21st Century Breakdown

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A/N- I am sooo sorry for not updating. I suddenly became extreamly busy with school, family, doctor stuff, and after school activity's. I hope this chapter will be long enough for having kept you on a wait. I have a few announcements though. First, I have decided to enter ITYTTBSDAMT into the Wattys. I don't expect anything from it, but it is just something to try. Second, there is a new character in here that I have decided to add on top of Iris, who belongs to @Lost_in_echo. This new charater, Vick, belongs to @VickyAruwa03. Go check out her stories. I think I've kept you here long enough.

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Chapter 2

Location: Avengers Tower

10:41 hours


The elevator dings as the main lounge is reached. I slowly walk out, yawning and silently yelling at myself for taking watch the past two nights. Clint walks past me with Nat right behind him, silently nodding a hello. I nod back and continue on my venture to the kitchen. Before Nat yanks me into a hug, of course.

"We're heading to Base 3. Fury will be there around 5 if you want to talk to him. By the way, I left a stash of donuts in the oven for you." She lets me go and jogs to catch the elevator before it closes. I smile and continue on my way. Sounds of yelling erupt from the kitchen, and I automatically know that either Steve tried to cook again or Thor is back from Asguard. And that Tony is most likely ticked.

"WHERE DID MY POP TART GO, MAN OF IRON?" "I think I did this wrong." "Back away! Everything's is still here! You know what, why don't we just go to the Starbucks around the corner." The bickering continues as I walk in, finding that all three of those things were going on. I quickly grab 2 of my donuts and rush out of the kitchen. I breath a sigh of relief as I walk onto the balcony, which blocks out most of the noise.

"Jarvis?" I ask after I move onto my second and final donut I will eat that morning.

"Yes, Ms. Astrid?" I shake my head at his programming. "Is Banner in the lab?"

"He is currently in the main lab working on the new energy source that will be used in the prototype armors when they are finished. He has only been working since 8:00, so no need to worry."

"Thank you, Jarvis." I say as I walk back into the tower. "My pleasure."

As soon as I walk in, I miss the quiet sound and the breeze from outside. But quickly brush it off and run into the kitchen. Well, more like a battlezone. Pots, pans, utensils, basically any thing you can find is being thrown around. I duck behind a counter.

"What in the name of Odin is going on?!" I scream, moving to the side as a fork embeds itself where my face once was. Nothing happens. I move around the counter and take out my gun, firing a shot into the air.

"Finally!" I say as the air goes still. "Now, what the heck was going on?" They all begin to talk at once. I had enough of it, especially since I had just woken up.

"Forget it! I'll be back later!" I yell, walking as calmly as I could out of the room. "I'll be at the Baxter Building!" I throw up the hood of the jacket I was wearing and take off.


Location: Baxter Building; Reed Richards Lab

"Hello Astrid." Reed greets, not looking up from whatever work he's doing. Before I can relpy, Susan steps in.

"Sorry about him. He hasn't been away from his work all night." She says, more in his direction. "Vick's in her room. You know where its at." I smile and nod.

"Thanks, Susan." I walk off towards the hallway, giving Ben a wave as I pass him. I knock on the door and it swings open.

"Have another argument with Susan, or do you not want a certain someone to see you?" I ask.

"Both. Now get in here, Ash." Vick says, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the room. She shuts and locks the door, turning back to me.

"So, whats up with you?" She asks, sitting on her bed and motioning me to do the same.

"Same old. Thor's back. Spent my morning listening to him, Tony, and Cap arguing in the kitchen." She tilts her head.

"About what?" I sigh and shake my head.

"I have no clue. They just talked all at once when I finally got their attention. But from what I was hearing, I think Tony was trying to give Thor and Steve a 21st century overview. But it wasn't going his way." We both start laughing.

"Sounds like him alright." I just nod. "So how are things going here?"

"Better." She replies. "Susan and I are getting along....better than we have been." I nod.

"That's good. So how are you and-"

"Victoria, Astid?" Herbie interrupts, "I hate to cut into your time, but something has come up for the team. Ben would like you in the lab with the rest of them. And Mr. Barton has asked me to inform you, Astrid, to head over to his location."

"Thank you, Herbie." We say in unison. We stand up and I give her a hug. "I'll come and visit soon if New York doesn't go under attack."

"Alright." Vick replies. "Or I might just see you there."

"You never know. See you later." I wave before muttering the now familiar spell and disappearing in a cloak of darkness.


A/N- I still feel like its short, but I want to stop it here. Any ways, I should be updating this weekend, because I have 4 days off from school!
*Small happy dance* Anyway, tell me what you guys think! I need to know if this is good, cause I feel like this is doing better than the first one. But I feel like this chapter was rushed. Anyway...
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Video on the side is the new Age of Ultron Trailer--------------------------------------------------------->

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