A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves!

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After Team 7 successfully finds Tora, the lost cat of the Fire Daimyō's wife, we return it back to her. With our mission successfully completed, the Third Hokage informs us of the available D-rank missions, such as babysitting the chief counsellor's three year old. Naruto expresses that he wants to go on a real mission that's exciting and challenging. 

"Yeah, I agree! I don't think we shouldn't just babysit or do nothing of the sort!" I say, agreeing with Naruto's statement. We should go on a mission that's challenging our teamwork and skills. Iruka lectures us, stating that like every beginner genin with no experience, we must start with simpler missions to develop our skills. The Third goes on to explain that with a higher ranked mission comes higher difficulty and greater risk to the shinobi. However, Naruto exclaims that he is a ninja now and wants to be treated as such. Amused at his statement, the Third decides to give the team a C-rank mission to escort Tazuna, a master bridge builder, to the Land of Waves. When Tazuna meets the team, he expresses disbelief in the fact that kids are going to be guarding him, but works with them nonetheless.

As we make our way to the Land of Waves, two chūnin-level Kiri-nin emerge from a puddle and binds Kakashi with shuriken-laced chains, before pulling and ripping him apart. With Kakashi "defeated", the duo turn their attention to Naruto, who freezes up. Before they can land an attack, Sasuke and I intervene and save Naruto. 

"Guys, get back!" I say, as everyone gets back, I start to do hand signs for a Fire Style Justu. My prediction is that for aiming at their feet i could make a cloud of smoke that would split them up. I hope this works!

Horse, Serpent, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger!

Fire Style: Fire Ball Justu!

I inhale my breathe, then starts to blow out flames out of my mouth into a ball, the fireball hits the ground, making a large cloud of smoke.

The duo split up, leaving one behind as the other charges at Tazuna. Sakura steps in front of Tazuna to defend him, before Sasuke appears in front of her to aid. Before anything further can happen, Kakashi appears and effortlessly defeats the duo, though Naruto does attain a small scratch from one of their Metal Gauntlets, which contained poison.

 It is revealed that Kakashi used the Substitute Technique to escape the duo's initial attack, suspecting an ambush when he discovered their puddle on a clear day. Kakashi compliments Sasuke, Sakura and me for our courage, but expresses disappointment in Naruto with how poorly he handled the situation. Tazuna questions why Kakashi took so long to help, with the latter explaining that he could have defeated them quickly but needed to know who their target was. Kakashi points out that their target was Tazuna and that had he told them that he would be hunted by ninja, the mission would be a B-rank or higher, and a different team would have been assigned. Sakura suggest they quit the mission, not only due to the higher difficulty, but because of Naruto's wound. Unwilling to jeopardise the mission, Naruto decides to take out a kunai and uses it to remove the poison from his hand. He then makes an oath that he will never run away or back down from any mission, threat, or enemy, as well as not lose to Sasuke. After this, Kakashi bandages Naruto's wound so he doesn't bleed out, but discovers that it had already begun to heal due to the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox.

"Naruto, you shouldn't hurt yourself like this...Even the bravest of us have limits." I say sitting down next to Naruto, giving him some advice. Naruto smiles telling me not to worry, his wound will heal soon enough. Sakura and Sasuke see the bond that me and Naruto have. Sakura gives a soft smile, while Sasuke on the inside, cared a little bit. 


Gatō, the man who hired the Demon Brothers to eliminate Tazuna, complains about their failure to Zabuza, the duo's apparent boss. Zabuza raises his Kubikiribōchō at Gatō to shut him up, and states that he will handle it himself. Gatō informs him that they will be expecting another assault and that a high-level ninja is accompanying Tazuna. This doesn't faze Zabuza, who just replies that he is the "Demon of the Hidden Mist".


Team 7 is on a motorboat, owned by Kaji, headed towards the Land of Waves. Kakashi threatened to abandon the mission if Tazuna did not provide an adequate explanation for lying about the mission's difficulty level. 

He told us that an extremely wealthy businessman called Gatō was responsible for his country's struggles, and could not afford any high ranked missions. Later as we were walking, Kakashi suddenly told everyone to duck just before a giant sword spun over them and a ninja appeared on the handle of the sword. The ninja revealed himself to be Zabuza Momochi, a missing-nin from Kirigakure. Zabuza demanded to have Tazuna, to which Kakashi refused. 

When Kakashi recognised Zabuza, he was forced to use his Sharingan. Sasuke immediately recognised it and explained, along with Zabuza, that the Sharingan is a dōjutsu that can immediately see and anticipate all ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu at hand. Sasuke was confused, as only members of his clan wielded the Sharingan. 

Zabuza summoned a thick veil of mist, and Kakashi informed his team to protect Tazuna. The great tension between the two jōnin causes Sasuke to have a panic attack, but Kakashi is able to calm him down. Zabuza stated that it was over, and prepared to strike them all with his sword. Kakashi raced toward them and stabbed Zabuza with his kunai just in time, but Zabuza revealed that he merely used a water clone. He then sliced Kakashi in half, but Kakashi, who also used a clone, appeared behind Zabuza, catching him off guard, and held a kunai to Zabuza's throat.

"Now, you're mine!"


With Kakashi captured in Zabuza's Water Prison Technique, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and I are forced to defend against Zabuza's attacks. Kakashi tells them to run. Naruto instinctively moves to flee, but, feeling the pain in his hand, remembers his oath of pain. He decides to fight to save Kakashi and keep Tazuna alive.

"Naruto, I think It's time for that thing that we've planned...?" I asked Naruto,  then my head turns towards Sasuke.

"..That thing? OH! Yeah, perfect. Sasuke, come here!" 

Naruto tells Sasuke that he has a plan. Naruto and I use our Shadow Clone Technique to completely surround Zabuza's clone, who, with one swing of his sword, causes most of our clones to scatter and disappear. The remaining Naruto passes a Fūma Shuriken to Sasuke, who senses his team-mate's plan. Sasuke uses Shadow Shuriken Technique, throwing two shurikens at Zabuza. Zabuza easily catches the first shuriken but only dodges the second at the last moment. Once past Zabuza, the second shuriken transforms back into Naruto who had disguised himself to trick the superior ninja. Naruto throws a kunai at Zabuza that forces him to stop his technique, freeing Kakashi from his prison.

"Alright! We did it!"

Our strategy and teamwork with Sasuke is a success, and Zabuza is forced to break his hold on Kakashi to avoid their attack. Saved from Zabuza's Water Prison Technique, Kakashi attacks his enemy with multiple water techniques copied from Zabuza using his Sharingan. Zabuza becomes agitated seeing his own techniques used against him, and Kakashi easily defeats him. 

Before Kakashi can deliver the finishing blow, Zabuza is seemingly killed by a young hunter-nin from Kirigakure. Naruto is angry and jealous that someone so young could easily defeat an opponent that gave Team 7 so much trouble, but Kakashi says that there are many ninja younger than Naruto yet stronger than himself. The hunter-nin leaves with Zabuza's body, and Kakashi collapses from exhaustion due to the overuse of his Sharingan.

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