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~Emily's POV~

Soon enough we we're at my place. Jason's blue eyes were beginning to close as we approached the steps. "Hey." I nudge him, "We're almost there, just stay awake." We were both wet, bloody and down right tired. Jason leans up against the brick wall to keep his balance while I unlocked the door.

"Stairs. You've got to be kidding me?" He groaned as we approach the brick cladding. Why was he complaining? The last block he hardly did any of the work himself. Once up the stairs, Jason plopped down onto the closest couch we could find.

"Stay here."I mutter before rushing downstairs. The basement was stocked for almost any injury, considering how often they occur in the line of work I was in. Behind me, I heard Jason weakly mutter something, it sounded like where else would I go. "Where is it? Where is it?" I rush around from room to room before finding the small green first aid kit, a couple towels and Advil. I slap the door behind me as I head back to Jason. I couldn't use anything too fancy on him, he may question it. By the time I had returned Jason had his leg propped up against the couch which was a surprisingly smart move. His jacket was wrapped around a few times, tightly. That was the best effort he could make to put pressure on the wound.

Jason was grinning cockily as I reproached him, strange expression for a man that's been shot. Well unless that man was the Joker. "Talk about an upgrade." He motioned to the room around him as I handed him an Advil. It took me a second to figure out what he meant.

"Oh quiet. I don't want to hear you crap about the old 'dangerous' one."

"I said nothing." He smirked smugly, thinking that he had me tangled in my own web of words. The thing he didn't know was I'm probably the last person he could pull that on. I poured the cleaning chemicals over his leg, hoping the stinging sensation would shut him up.

Jason's whole body cringed in pain, trying his best to act strong. I hold back a grin, knowing how badly the medicine stung. "Shit." He curses, reaching for his throbbing leg. "What happened to giving a guy a warning?" He complained.

"Warning, your arms next." I dump the other half of the bottle onto his shoulder. It forms small bubbles around his wound. He shutters, biting his tongue in an effort not to scream out in pain.

"Gee, thanks." His voice radiated sarcasm, eyes rolling at my careless warning. Jason was quiet for a moment, letting the pain die down a bit. Weakly, he tried to lift his head up to get a better glimpse of the place. I place a pillow behind him so he could sit upright. What was he looking at? Was he suspicious of something, looking for bugs, did he find my hidden weapons? Why hasn't he spoken up yet? The silence was killing me, making me think he's discovered something. His expression frowns looking behind me. Behind me? What was behind me? The door. Oh god please say my father hasn't decided to show up. He seems to be holding his breath, letting it out as slowly as possible. "Sorry for the mess."

I turn around confused and a bit relieved. "What mess?" My eyes catch onto the crimson stains of blood that trailed from the front door to the couch. Lucky for me my father was smart man, clever enough not have any carpet flooring in the house. Otherwise I'd never be able to hide Jason's stay from him. The blood would take me a good hour to clean up, that is if I can get Jason to leave here in a fashionable time. For the first time it has occurred to me that my father may visit the place with an assignment. I groan, resting my head in my hands."He's going to kill me." What if this blew my cover? His operation, he'd murder me blind if it did. No, I'm so close to gaining his respect, his trust. He will never know about Jason's stay here nor me actually helping the kid. I'd make sure there was no evidence of it. Calm down, this is what always happens. You over think and stuff goes not as planned. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my flustered thoughts. My father practically lives in his main warehouse, he'll be up half the night creating riddles. Too busy to stop by this place. I'll have plenty of time to fix up the apartment.

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