Chapter 27: Bitch Hunt

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Mal's PoV:
Waking up now actually kind of spooked me a bit. Yesterday I had spent the day with Evie decorating our dorm for the upcoming holidays. She was so excited and it made me so happy to see her this way. But, I wasn't sure how I felt waking up to the freaking North Pole.
I sat up looking around our room. Evie was still sound asleep in her bed across from me, she had really out done herself with the room. I looked over to our window next. Slowly I got up to go and make sure that it was still closed and locked. I know I sounded paranoid but I was almost completely positive that Tiffany had been in here.
After checking the window I stood there and watched the sun rising over Ben and I's castle. I took a deep breath, this should've been the first Christmas season we hosted together as King and Queen. It made me sad that it wouldn't be. Just then, my thoughts were so rudely interrupted by my phone going off...
Rushing over to my bed, I grabbed it and opened the message before the sound could wake E. It was a text from Ben.
Ben: good morning my queen. I think I have an idea about Tiffany's where abouts... my room ASAP
Mal: right away my king, lol
I locked my phone quickly and rushed to shower and get ready for the day. I definitely had to dress a little warmer as the temperature here in Auradon had started to drop. Before leaving I left a note on Evie's nightstand that I had gone out to do her Christmas present shopping. That way she wouldn't question why she couldn't come.
And just like that, I grabbed my keys and raced through the still quiet hallways to my husband's dorm room. I still wasn't used to not living with him, but I also hadn't gotten used to really living with him either. It hadn't been happening for very long.
     Finally I reached his door and did the Sheldon Cooper knock so that he would know it was me. That was one of our favorite shows to watch together... Ben opened the door quicker than expected.

Ben's PoV:
       Hoy hell I was tired. I hadn't slept for a day because I had been trying to determine where Tiffany might be. And now, in the early hours of the morning, I think I finally had that answer. Maybe. I had texted Mal and the others to meet me here so that I could tell them. Of course Mal was the first one to arrive.
       I opened the door and unlike me, she looked all put together and perfect. She gave me a quick kiss before stepping in so that I could close the door.
       "Ben, you look like hell. How long has it been since you slept? You seem to be vibrating..." Typical Mal to get right to the point and insult me at the same time. God i love her! But, before I could even answer or respond , there was yet another knock on my door. This time, Mal opened the door and there Carlos and Jay, looking like they had just rolled out of bed. I didn't expect anything less from the boys.
       "What's with the S.O.S Ben. Some of us need our beauty sleep after all." Leave it to Carlos to bring some humor to the situation. And just like last time, I was unable to respond because there was another knock at my door. I was really hoping that is was both Jane and Doug so that I could get this started.
     However, it was only Doug, who looked like he was about to fall asleep in the doorway. Mal pulled him inside before he fell on his face. Alright, one more to go.
       "Alright, are you going to tell us why we are here now?" Jay asked a very good question, but I wasn't going to start without Jane.
       "Nope. I'm not starting until Jane gets here." With important as this information was, everyone needed to be in the room.
       "Yeah, she's running a tad late. You know how she is." Even though he wasn't fully awake, Carlos always knew what Jane was up to. That was good at least.
       "You invited Jane?? I thought this was for important people?" I couldn't tell if Jay was joking or being serious. With him, it was always hard to tell.
       "Hey, she's important Jay" Again, Carlos was quick to her defense. But all this bickering and Jane's tardiness was not helping my extremely tired mind. I needed her ASAP. As if on cue, another knock at the door sounded. That had better be Jane of I may just throw myself out the nearest window, Thankfully it was Jane. I don't think Mal would've liked my plan B.
        "Apologies, had to find something for Lonnie to keep her occupied for the day."
        "Alright good, now we can get started. Can someone wake Doug up please?" Everyone looked down and saw Doug fast asleep on my bedroom floor. Typical Doug. And here i thought he was Dopey's son, not Sleepy's. Mal helped to wake him up and got him to his feet. I needed to start or else that's where I was going to end up.
        "Anyway, I think I know where Tiffany is. Anastasia said her great enemy Rasputin was always around the castle where she lived. So, I got to thinking...."
        "That's always a scary thought." Jay's snarky remark went right over my tired head.
        "I got to thinking about places within Auradon Prep where Tiffany could hide at." A chorus of very loud voices suddenly erupted from the assembled group. Mal squeezed my hand and tried to bring order back to the group.
        "GUYS!!  We aren't going to get anywhere if you keep interrupting Ben. Go on sweetheart." Leave it to Mal to restore order. Thank gosh I had her.
        "Anyway, Tiffany is probably using some room that nobody uses. I mean I know we took in a lot of students, but there has to be a few unused rooms! Anddd.. the person that knows what every room in this place is used for is..."
       "My mother! If we go and see her, I'm sure we could figure out where Tiffany is hiding." I was clearly running slow this morning if Jane was beating me to the punch.
       "Exactly. Fairy Godmother knows every inch of this place. So, we will go to her and ask about rooms that aren't being used. If we need to, we will split up and check the various locations."
       "Sounds like a good plan to me. It's a good old fashioned Bitch Hunt." Leave it to Jay to use that metaphor, even if it was appropriate for the situation.
      "Alright gang let's go. And for crying out loud could someone please wake up Doug again." I gestured to where Doug was pretty much out, leaning against one of my walls.

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