Pass or Fail: Survival Test!

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Inside a classroom at the Academy, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Me wait for our jōnin sensei Kakashi to arrive. As punishment for running late, Naruto decides to pull a prank on him by putting a chalkboard eraser in between the opening of the door to have it fall on him when he opens the door. I helped by the way, but I also had a bad feeling...

"Naruto, I don't think we should do this.."

Sasuke points out that an elite ninja will never fall for something like that, but to his surprise, he does, amusing Naruto, Me and secretly Sakura as well. This action causes Kakashi to ridicule them by calling us "idiots", much to our dismay.

Kakashi has the team introduce themselves: Naruto says that he wants to be Hokage one day, Sakura merely blushes and glances at Sasuke, and Sasuke declares that his goal is to kill a certain somebody. 

"Oh and you are? I thought we were suppose to have a team of three..Not four..." Kakashi says. I introduce myself In good manners and I only had a dream to be the best ninja and become the Hokage. I also shared a bit of history, knowing that Kakashi is the self proclaimed "Copy Ninja." 

"A ninja who knows their history huh..? You're going to be an interesting one...Now then."

 Kakashi then tells us that we will undergo a survival test tomorrow morning, which will determine which of 27 graduates will be sent to the Academy, with the chances of failing being 66%. Before dismissing us, he also tells us to skip breakfast or else we'd puke.

At 5am the next day, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Me arrive at the designated area as instructed. However, once again, Kakashi arrives late, upsetting us. Kakashi claims that a black cat passed his way so he had to go the long way. Kakashi then tells us that we will have to retrieve a bell from him by noon, and since there are only two, will be not only fail but will be tied to a tree post and watch as everyone else eats. Sakura deduces that Kakashi made them skip breakfast to make the test more difficult. Once the test begins, the four of us go off and hide.

Elsewhere, Iruka discusses with the Third Hokage about his concerns of Kakashi and the training his former students will endure after hearing rumours. The Third understands and gives Iruka a book detailing the trainees who have passed and failed under Kakashi's wing. To Iruka's surprise, none of them have passed.

Back at the training ground, just as Kakashi comments that his team has hidden well, Naruto makes his presence known and charges at him. "I'll have to help too, but from afar..." I start to whisper and do handsigns...

Sheep, Snake, Tiger...

"Lightning Element: Shadow Clone Technique!" I make a Shadow Clone along with my lightning chakra with it. Hell, I didn't even know how could I manage to make it. I commanded the clone to help Naruto and the clone heads out.

 Kakashi nonchalantly takes out his Icha Icha book and evades all of Naruto's attacks, then my clone came along and they both attacked Kakashi at the same time.... "Got you Kakashi!" My clone says, about to grab one of the bells. Before appearing behind It and using the One Thousand Years of Death to send him flying into the water. But once his fingers connected, the clone explodes with lighting, shocking Kakashi and temporally stun him, Naruto had a chance to grab the bell now! But, turns out Kakashi used substitution justu and uses the One Thousand Years of Death on Naruto instead...Naruto lands in the water...

"Sorry, Naruto..." the real me, said sighing... Sasuke and Sakura were impressed by my Lighting Elemental Clone... 

Naruto returns uses the Shadow Clone Technique to cleverly distract Kakashi as he had one sneak up behind him. To Naruto's surprise, as he prepares to a punch on the restrained Kakashi, Kakashi confuses Naruto having him think he turned himself into Naruto's clone. This caused the clones to attack one another, but in actuality, Kakashi used the Body Flicker Technique to switch one of Naruto's clones with himself. After Naruto disperses his clones, he spots a bell on the ground and joyfully picks it up, but it turned out to be a trap as Naruto is hung upside down by a rope attached to a tree. Kakashi appears and lectures him. Sasuke takes this opportunity to attack Kakashi from the trees with shuriken and kunai that strike the jōnin.

"Sasuke, no! Don't attack by yourself...!" I said, as Sasuke takes the opportunity...I knew this was going to be a really bad idea..

Kakashi evades Sasuke's attack with the Substitute Technique. After blowing his position, Sasuke moves out to avoid being found by Kakashi. A worried Sakura runs off to find Sasuke, only to be caught by Kakashi's genjutsu that made her believe she found a very injured Sasuke. This caused her to scream and faint. Once confronted by Kakashi, Sasuke forces Kakashi to stop reading Icha Icha and use both hands to defend against his string of taijutsu attacks. Sasuke then launches a giant fireball at Kakashi. The jōnin manages to avoid it by burring underground, before dragging Sasuke down, leaving only his head to be seen.

I finally, get out of my hiding spot and goes to where Naruto is, hanging upside down on the tree. "Naruto, are you okay? I thought we'd actually had him. Here, let me help you." I felt a bit of concern that we actually got Kakashi on the ropes, but he's actually really smart. Naruto manages to free himself from the tree (with my help) he was hanging from and spots the food for lunch.  "Naruto, don't!"

Before he can try to snag a bite, Kakashi appears and ties him to a tree post. Elsewhere, Sakura wakes up and goes to look for Sasuke, whom she still believed was injured. She finds him buried from the neck down and comes to the conclusion that he was decapitated, before fainting again. Sasuke manages to free himself and is there to see Sakura awaken, who is relieved to see he is unharmed. Despite time running out, Sasuke is still set on getting a bell, informing Sakura that he came close to doing so. Knowing that she couldn't get a bell and didn't want to be separated from Sasuke, Sakura tries to convince him to give up and try next year. Sasuke dismisses the idea, explaining that he is an avenger and doesn't need any setbacks. Before they know it, time is up.

Afterwards, Kakashi meets with the three genin, who tells them that he won't be sending them back to the Academy. The three share in the happy news until Kakashi goes on to say that they will be dropped from being a ninja permanently. Naruto is outrage at this and asks him why. Kakashi explains that they don't think like ninja, thinking more like "little kids" and "brats". Sasuke charges at Kakashi, but is easily restrained. Kakashi further explains that team-work was the key in retrieving a bell. Kakashi was also impressed by me trying to get to work together and focus on plans than all out brawling. After showing us the Konoha's Memorial Stone, Kakashi decides to give them another chance. Kakashi tells Sasuke, Sakura and me to eat and replenish our energy. However, since Naruto broke the rules and tried to eat before the test was complete, he is forced to watch. Furthermore, if either of them feed Naruto, they will immediately fail.

After Kakashi leaves, Sasuke, Sakura and I begin eating their food, while Naruto's stomach growls of hunger. Sasuke decides to share his food with Naruto, stating that they'd need to retrieve the bells as a team and need everyone at good strength. Sakura hesitates, but decides to share her food as well. I also agreed, sharing my food with Naruto. Kakashi suddenly appears and tells them that they will be punished for not following orders. However, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and I band together to state that we are a team, and to our surprise, are rewarded with Kakashi stating we have passed. He explains that those who break the rules are considered scum, but those who abandon their friends are even worse than scum. He states that they are the only team to abide by his orders.

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