Chapter 5

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I'm in a dark classroom with Tyler, Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena. We've been setting things up for awhile and we're waiting for Matt. We hear the door open and before anyone can stop him, Matt walks into the room, turning the light on and stepping on all the mousetraps we had set.

"Oh! Come on! Seriously?" Caroline yells at him. "Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?"

"Forgot about senior prank night, huh?" Tyler asks Matt with a smile.

"Clearly." Matt answers, annoyance on his face.

"How could you forget?" Elena asks. "We've only been waiting for this since freshmen year." I'm glad that she seems to be having a good time.

"Yeah, Matt. If I'm doing this, you're doing this." I tell him and he smiles.

"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this." He jokes.

"Caroline's making us." Bonnie tells him.

"We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that will stay with us forever, and if we don't..." Caroline starts but Elena cuts her off.

"And if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all?"

"Go ahead and make fun, I don't care." Caroline huffs.

"You're all lame. I've got ten more classrooms to prank." Tyler says as he heads of out the room. Elena follows him and I call her name.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"To superglue Alaric's desk shut. I'm making memories." She tells me and I smile at her.

"I love you!" Caroline calls to her as she walks out of the room.

I'm actually having a good time. All of those times spent wishing I could be doing normal teenage stuff like everyone else and now I'm here on senior prank night with all of my best friends having a great time. It really does feel normal.

I walk out of the classroom to go help with some more pranks and when I come around the corner, I see Tyler telling other people what to do next.

"Get the faculty toilet seats, and Dana needs bodies in the gym. Let's go." He instructs.

I laugh at him before turning to the double doors. I pull them open and my smile disappears in an instant when I come face to face with him.

"There's my girl." His voice sends chills down my spine.

"Klaus." I try to stay composed. How the hell is here? Why is here? What do I do? My first instinct is to run, but he's in front of me in a second.

"You're supposed to be dead." He smirks at me. "What are we going to do about that?"


I did it. I'm in a car on the way to god knows where with Katherine. I'm driving even though she said she would, but she's a bitch like that.

"Are you hungry? Let's stop for a bite. A truck stop. Or a trucker." She teases and I roll my eyes.

"Oh, stop being cute." I snark.

"It's not possible."

"We've been driving aimlessly for hours. Where are we going?" I ask her, getting impatient with her little mission.

"Far enough away so that you can't go running back."

"Not to worry. Mystic Falls and I are on a bit of a break." I try not to think about the last things I did before I left.

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