Sudden Death Elimination!

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Hayate announces that an unusually large number of genin passed the second stage of the exam, and as such, before they can proceed to the final stage, a series of one-on-one preliminary matches will have to take place so that only the winners of each match can proceed. Kabuto drops out immediately upon the notice, attributing his withdrawal on an injury sustained from an earlier part of the test; however, he worries to himself that if he participated, the "old Kabuto might come out". Sasuke is still experiencing pain from the cursed seal, so Sakura tries to convince Sasuke to drop out. Sasuke refuses, and says that although he doesn't actually care about becoming a chūnin, he must see how he does against some of the best new ninjas so he can avenge his family. The preliminary matches are to begin with Sasuke versus Yoroi Akadō. As everyone else leaves the arena, Kakashi walks up to Sasuke and warns him about using his Sharingan, revealing that he knows about the cursed seal. He tells Sasuke that if the cursed seal begins to overtake Sasuke, Kakashi will stop the match.

Sasuke was put in a bad position to begin with. The cursed seal paralyses him and causes intense pain whenever he attempts to mould chakra, thus he cannot use genjutsu nor ninjutsu. At the same time, Yoroi's chakra absorption gives him the upper hand in taijutsu which is Sasuke's only option to use in the battle. Sasuke wins using his new move: the Lion Combo, demonstrating his control over the cursed seal in the process. Kakashi takes him to an isolated location to hinder the cursed seal, only to be confronted by Orochimaru as he finishes. Back at the tower, Shino Aburame and Zaku Abumi begin the next match.

Kakashi threatened to kill Orochimaru, a threat that Orochimaru took lightly. Despite this, Orochimaru chose to walk away. As he left, Kakashi admitted to himself that he could not kill Orochimaru on his own. Meanwhile, Shino and Zaku continued their match; although Zaku revealed that he was in fact able to use both of his arms again, Shino ultimately won his match through the deceptive use of his destructive bugs, leaving Kankurō and Misumi Tsurugi to fight next.

Kankurō easily wins his battle against Misumi by tricking him into attacking Karasu, Kankurō's puppet. In retaliation, Karasu snaps Misumi's neck, though he survives due to his ability to contort himself. The fourth match is between Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka. The two begin fighting instantly, although they both fail to successfully attack the other. Neji wonders if their fighting skill is the best kunoichi can do, only for Tenten to state that their lack of fighting prowess is not because they are female, but rather because they are restraining themselves. Sakura, unwilling to lose to Ino and not happy with the fact that Ino is pulling her punches and taking pity on her, insults Ino.

A flashback is shown, where Sakura chooses to wear her forehead protector on her head instead of on her forehead, telling Ino that she'll only wear it on her forehead when she becomes a true shinobi. After trading insults, Sakura removes her forehead protector from her head and places it on her forehead; Ino removes hers from her waist and also places it on her forehead. As true rivals, the pair then rush at one another, finally deciding to take the battle seriously. Sakura and Ino's battle rages on. With both nearly out of chakra, Ino tries a desperate move: her Mind Body Switch Technique. She succeeds and takes control over Sakura's body. As she prepares to force Sakura to forfeit, Naruto cheers Sakura on and inadvertently awakens Inner Sakura, who forces Ino out of her body. Both drained of their chakra, the rivals knock each other out in one climactic punch, resulting in a double knockout. Neither candidate advances to the final stage.

(Normally, It was going to be Temari vs. TenTen but since Jin is here, I'll have Temari fight some other random Ninja and she'll move on.) Tenten and I were next to fight. I wonder what it was like to face one of Might Guy's students, I was actually pumped for this. But this was the first time I ever took the chunin exams...I also felt nervous. We both enter the arena, I greet Tenten and tell her good luck. She tells me that she won't need luck, considering how she has tons of tricks up her sleeve.  "And begin!" Hayate says, starting the next match. Once the fight began, I activated my Sharingan. Team 7 (Kakashi Included), Team Guy Team 10, and the rest didn't know I had the Sharingan, hell I didn't either. But, Tenten makes the first move and uses whatever type of weapon tools she could use. I avoided them with my great speed, and created a few Lighting Clones to attack. 

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