Chapter Two: First Day Of School

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I woke up to my alarm ringing loudly in my ear. I slam my hand on the snooze button and lay there for another minute not wanting to go to school. 'Ugh I hate being 16' I think to myself. I finally get up and get dressed. (What I'm wearing is up there^) I go downstairs and walk into the kitchen to see Bella. "Hey, nice to see you.." She looks up at me and smiles, walks over to me and hugs me "Hi, sorry I wasn't here yesterday Edwards sister wanted me to go shopping with her." I smiled back "It's alright, so when am I going to meet this Edward guy?" I asked her. She looked down with her cheeks a bright red and said "Today, he goes to our school. You'll also be able to meet the rest if his family too." I giggled "Aww Bella's in love!!!" She lightly hit my arm and giggled back. We ate breakfast and then she got her bag and she asked "Do you want to ride with me to school?" "No it's alright, I've got my own car" "Okay, see you there" I smiled and waved while getting in my car. When I got to the school I was very nervous. I got out of my car and automatically looked for Bella. When I finally saw her she was standing next to this handsome, pale, bronze-haired guy. 'I'm guessing that's Edward' I thought to myself as I started walking over. I also scanned the 4 people standing next to them. They were in pairs, a beautiful blonde girl with a big muscular brown haired guy, next to them was a short brown almost black hair girl who reminded me of a pixie and him. He was by far the most beautiful person I've ever seen! He had honey blond hair, with a chiseled face, and the most amazing body, he looked like he was in pain though. 'I wonder why?' I thought to myself. I finally got over to them and automatically looked down. Bella noticed me and said "Oh guys this is my sister Willow! She is gonna be here for a while." She told me all of their names. I looked up and they all said hi except Rosalie and Jasper. Rosalie gave me the most dirtiest look I've ever gotten in my life, and Jasper just stared at me. I looked at Alice and she was zoned out, when she came back to reality she looked at me with a sad expression. 'Why is she giving me that look?' I asked myself and then Edward pulled me out of my thoughts by asking "How are you liking it so far?" I gave him a little smile and said "Well I really miss my friend but other than that it's alright." He smiled back and said"I'm glad." I looked at Edward then said "You don't seem as bad as Charlie told me. But from what Bella's told me I don't know why I'm so surprised." He smiled at me and laughed a little "Yeah ever since she fell down the stairs he hasn't liked me so much..." I smiled and said "Teenagers fight, but it better not happen again." I looked at him and gave him a if-you-hurt-my-sister-I'll-kill-you look. The bell rang and we all walked in the school. I got my schedule before I came to school. I looked over at Jasper while walking in and saw him looking away from me right when I looked at him. I blushed and looked away trying to keep him out of my head. 'He has a girlfriend!' I thought to myself 'forget it!'

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