Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Two days after Kyokai's dream. She went to the roof and met with Tsuna and the others "Gokudera Hayato" she pointed at Gokudera "I'm your new trainer" she said and they stared at her in shock "HEEEEEEEI !!" Tsuna yelled and kept taking glances between Kyokai and Gokudera "no Damn women will train me. I train myself" Gokudera said "wait, your Gokudera-kun's trainer !? Since when !?" Tsuna said "since yesterday" Reborn landed on his head.

"R-Reborn-san !" Gokudera said "Tsuna. Kyokai is joining the mafia and going to test Gokudera's fighting skills, if he failed then she's going to be his new trainer, and if he passed then she's going to join the mafia anyway" Reborn smirked "EHHHHH !!! Your in a mafia !?" Tsuna said then Kyokai held out her tonfa "your too loud herbivore"

Tsuna panicked and accidentally yell again then covered his mouth when he realized what he had done "do you want to be punished ?" Kyokai glared then knocked him out "Judaime ! Your gonna pay for that Damn it !" Gokudera held out his dynamites and stood on his fighting pose "shut up herbivore" she glared then Yamamoto laughed "she's just like Hibari"

"We're not going to use our weapons but since you don't know how to fight without it, then you use your weapons while I don't" Kyokai said "fine" Gokudera glared.

"R-Reborn ! Shouldn't we stop them ?!" Tsuna said, still bruises on his face "there is no need to be worried Deme-Tsuna, this is Kyokai's way in teaching, that's how she trained Hibari before" Reborn explained "how did you know that !?" Tsuna said "you were taking so long in getting the information, so I asked her myself when she gave me the answer in joining the mafia" Reborn explained again then looked at Kyokai "but the look on her face that time told me that she already knew about the mafia" he thought.

"Start" Kyokai said then Gokudera threw his dynamites at her "die !" The dynamites exploded at Kyokai and Tsuna yelled "she didn't even try to dodge it" Yamamoto said "please. You have to do better than that herbivore" they stood there in shock.

When the smoke cleared, Kyokai was just standing there in one piece, not even a scratch on her skin "how did you- it was a direct hit !" Gokudera pulled more dynamites "I faced more than bombs, Ahodera. Try again" she yawned from boredom "why you !" Gokudera threw his bombs again at her but it turned off in mid air. Gokudera looked at Kyokai and saw knives in her hand.

Gokudera threw dynamites again. Kyokai threw knives at the bombs without looking and sliced all the dynamites in half. Kyokai threw the knives at Gokudera and he moved aside from it "you said no weapons !" Gokudera said.

"You should never trust your opponent" Kyokai threw more knives and disappeared. She showed up behind him and hit him with her elbow "s-she's fast" Yamamoto said "you Damn women !" Gokudera stood up from the floor and was about to hit her when she turned around, so that she was in front of him, and punched him twice on his side.

Gokudera suddenly stopped moving and fell on the floor "Gokudera/-kun !!!" Tsuna and Yamamoto rushed to his side "I-I'm sorry Judaime" Gokudera said "why don't you stand up ?" Yamamoto said "because he can't move" Reborn answered "how ?" Gokudera choked out the word "she punched the parts of the body that can send to the brain and order it to stop the body from moving" Reborn explained.

"I'm leaving. He's weak, I'm not going to train him, and your too loud herbivors" Kyokai said "yes, you are leaving" they looked at the roof door "HEEEEEEI !! Hibari-san" Tsuna said.



They glared at each other then Kyokai ended up on Hibari's shoulder "Hibari put me down" Kyokai ordered "shut up herbivore" Hibari walked to the door "who are you calling a herbivore ?" She glared "you didn't come to the Reception Room today. So you need to be punished" he said "you didn't even tell me to come. I have someone to train here" she lied "there is no way your staying with those herbivores" and they were gone.

"Is Hayashi-san going to be ok ?" Tsuna asked worried "I'm sure she will, she's with Hibari after all" Yamamoto smiled "that's the point Baseball Nut !" Gokudera said, still on the floor. They picked him up and dragged him to the clinic. Reborn, who was watching the whole scene, smirked and said "this is going to be interesting"

=Time Skip=

Hibari dropped Kyokai on the couch the Reception Room, so that she's laying down. He went to sit down on his chair behind his desk.

"What am I here if I'm doing nothing ?" Kyokai said and he kept silent , she walked to his side and rolled the chair to her direction "what is your problem ?" She said and he just stared at her. Because he was sitting down while she was standing, his eyes accidentally fell on her chest.

He gulped and looked away with a slight blush on his cheeks "Hibari" she called, she tripped over his foot and fell on his lap, her chest was close to his face.

"I-" she was so embarrassed that she didn't have the words to say. Hibari on the other hand, stared at her with wide eyes.

"Kyo-san" the door suddenly opened and Kusakabe came in then stared at them surprised "sorry for disturbing, continue on what were you doing" he bowed and closed the door. Kyokai quickly stood up and walked to the door "I'm sorry" she whispered and left, Hibari stared at the door for a few minutes then put his hand on his chest " what is this ?" He thought. He ignored it and continued his paper work.

On Kyokai's way out of the school gates, she remembered the dream she had "Xhay !" She heard her brother's voice in her head "Xhay ? Was that my name ?" She thought and headed home.

Reborn was watching her while tutoring Tsuna and his lips formed a smirk "you will figure out who you are soon.........Xhay"

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