Chapter 5: A Couple Months Later

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It's been three months since the day Jasper finally talked to me. We have gotten pretty close since then. Alice has a new boyfriend his name is Nicholas. He has the same eyes as them even though he's from a different family. Must be some kind of contacts... Anyways I am constantly at the Cullen's now. I really like Jasper too. But I don't want to ruin our friendship, he's my best friend...other than paisley. Which reminds me she hasn't been talking to me lately... I'll have to all her later. So it's after school and Jasper and me are driving to his house. "So what did you get on your biology test?" I asked him, I am horrible at biology and he's been tutoring me. "An A like usual." He said smiling at me "What about you?" "Not an A....but a B!!!!" I said. He smiled and said "Good, my tutoring you is paying off.." I smiled back and we fell into a comfortable silence. I learned that Jasper isn't a very talkative person, but I like that about him. Bella's birthday is coming up in about a week. 'I wonder what Alice is going to do' I thought to myself while looking out the window. Jasper passed the turn to their house. I looked at him confused. "You realize you passed your house right?" I asked. He chuckled and said "Yeah, today I'm gonna take you to a special place." I looked at him and said "Can I ask where? Your not going to kill me right?" He laughed and said "No and no." I looked out the window again while mumbling "That's what all serial killers say..." He laughed again and kept driving. About 15 minutes later he stopped. "We will have to walk for here." He said getting out. He walked around he car and opened my door. "You didn't have to do that." I said getting out. He just smiled and held out his hand, I took it. He started walking and said "This is my special spot. I come here to think and make important decisions." He said, still walking. I just followed not saying a word. All of a sudden we came to a dark cave. "Your positive your not going to kill me right?" I said again smiling a little. He laughed and said "I pinky swear I'm not going to kill you." He held out his pinky. I wrapped my pinky around his then pulled it away and started to walk in the cave. It was to dark to see anything at first then I saw some light at the end of the cave. All of a sudden it opened up and there was a big circle of water and at the end of the cave there was a big drop down a cliff. "Woah this is amazing!" I said in awe. He smiled and grabbed my hand again. "Nobody else has ever been here except me and you. It's my special spot." I smiled and looked at him "Why did you bring me?" He smiled and looked down. "I wanted to show you because I wanted to ask you something." I looked at him "What do you want to ask me?" He looked up at me and said "I wanted to ask you if you would like to go on a date with me...." I looked at him and smiled then I jumped on him and we both fell to the floor. "Of course I will!!" I said he smiled and hugged me. We stayed there for the rest of the day. It was beautiful. The pool of water was warm so we stuck our feet into it. It was the best date I've ever had. After it started to get dark he stood up and said "We should probably get going, wouldn't want Charlie to worry about you." I got up too and we walked back to the car hand in hand. He drove me home and I got out of the car. I waved as he backed out of the drive way and drove off. I walked inside and said hi to Charlie and watched some tv with him. Then I said goodnight to him and Bella and went upstairs and fell into a blissful sleep dreaming about Jasper.

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