The Sasuke Recovery Mission Begins! Part 2.

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 It is revealed that Kimimaro was the leader of what used to be known as the Sound Five, and that he was to be the vessel for Orochimaru, until he was afflicted with his disease. As he no longer has any purpose for Orochimaru as his vessel, Kimimaro believes his existence has lost all meaning; however, he finds himself a chance to redeem his existence when he decides to devote his remaining lifespan to ensure that Sasuke, Orochimaru's future vessel, is brought to Otogakure.

Meanwhile, the Sasuke Recovery Team (Me, Shikamaru, Naruto and Kiba/Akamaru.) is catching up to Tayuya and Sakon and Ukon. Kiba and Akamaru decide to wait until it's dark to ambush them, but Shikamaru states that they will be fumbling blindly in the dark while also giving up their positions, thereby giving the enemy the advantage; on top of that, Shikamaru would be unable to use his Shadow Imitation Technique. Despite Kiba's protests, Naruto states that they need to trust in their team leader's plan.

As Tayuya, Sakon and Ukon run through the forests, they wonder what is taking Jirōbō and Kidōmaru so long to catch up. They stop after Tayuya notices a kick from within the container Sasuke is in. Before she can check on it, she spots Naruto watching them from a tree branch. As she guards the container, Sakon and Ukon try to take down Naruto, only to be ambushed by Me, Kiba and Shikamaru. As Sakon deals with those two, Naruto and I use our Shadow Clone Technique and prepares the Rasengan. It turns out that "Kiba" and "Shikamaru" are none other than transformed shadow clones, and Naruto tries to hit Sakon with his Rasengan, only for Sakon to grab his hand and dispel the technique. The real Kiba then uses his Passing Fang to go through Naruto, who is revealed to be just a shadow clone, in an attempt to hit Sakon. Sakon easily jumps out the way, but Kiba keeps going, heading towards Tayuya.  As Sakon jumped out of the way of Kiba's attack a Lightning Clone with a Rasengan in his hand strikes down Sakon into a tree. "Rasengan!" The Clone yelled.

Realising that she was the intended target all along, Tayuya attempts to grab the container containing Sasuke and flee, only to be trapped in place by Shikamaru and his Shadow Imitation technique. Kiba manages to cancel his Passing Fang right before he hits Tayuya, and grabs the container and tosses it to Naruto. Sakon, who is plummeting towards Me, is unable to change his trajectory and heads towards Tayuya. Shikamaru cancels his technique just before Sakon hits Tayuya, avoiding getting injured himself. The team then take the container and flee, only for an incensed Sakon to activate his cursed seal and go after them.

As Sakon chases Me, Naruto, Shikamaru and Kiba, Akamaru has been setting traps using explosive tags. After getting hit by one, Sakon retaliates by trapping Akamaru, who is standing next to an explosive tag. Kiba jumps down to save Akamaru and Sakon heads after Kiba. As the tag explodes, Sakon, Kiba and Akamaru both plummet off the end of a cliff and fall down. Before Naruto and Shikamaru can further assess the situation, Tayuya comes after them. However, she stops her attack when she instantly notices Kimimaro, who has snuck up behind Naruto and Shikamaru. He manages to kick the container containing Sasuke off the tree branch and goes after it, catching it. Telling Tayuya that she has disappointed Orochimaru, he wishes to kill her; however, he tells her he will refrain from doing so as she has a duty to perform. Taking Sasuke with him, Kimimaro instructs Tayuya to eliminate Me, Naruto and Shikamaru...

"Dang It, now what..?" I say looking at Naruto and Shikamaru. As they cannot let Sasuke get away, Me, Shikamaru and Naruto devise a strategy; Naruto and Shikamaru rush toward Tayuya, I activated my Sharingan putting her in a quick Genjustu, Tayuya was about to attack but Shikamaru pulls back at the last second while Naruto soars over Tayuya. As Tayuya stands there confused, I undo the Genjustu and Shikamaru attempts to trap her using his Shadow Imitation Technique, but Tayuya manages to avoid being caught just in time. However, Naruto manages to get away, and follows Kimimaro. His anger towards the Sound Four and Kimimaro causes him to release some of the Nine-Tails' chakra.

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