Chapter 22

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Nobody POV:
After Evie hurled her last load of puke into the closest toilet she could find, the girl got up, attempted to fix her hair which was already a disaster and went back to her dorm room to clean herself up.

Mal POV:
I was sitting on my bed going through pages and booklets of school work I had missed out on while I was in hospital. Jane had come over to give me the work. There was a lot. I didn't know being gone for a week would give me this much to do.

As that moment I heard a knock on the door and a familiar voice call out.

"Hey Mal you in there?" It was Ben. I smiled. Ben has been a great friend since I went to hospital. We had an argument when he asked me out but now it's okay. Which makes me a little happy.

"Come in Ben!" I called out and soon I was joined by the boy. I turned to him with a decent grin. Better than my usual fake one.

"Hey Mal. You okay? I heard you just got in. Where's Evie?" Ben continued asking questions. They were a bit overwhelming but I know he was just trying to help.

"Evie threw up again so she's going to get some nausea tablets." I explained and went back to flipping pages through the work booklets. "God who knew you could learn so much in a week? Like when I'm there, we do basically nothing. And when I'm not there, we learn a whole school years worth of knowledge in a week!" I complained and Ben just laughed at me.

"Trust me, 2 worksheets and a 3 page booklet isn't that much." The boy stated.

"Well it is for me because I am lazy." I told the boy with a stern facial expression. Again, The blonde just let out a chuckle.

"Anyways how are you?" I asked Ben. He went kind of tense.

"Eh. I'm alright. My parents are getting on my nerves. They just won't stop nagging me about my responsibilities to be king. It's like Jesus Christ let me have a childhood for now!" The boy whined angrily venting to me about his parents. "Otherwise, if I need them, They are busy or not interested."

I noticed how similar it was between the parents in Auradon and the parents in the isle. Sure it might just be ignoring your kids in Auradon instead of bashing them senseless but all the kids in Auradon had something to be sad about. It wasn't just lollipops and rainbows.

"That sucks dude." I said because I didn't know what else to say. I suck at this thing.

"Anyways I have to go, but if you need me, just let me know okay?" Ben got up from the bed and walked towards the door.

"Hey Ben," I called out to him. Ben turned around to face me eagerly. I smiled at the boy. "Thankyou for being a good friend." Ben gave me a huge grin.

"I'm glad I can be that for you." He replied before leaving out of the dorm room.

I was a little happy. Ben and I will never be a thing, but dang he was one great friend.

Carlos POV:
Jay and I had just gotten some burgers meals delivered to the school so we could eat them in our room. My boyfriend was currently playing with his food. He was trying to eat all his fries with no hands and he looks kinda like a dog. It was so cute.

I love Jay. He's amazing. He's so adorable and even though we aren't out yet, we aren't trying to hard to hide it. There is no rush to come out for us. We are happy how we are. Auradon is my home now.

Jay POV:
I was trying to impress Carlos by eating my fries with no hands. I think it is working. He's staring at me with those adorable eyes in that way he does when he's all flushed and in love. I love that boy.

I can't believe I met such an amazing-

BANG! The door crashed open and Evie rushes inside.

"I'm sorry boys," she rushed straight past us and to the bathroom holding her stomach and mouth. I think she's going to puke.

Nobody POV:
Evie sprinted to the toilet and made it just in time before vomiting into the bowl. She hurled her guts out which was starting to become painful. She hadn't eaten a lot in that past week and she was throwing up more than she ate, so most of it was just water or other bodily fluids. She really needed to get some food into her.

Carlos and Jay quickly ran to Evie's aid as she continued to unload into their toilet. Carlos rubber Evie's back as Jay held her hair back so she didn't get any vomit in it. Evie will thank him for that later.

Once Evie had finished, she sat over the toilet with annoyance in her expression.

"Are you okay Evie?" Jay asked the girl.

"God I won't stop throwing up. I don't know what's going on." Evie complained to the boys and they sat beside her in the bathroom.

"How many times have you thrown up this week." Carlos questioned worriedly.

Evie tried to think of the many times s found herself leaning over a toilet or the closest bucket hurling puke from her thin body.

"A good amount. Maybe somewhere around 17 times." Evie answered with shame in her voice. She really hated throwing up. Or being sick in any way.

"Gosh I think you should see a doctor." Carlos suggested continuing to rub the girls back soothingly.

"Maybe you're pregnant hahaha." Jay giggled with a smile. Evie's eyes widened. Shit.

She was forced to have sex with Chad. Definitely without a condom and she wasn't on the pill. Oh my god, maybe a was!

Evie gathered herself and got up from the toilet bowl. She smiled at the boys with one of the fakest smiles she had. She couldn't bring herself to smile normally. She was too hurt and depressed.

"Thanks for letting me use ur toilet. I'll speak to you guys later. Enjoy ur food." The girl thanked the boys before hurrying at a fast pace out the door and into the hallway.

Carlos and Jay turned to each other with disgusted facial expressions.

"I'm not so hungry now." Carlos told the boy. He nodded agreeing.

"I feel dirty and I wasn't even the one tossing cookies." Jay said grabbing himself. Carlos gave Jay a smirk.

"Maybe we should have a shower." The white blonde boy suggested with a grin. Jay copied his expression.

"I agree we should." He stated seductively. Carlos leaned over and pulled Jay by the shirt close to him to kiss his lips. They continued being attached at the lips and they removed each other's cloths and hopped into the shower, turning on the water and... washed each other. Let's just say it definitely wasn't "PG".

Evie POV:
'Oh god no please no please don't make this be happening!' I begged in my head to some higher figure that probably didn't exist.

I rushed into the closest pharmacy down the street from Auradon Prep. I hurried and picked up the last pregnancy test on the shelf and purchased it before sprinting back to my dorm room.

I slipped past Mal who had taken a nap on her bed and walked into my bathroom. I sat on the toilet seat and tried to calm myself down as I had ran all the way here. Man I am really out of shape.

I took the stick out of the box and read the instructions. I've never used one of these before. We didn't have them on the Isle of the Lost.

I peed on the stick and waited 2 minutes for it to process. Those were the longest two minutes of my life. As soon as the timer in my head went off I checked the stick hastily and very worried.

I sat there with wide eyes for a second.

"Oh shit... I'm pregnant." I said in my head.

I was so shocked I didn't move. That's when someone knocked on the door.

"Eves? You in there?" Mal called in and I panicked. I'm on the toilet holding a positive pregnancy test. What am I going to do?


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