Chapter 34: Ding Dong the Bitch is Gone

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Mal's PoV:
I knew exactly what needed to be done. We had to go back to Auradon. Right there on the doorstep of the Gothel house, in front of the rest of the watching Isle I used what little magic I could summon and took us back to Auradon.
        We landed outside the Enchanted Forest. "Okay guys, Ben and I are gonna have to leave soon.." I looked at my friends. "Or you guys could just head back now. Take Jane and Carlos with you. We got this. And if we need you or any other backup we can call you." Jay replied holding up his cell phone. A picture of he and Lonnie flashed on the screen.
       "Are you sure you guys can find the tower in the dark on our own?" Jane asked the other three worried.
      "Honestly Jane. I'm insulted. I know Auradon like the back of my hand and Jay practically grew up in the dark. I think we got this." Doug assured Jane and the rest of us.

Evie's PoV:
We raced like hell towards the forest once Mal got us back to Auradon. We didn't even go back to the dock to let Harry know we were leaving the Isle. Not like he'd lose sleep over it or anything. But, I swear I've never moved so fast in my life. Not for anything. And even though my pace still kept me behind Jay and Doug (barely) I still felt like I was flying.
Once back in Auradon we had landed right near the edge of the Enchanted Forest. According to Jane the tower was in the very back of the woods. We had also arrived back in the middle of the night. Ben and Mal had already left us. Along with Jane and Carlos. They had to be at the coronation. Good thing I didn't, because there was no way in hell I'd be there. However, it might have been nice to have my best friend by my side.
As I stumbled over a branch I looked down for a moment and kept running. It was hard to run through the woods in the dark. Especially in boots with heels! But at least I'd look good when I was kicking Tiffany's ass.
Running through the dark, the thing that kept me going was that I would soon be seeing my precious baby boy. After five long, excruciating months he would be back in my arms. That thought alone kept me going.
After what seemed like an eternity, we reached a dead end in the woods. Fuck, we were lost! The tower was supposed to be here. No, no no, this can't end here. There had to be another way. With panic in my eyes, I turned to Doug. "Where's the tower?! Jane said the tower would be in this area!!" But instead of Doug responding, it was Jay.
"Evie it's alright. We'll find it, we just have to get our bearings and wooahhh.....!!" One minute Jay was standing next to some vines, the next minute he was gone. We went to the spot where he had been and I put my hands on the vines. They weren't attached to a solid wall, there was a passage behind them!!
I barreled through the vines, almost tripping over Jay who was still rising back to his feet. Soft moonlight illuminated the end of the cavern and despite the fact that I desperately wanted to run forward, I stopped myself and made sure Jay was alright and that Doug was still with us.
We walked through the small cavern till we reached the end and the sight that greeted us brought tears to my tears. In a wide open clearing, with a waterfall behind it stood Rapunzel's tower. The tall, moss covered tower stood like an actor on stage illuminated by a single spotlight from the moon light.
Every instinct told me to rush forward, climb up that tower and rescue my son. I was tired of waiting, I was tired of doing things slowly and letting Tiffany get away. It was time for the bitch to die. But common sense prevailed. We couldn't just blindly rush in there, no matter how I wanted to. Jay began stealthily moving his way towards the base of the tower and Doug I and followed his lead. As we got closer, I couldn't see any light from the tower.
The window was closed and no light was filtering out. My anxiety and worrying kicked into overdrive once more. What if she wasn't here? What if we were wrong? Where did we go next? No, I couldn't think like that. My son was depending on me to find him.
We finally reached the base of the tower and I noticed something odd. A single stone panel was out of place. I shifted it aside to reveal a hidden door and a staircase. This was it, she had to be here, I could just feel it. Doug placed a hand on my shoulder as I stood there looking at the spiral stone staircase.
"You ready sweetheart?" I could tell Doug was nervous, but that was okay. On the inside, I was slightly nervous as well. But, that didn't matter. All that mattered was getting back Daniel. It's all that had mattered for the past five months. I gave him a silent nod and the three of us began ascending the staircase.
As we ascended the damp and cold stairwell, Jay began taking the lead and taking the steps two at a time. Why was Jay so excited about this? Was he that determined to get Daniel back for me? "Jay, you seem awfully excited to be going after Tiffany."
"What? I want the bitch dead, that's all."
"Wait, why do you want her dead? I figured that was just me." I didn't know Jay felt so strongly about Tiffany.
"She took my nephew away from us. Also I may have slept with her at one point..... and on multiple occasions" I about exploded. Jay had dated the enemy??!! When did this happen? How come we didn't know anything about it? I grabbed Jay by the collar and put him up against the wall.
"YOU DATED THAT BABY STEALING SKANK!?!? HOW COULD YOU DO THAT AND NOT TELL ANY OF US WHEN SHE DECIDED TO RUIN OUR LIVES?!?" I was livid by this point and I don't think even Doug wanted to mess with me.
"Okay first of all, I only slept with her, I never actually dated her. Secondly, she wasn't a baby stealing skank back then. She was hot and she was easy. My B." Of course, Jay thought she was hot, therefore he decided to sleep with her. Fantastic, just what I needed. I felt Doug's hand on my shoulder as I slightly released my grip on Jay.
"Honey, I would just like you to keep in mind that it has been five months since you had Daniel. I say this because your motherly side is showing hardcore now." Doug was trying to be calm, but he only succeeded in driving me through a roof.
"No, no, not a bad thing, just REALLY intimidating." What was Doug implying with that statement? I turned and faced him, my blue eyes bright with fury.
"Are you saying that I scare you." Almost simultaneously, Jay and Doug both responded with opposite views.
"No, no, you don't scare me at all sweetheart."
"Yeah, you scare me quite a bit." Unbelievable. What a bunch of girls. Again Doug tried to calm the situation.
"May I remind you that Tiffany is presumably right above us. We need to use our inside voices at this present moment." I had had just about enough of this bullshit.
"Well, why you two ladies figure out if I scare you or not, I'm going to save my son. Okay? Okay." As I turned and walked up the stairs, I heard Doug's voice as the other two followed behind at a distance.
"You mean our son right? I hope that's what you meant."
    I marched up the tower and readied myself for what was to come. I knew Tiffany would be waiting for us considering my outburst, but I didn't care. All I cared about was getting my son back and killing her. I couldn't stress that enough. That was it. And now, that moment had arrived.
    I reached a trapdoor at the top of the staircase. I magically conjured a sword into my hand and without waiting to see if Doug and Jay were behind me, I flung open the door and burst into the room. The room was lit by several candles, which illuminated a sparse interior. Faded paintings on the walls, a shattered mirror in the corner and the two things that I instantly gravitated towards.
A small wooden crib sat next to a large, imposing throne and on that throne sat a sight that made my blood boil with rage. Tiffany sat on the throne wearing a very elegant green silk gown that stretched to the floor. She sat there holding Daniel who was currently drinking from a bottle, swaddled in a light blue blanket.
        "Well look who it is little one. And we were just about to go see them at the coronation. I was wondering how long it would take you idiots to discover my hideout. Oh, by the way, Daniel has been great. Five months of happiness. I'm not really sure he misses his true parents. He seems to be quite content here."
       Tiffany placed a now sleeping Daniel back in the crib and I felt my heart shatter. I should be the one doing that, I should be the one caring for him, not this self absorbed psycho bitch.
"Give me back my son you bitch and end whatever curse you put on us!! You've had you fun and games now end this before I end you." Tiffany just rose from the throne and laughed.
"You stupid girl, I can't end the curse. The only way to end the curse is to kill me and I doubt very highly that you can kill me. Besides, I'm still having fun. Ruining your life ruins Mal's life. All of your happy insignificant lives make me sick. You don't deserve happiness and Happily Ever Afters don't exist either!"
I was fully prepared to go at this bitch when I heard Doug and Jay scramble up the trapdoor. This only gave Tiffany more ammunition. "Well, well, more unwanted guests. The idiot father and the fuck toy I used. Instead of killing one of you, I get to kill three of you know. How wonderful."
    That's it, I was done, I was officially ticked off. But before I even had a chance to go at Tiffany, Jay charged headlong at her. With a quick wave of her hand, she flung him aside like he was a ragdoll. I was not letting Doug get hurt like that. I felt my power rise within me and I felt my eyes flashing a bright blue. I charged at Tiffany and nimbly ducked out of the way of whatever spell she about to use.
She seemed surprised by my quickness, but I was hyped up on adrenaline at the moment. I couldn't afford to fail, not when I was so close to saving Daniel and ending this curse that was still afflicting most of my friends.
I finally reached her and swung at her, but she sidestepped out of the way. "Naive little girl, did you really think that you could beat me in swordplay? The daughter of the Evil Queen dabbles in potions and fashion design, what makes you think you can stop me?
"Because she has help." Doug's voice momentarily distracted Tiffany for just the fraction of a second that I needed.
I stabbed her straight in the chest. The sword went straight through like a hot knife through butter and her blood ran down the blade of the sword. Tiffany looked at me with wide eyes as a wickedly delicious smile curled on my face.
"I may only be the daughter of the Evil Queen, but I also happen to be a mother and you DON'T mess with a mother's child. Enjoy hell bitch." Tiffany collapsed to the floor, very much dead as I ran over to the crib. I was very near the point of tears at this point as I picked my sweet, sleeping baby boy and rocked him softly in my arms.
It felt oh so good to have him back in my arms where he belonged.
I stood over the body of Tiffany with Daniel in my arms. I could have very easily spit on her corpse, but I felt like that was a little bit too much. Jay picked himself off the floor as he spoke, interrupting my happy thoughts.
"Why did you get to kill her? I wanted to kill her."
"BECAUSE SHE TOOK MY BABY!!" I snapped at him. At this point, Doug came to my side and put his arms around us. We were once again a family.
"Darling, I think you mean OUR baby. Now can we please get of here. We have a coronation to attend.

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