Introducing Kyokai

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Introducing Kyokai


Name: Hayashi Kyokai.
Nickname: Kyo-chan, Kai.

Age: 13-14

Hair: black that reaches her mid neck.
Eye color: gray.

Famiglia: Vongola, Varia.

Weapons: tonfas (like Hibari), two katanas, knifes.

Flame: snow.
Flame Color: white.

Personality: cold, sometimes mean, hard worker, scary, kind when you get to know her but she doesn't realize it, protective.

Likes: Sometime fighting, animals, studying, singing and dancing.

Dislikes: people who looks down on her, people die in front of her, loud crowds, those who harm the one she loves, annoying people, losing.

History: Kyokai was born in Italy and raised there till she ran away in the age of 5. A family soon found her and took her in, then moved to Japan because of the father's work.

She learned martial arts to be protected. She met Ryohei in elementary and they went together to Nami Middle school and met Hibari. She stayed only the first year then left at the second year for moving to another house.

Few days after moving to another house the family that took her in died in a car accident so she stayed in her house alone but one of her step father's workers keep her company though it wasn't enough.

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