Chapter 12: It's Showtime!

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*During the Ceremony, the Vows*
Fairy Godmother PoV:
      It filled my heart with so much joy to be a part and up close witness to Ben and Mal's wedding. I was there the day Ben was born, the day he was crowned King (heck I did that too), and when Mal and her friends chose good. It seemed as though everything was falling into place and that the green child fairy wouldn't be a problem.
      Finally I reached the part of the ceremony where the two would recite the vows that they had written for each other. "Alright, Ben. Please recite the vows you have written."
    I saw Ben smile, there was so much love in his eyes. He looked to Mal.
    "Maleficent, Mal, Bertha Fairy. I always knew I would be King. And I knew I'd have to marry for the good of the kingdom. But, what I didn't know was that I would also get to marry for love, that I would get to marry the love of my life and the girl of my dreams. I also didn't expect it to be a girl from the Isle. But I'm so glad it's you, that you're that girl. No offense to Audrey or any other girl, but I also didn't know what love was until we met. I have truly loved you since the day you first stepped out of the limo. My purple hair princess, my dragon, my are so smart, charming, beautiful and I'm the luckiest guy in Auradon. Thank you for putting me under a love spell for two days so that I could find the real love I had been searching for."
     At that point everyone in the church was crying. "Alright Mal, it is your turn." I spoke through the tears.
  Mal sniffled and wiped her eyes as she nodded. "Benjamin Florian Beast. Before you were king you were a prince, which here that's a normal guy. You were and are so charming, caring, bright, and so full of life. Thanks to the beautiful dream you had and your first proclamation as king I was able to be here with my friends. That has opened so many doors for us. And I'm so thankful for that. You taught me what love was and what it was really like to feel it. Growing up on the aisle, I never dreamed that any of this would be possible. But, here I stand happy as could be, on cloud nine. We've been through so so much. We've faced everything together and made it through. Yes, I was nervous about this and about being crowned queen in a week. But, I know with you by my side I can handle whatever our future brings us. Thank you for being the number one reason I chose good."
      And now we were all truly sobbing tears of happiness. "Okay you lovebirds. With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Ben, you may kiss your bride."

Ben's PoV:
      And with that I took Mal in my arms and dipped her to the side placing a passionate kiss on her lips. We were married. This was it. I was so full of excitement. I know we both heard Fairy Godmother announce us as a married couple to Auradon for the first time and I slowly pulled away from her.
     I stood us both up, as we rested our foreheads against each other and smiled. Mal was my wife. I knew that everyone had witnessed it, whether they were here or not thanks to Royal TV filming and televising it, but still I just wanted to run through the streets screaming the news.

Mal's PoV:
     God, I was so unbelievably happy. We turned to walk back down the aisle hand in hand. Though we were stopped many times by friends and family for hugs. And even though it took us about 20 minutes to get out of the church, we finally made it to the limo which would take us back to the castle for our reception.
     "Oh by the way my brother is here..." Ben stayed once we were in the limo. I lifted my head off his shoulders. "YOU HAVE A BROTHER?! We are married and I am just now finding out you have a sibling?" He laughed at me. I hit him playfully. "It's not funny Ben!"
    "Honey it's kinda funny, and we have only been married for about 10 minutes. But, yes I do. His name is Aiden and he's been attending Frost University in Arendelle. He didn't want to be king. So yeah...." I just nodded slowly at his words and laid my head back down.

*Time skip, during reception...*

Aiden's PoV:
    Damn, my little bro was married. The little oblivious shit got married before me! I laughed to myself.
    "Are you okay darling?" My girlfriend, Katherine Avery Rock, asked me from the passenger seat of my car. "I just think it's funny how little Ben got married first."
    "Well honey, two things. One, he is king and probably had to. And two, our time will come." I smiled and took her hand in mine.
     Finally we arrived at the castle, which also belonged to my brother and Mal now, and we got out to head in to the reception. I gave my keys to Cogsworth so that he could park my car and we made our way inside. Katherine went to find our seats, at Table 1, and I spotted Mal with her friends. Guess I better go meet my new sister-in-law. Strolling over I tapped on her shoulder.
     She turned and looked at me with wide purple eyes. "So Mal, my new sister?" She laughed. "Aiden I presume?" I nodded and we got to talking.

Tiffany's PoV:
     Like a prom I sat up on the lights and watched the wedding reception happen. This was it. This is where it would all go down. I had firmly decided on letting myself keep all my memories, duh. And letting Mal keep hers. I'm not sure if I told you my plan yet, but there it is.
     The happy couple was in the midst of their first dance and I really just wanted to throw up. All of this love and happiness shit was making me nauseous. Alright it's showtime...
     And with that I sprinkled an unreal amount of green pixie dust and everything went black...
    When the lights came back on, I was in the castle ballroom alone. I couldn't wait to see how things had turned out. I smiled my wicked smile and excited the ballroom...

Alright guys, Tiffany has taken action, in her own way. Sorry it was rushed. But if anyone has any other ideas, feel free to let me know.

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