up to my feet. There was not a doubt in mind, I could take these idiots on. My hands curl up in fists, ready for a fight. Jason seemed to take note and motion for me to help him up. I sigh, pulling Jason up to his feet using his healthy arm up. He better not get in my way.

"What is with you and near death situations?" He grumbled under his breath, hinting it was only a joke. His blue eyes focused on the three men as they lurked closer. Surprisingly, Jason did not seem nervous.

"Hey!" I say almost insulted with his acquisition. I would be annoyed with him if it wasn't so true. My theory was I was drawn to the thrill of them, growing up around the center of it. That was another story which I didn't have time for now. "It could be you, I haven't been in a near death situation since I saw you last." A tiny white lie on my part but who's counting.

The man in a tacky black ski mask was the first to make a move. Isn't ski masks a little on the nose for a thug? I mean talk about clithé. He reached out for my arm, throwing me back against the van. Idiot, now I didn't need to worry about a behind attack. Shouldn't they know better than to be this foolish around the people they are trying to kill? "Very well then." I almost chuckle aloud, creating a sense of confusion with the thug. Pushing off the van, I kneed him in the stomach. Jason seemed to be handling the other gunman himself. I forgot the kid was actually useful in the last fight we were in. Another guy stood behind the ski masked man. I'd worry but he was even more of a meer idiot. He pulled out a taser and shot it off at me. I duck, causing it to strike the car. Let's see if you can do the math that these men fail to comprehend. Rain + Electrical current= if your answer was the man lighting up like a christmas tree. You would be correct. The ski masked man cursed under his breath, recoiling away from me to help his friend.

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