Chapter 59

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Chapter 59


Kyoya's eye twitched in annoyance. He was just having a regular day, like napping on the roof, biting people to death, and organizing the school. He was just walking with Kyokai until a familiar bazooka hit her.

Tsuna and his group were shocked at that. They thought they would see ten years later Kyokai. But instead they saw a little girl with big grey eyes staring at them "is this suppose to be Kai !?" Ryohei said "she's so tiny" Yamamoto laughed "how surprising" Gokudera said "K-Konnichiwa" the little girl, who was younger Kyokai, said.

"Ahhh !!! Little Kyokai is so cute !!" Ikuto covered his blushing face "A-Ano...where am I ?" Kyokai tilted her head "where is Sasagawa-kun ?" She looked around "big people" she mumbled as she looked at them. She looked down in fear as she backed away.

"What are we suppose to do ?" Tsuna said "bring her back" Kyoya glared. They froze when they heard a sniff "I don't want to be alone" Kyokai sobbed, rubbing her eyes "awww ! I'll hug you to feel better, Kyokai-chan !!" Ikuto hugged her but Kyoya punched his face.

Kyoya knelt in front of Kyokai. She looked down rubbed her arm "Oi, are you cold ?" He asked "hm" she slowly nodded. He took off his blazer and made her wear it. Her eyes widen in awe as she looked at the long sleeves. She covered her face with it "so warm~" she mumbled "Onii-san's jacket is warm~" she slightly smiled "Gwa !!" Ikuto died from cuteness.

"Hn" Kyoya ruffled her hair, she stared at him surprised "am I a good girl ?" She asked "ah, you didn't do anything that cause damage to the school" he nodded "hm, I hate school" she pouted "why ?" He asked "because big boys always hurt Ryo-kun and Kyoko-chan !" She said "Ryo-kun always say 'I'll beat them all to the Extreme !'" She said in Ryohei's voice then started running off, but Kyoya pulled her arm, lifting her off the floor "ooh ! Your Extremely strong" she said in Ryohei's voice as she wrapped her arms and legs around his arm "she does copy his voice when she was little !!" Tsuna thought.

They sweat dropped. She started to struggle "put me down ! I need to go to Ryo-kun. He will get hurt !" She yelled. Kyoya pulled her to his chest "no, you'll get lost" he said "I want to go !" She glared "I said no" he grabbed her cheeks with one hand "hmm~" she pulled his cheeks with her sleeved hands.

Kyoya sighed and started walking "I'll be taking her to the Reception Room while you herbivores try to fix this" he said "I want to come too !" Ikuto said "no, I don't want the Strawberry with me" Kyoya glared "Berry-Berry Man is annoyingly" Kyokai said "I'm suppose to be insulted but she's so cute !!" Ikuto blushed. Kyoya sighed and walked away "Onii-san's hand is big" Kyokai said, holding Kyoya's hand "well, your hands are small" he said.

"Hayashi-san is so bubbly when she was young" Tsuna paled "Che, she used be a brat !" Gokudera crossed his arms "we better ask Reborn about this, he might know" Enma said "what !? No ! Little Kyokai is so adorable ! Please don't bring her back ! Though, Kyokai is hot when she's older, but that's not the point !" Ikuto held onto Enma's shoulders "Ikuto" Enma said.

Little Kyokai walked through the hallway while Kyoya was holding her hand "who's this, Hibari ? Your sister ?" Adelheid said "she's Kyokai" Kyoya glared "K-Konnichiwa" Kyokai waved while hiding behind Kyoya's leg.

Adelheid raised a brow "if you want an explanation, ask the herbivores" he glared and started walking "Kyokai" he called "hai ! Bye bye One-san !" Kyokai waved to Adelheid and ran to hold Kyoya's hand "ne Onii-san, why are you nice to me ?" Kyokai asked "hn ? Why you ask ?" He said "people are mean, but Onii-san isn't mean to me" she said.

He was a bit surprised about that "Mom and Dad are nice to me, Ryo-kun, Kyoko-chan, and their parents are nice to me too. But older boys always pick on me" she said while their hands were swinging back and forth "hn, maybe because your nice too" he said "kids say I'm scary and mean, so they don't want to be my friends. They don't like me. They're just bullies" she said.

He stopped walking to kneel on her level "don't listen to them, Kyokai" he ruffled her hair "I like you, and your cute" he rubbed her cheek with his thumb. His eyes widen and he pulled her to him, jumping out of the way, as an the wall exploded next to him. He stood up and looked through the hole in the wall "who dares to damage my school ?" He glared and saw a giant trying to kill Tsuna and Enma "I'll bite that thing to death" Kyoya gritted his teeth.

As he reached there, he placed Kyokai on the floor "stay here" he said "but.." She said "stay here" he repeated and ran off, Kyokai hid behind the tree.

Kyokai's eyes watered as the giant clenched his fist around Kyoya "Onii-san !" Kyokai screamed. The giant fleet a tap on his foot and looked down to see Kyokai kicked him "put him down !" She yelled, not noticing that her hands let out flames. She placed her hands on the giant's leg and it started to create ice. Kyoya landed on the floor as the giant opened his hand. Kyoya carried Kyokai and jumped out of the way when Tsuna destroyed the giant.

"Kyokai, I told you to stay there" he said "b-but, Onii-san was about to get hurt" she said as she was trying to hold her tears "must not cry" she mumbled, but tears rolled down her cheeks. He kissed her eyelash then her cheek. When he kissed her lips, pink smoke surrounded her "mm ?" Kyoya and present Kyokai blinked as their lips were still attached "Mmm !!!" Kyokai blushed as she backed away while covering her mouth.

"Hottie Kyokai-chan is back !!!" Ikuto jumped on Kyokai, but got send away by Kyoya "let's go home" he carried Kyokai like a child and started walking "hey Hibaka ! Why are you carrying me like this !?" Kyokai glared "still light" Kyoya mumbled "put me down !" She yelled.

=Time Skip=

Kyoya watched Kyokai making dinner. He noted the difference between her younger self and now. He looked at her from head to toe, her legs, hips, waist, breasts. He choked on his tea when he realized where he was staring.

She glanced at him over her shoulder to see him having his palm on his face, but didn't see him blushing. She shrugged and continued making dinner "long day ?" She said "y-you could say that" he cursed himself for stuttering.

She sat across him and sipped from her tea "what ?" She asked. He rested his chin on his palm "I just realize how attractive you look" he smirked, she flicked his forehead "I hate you" she glared. He grabbed her hand and placed her knuckles on his cheek "I love you too" he smiled, she blushed.

They watched each other's hands as he brushed the back of hers with his thumb "can I ask you something, Kyo ?" She said "ask" he said "how did I ended up wearing your jacket ?" She raised a brow.

He remembered that he made her younger self wear it "I don't know" he said "Kyoya" she glared "maybe because you like to wear it" he said "I do, but I don't remember wearing it today" she tilted her head to remember "whatever, let's go to sleep" he threw her over his shoulder and walked to her room "you like carrying me like that, don't you ?" She said "yes" he smirked.


Answering Questions time !

xXGolden_WingzXx asked: "Kyo-chan, Hibari-kun. When will you ever spend time with Aki again? and Kyo-chan, are you going to prank hibari-kun soon?"

Author: so answer the question Kyoya, Kyokai.

Kyoya: I guess we would spend the time with Inu again. Plus, I can see Kyokai act her other self. (chapter 24)

Kyokai: what other self ? *confused*

Kyoya: nothing.

Author: anyway, next question.

Kyokai: prank Kyoya again ? *thinks*

Kyoya: *glare* don't you dare.

Kyokai: *smirk* but it's fun to prank you. I might have something in mind.

Kyoya: Kyokai.

Kyokai: maybe pretend to be Mukuro for a day *mumble to herself*

Voice: Kufufu~

Kyoya: Forget it, I'll going to bite that Pineapple to death *runs off*

Kyokai: Oya Oya *Mukuro's voice* I didnt expect he would fall for that.

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