Chapter 21

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Nobody POV:
A week had past since the... encounter between Evie and Chad. Mal was due to come home today. Evie hasn't seen her since she left to take a shower the day Mal woke up. She spent most of yesterday staring blankly out the window on the window nook.

Evie hasn't seen or spoken to anyone since what happened with Chad. Well, she did contact Mal saying she was sick and couldn't make it back to the hospital, So I guess she spoke to someone since then. But She didn't go out to eat. She barely slept. She just stayed in the room wrapped in blankets and covering up well while sitting on the window nook. Ever since the encounter, Evie had felt more exposed than ever. Not even the huge fluffy coat she had bought when shopping with Audrey, Jane and Lonnie was covering her enough. She just felt naked no matter what she wore or how many layers she had on her.

The blue haired girl kept remembering what Chad did to her and she couldn't go near her bed. Every time she touched it or even looked at it, memories would flash before her eyes. Of course she changed the sheets and covers but the memories were just too painful.

Anyways, Mal was coming home today. Evie wanted to be there leaving the hospital and on the way home with Mal but she just couldn't find the energy to leave her dorm room. She couldn't find the energy to do anything.

At that moment Mal has just opened the door to the room the girls shared.

"Hi!" Mal said excitedly walking into the room. Evie turned her head to her secret crush and forced a smile on her face, wiping away her tears. She got up from the window nook and came over to Mal.

"Hey! How are you?" Evie asked giving Mal a hug. It was kind of awkward. Evie didn't really want to be touched and Mal just wasn't used to hugs. They quickly let go and Evie took a step back from Mal.

"I'm good. How are you? Are you feeling better?" Mal replied with a smile. Evie remembered she had told Mal she was sick. So she put on the act.

"Yea! Yes! Yea I'm getting better. Just a sore throat and headaches." Evie croaked and went back to the window spot. Mal has noticed something was kinda off with Evie. And it wasn't just the sickness.

"You sure you're okay?" Mal repeated walking closer to the girl. Evie smiled widely.

"I'm fine." Evie smiled as hard as she could to make it seem like she was alright. Like nothing had happened. Mal wasn't sure if she believed the blue haired girl but she wasn't going to force an answer out of her.

Mal POV:
"Well I'm going to take a shower and then I'm going to probably go to sleep. It wasn't that easy to do that in the hospital. They always check on you just as you are dozing off. It's so annoying. How have you been sleeping? Sickness can either make it easier or harder to sleep." I rambled on and on to Evie. I was trying to make it seem like I was doing well. Like I wasn't going to just slit my wrists again and kill myself.

But honestly, nothing had changed. I was hospital in the suicide unit for a week where they tried to teach us how to be happy. If that's how you would describe it. But it just made me want to shoot myself more. People think they can just make us happy by telling us we have to look at positives and draw our feelings on paper instead of our skin. My skin is my best art and it's not going to change. Seriously what kind of hospital was that. Completely useless. Probably because nothing super bad like this happens in Auradon. The city of lollipops and sunshine. Evie replying to my rambles snapped me back into reality.

Evie POV:
"I mean sleeps been kinda on the downside. But I'm almost better so I should be sleeping better." I tried to make it seem like everything was okay and I wasn't traumatised of my bed and I could sleep okay for being "sick" when I'm fact I hadn't actually had more than 5 minutes sleep since the day it happened with Chad. And I in fact, am completely uncomfortable with my bed.

"Okay. That's good then." Mal jumped on her bed and laid there. "Ugh this feels so good. Hospital beds are so hard and loud and smell weird. You know."

I replied with a head nod. To be honest, I hadn't been to a hospital before Mal hurt herself. There wasn't any of them on the isle. We were meant to clean up ourselves. Which I always did. But I also would help some of the kids like Dizzy and her friends when they fell off their scooters they bought at Jafars shop. Of course they were going to be terrible.

"Is your bed as comfy as mine?" Mal asked and I stared at her and then at my bed and then back at her and- you get the idea.

"Well I mean it's... it's okay." I replied. Oh no. What's going on? Why am I getting a gross feeling in my stomach and throat. It feels like I'm about to- about to... throw up. Shit.

I ran as fast I could to the toilet bowl and just made it in time before hurling my guts out into the bowl. Mal came to my side in a hurry.

"Oh my god Eves are you okay?" She asked worriedly while holding my hair back as I puked. I continued to unleash the limited amount of food I had over the past week and then finished throwing myself against the nearby wall for support. That made me very weak.


"I'm fine. I just... I just need to get some stuff to help with my sickness." I told the girl and tried to stand up but Mal held me by the shoulders.

"No no, I'll get it. What do you need? Let me get it and you can rest in your comfy bed. How's that?" questioned me with a sympathetic smile.

Bed? No. Nope. Not happening. I need to get out of here.

"No it's okay. I need to get up around to build my um... strength. Let me do this. Thank you for offering though." I stayed before grabbing my bag and walking out completely how I was.

In sweat pants and a t-shirt. Most people would be in class at this time so I wouldn't be seen by many. I hurry down the hallways to the school medicine shop to get some nausea pills. I had thrown up twice this week already. I think I really am getting sick.

"Hey Evie." A cold familiar voice greeted me from behind. Chad.

I turned around to the guy with a ranging expression. "Chad. Get away from me."

"Aww what's the matter darling? Can I do anything?" Chad smiled his creepy smile.

"You hurt me. I will tell someone." I threatened Chad. He just laughed at me.

"Dude. I've done it before and always get away with it. The girls here never talk. If I were you, I'd do that too." Chad warned me smirking like he had all the power. "Actually if I were u, I'd fuck myself everyday."

"Well if I were u, I'd kill myself." I said clenching her fists. I really wanted to punch Chad but I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere. Chad sniggered at my angered expression and walked away.

I was so upset. Chad was such a dick. He was so nice to me and then just changed into a dangerous psycho!

Oh no. I think I have to puke again.


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