Chapter 28: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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*pictured above is Gabriella Marie Gothel*
Tiffany's PoV:
       Well shit. Just when I thought things were going so well, Mal and her fucking friends go ahead and find my room. This certainly put a damper on the good mood that I was in. I was now fucking pissed. How the hell had they found me in the first place? My hiding spot had been flawless for so long and then they suddenly come across it. They couldn't have come across it purely by accident.
      However they came across it, they had found my room which meant I would have to change my strategy.  Up till now, I hadn't been cautious at all. I had been able to roam free and with impunity ever since I had enacted my curse. I had been able to fly around Auradon without having to disguise myself and without fear of being spotted. It had been glorious.
      But now, I was going to have to be more careful. I was going to have to watch where I was going and more importantly, I was going to have to hide my true appearance. Even though only a few people knew who I really was... I wouldn't be able to just go about my normal routine with no regard for my safety now.
       Mal and her group of friends were really becoming a pain in my ass. I had thought that by only leaving her with her memories, I'd be able to ruin her life and control the situation. But instead of any of that happening, she had restored the memories to several of her friends. Carlos and his annoying girlfriend Jane, that idiot Doug had some of his memories back, Mal's husband Ben and even Jay had their memories back. This had quickly spiraled out of control.
       But I was still alright. They still had no idea how to trap me or end the curse entirely. And I certainly didn't want them to do that, since it meant killing me. However, I still had the advantage, no matter what Mal and her ragtag group of heroes were trying to do. The problem was that I now needed to come up with a new plan of attack. I couldn't afford to just sit back and hope that Mal and her friends didn't figure things out. I had to find a new way of ruining her life.
       Going after her directly hadn't worked so far. But what else could I do? Going after Ben wouldn't work since Mal was attached to him every waking moment of the day. It made me absolutely sick to watch them. Jane and Carlos were oblivious as it was so going after them was pointless. Hurting Jay would be a sweet satisfaction, but he was more concerned with that bitch Lonnie. What did he see in her anyway? I didn't know and truth be told, I didn't care, he was just a fun fling and I had Gabriella.
       I continued pacing around my room trying to figure out who was the weakest link in Mal's life. And then, it hit me. There was one person in Mal's little circle who hadn't regained her memories yet. Evie, her best friend still had no fucking clue what was going on. She was so damn focused on the baby she was about to have. So, Evie was the weakest member of the circle.
       Now, how could I use her to hurt Mal? Hurting Evie would be an easy task, but how could I hurt Evie so that I also hurt Mal?
Thinking of best friends made me think of Gabriella. She was the daughter of Mother Gothel and one of the few people I genuinely cared about. We had dated for quite some time. If she was here what would she do? That was how I needed to approach things. I needed to think of how other people I knew would handle this situation.
        Gabriella's mother was known throughout the kingdom because she had kidnapped Princess Rapunzel when she was a child and kept her in a tower until Rapunzel was rescued. THAT'S IT!! Evie was not the weakest link in this circle. Her unborn child was. If I could get my hands on that kid, not only would I be hurting Evie, but I'd be hurting Mal and her entire group.
       Plus, it would be something I would be known for and it's something I knew a little bit about since I dated Gabriella. But how to get to the baby? That was going to be the hardest part of this plan. I obviously had to wait till the baby was born because there was no way in hell I'd be able to grab Evie herself. So if I wanted to grab the baby, I had two options. Option one was to wait till Evie returned to her room with her baby, wait for an opportune moment and then grab the baby.
       That was going to be the harder of the two options that I had in mind. Option two would require more work, but it would have an easier payoff. It would require me getting a job at the hospital where Evie would obviously give birth. I would become her nurse and snatch the baby that way. Even though it would suck getting a job and I would hate every single moment of it, this was my best option.
       As soon as I had the baby, I would have to get the hell out of dodge and fast. But where would I go? Returning to the cave was an option, but not a good one. I could return to the isle and too my mother's house, but that would have been too obvious. I could also meet up with Gabriella. Those idiots wouldn't know that I was there. Plus, I'd have the opportunity to rekindle my relationship with Gabriella. Or, I could do what I've been doing all along and hide right under their noses. They would instantly think I've returned to the Isle.
        And while they were searching the Isle, I'd be able to set up shop in the place I already knew where I was going to hide out. And again, it was a nod to Gabriella. The tower where Mother Gothel kept Rapunzel had long since been abandoned. Nobody would think to look there. Yes, it was all coming together once again. Another deliciously evil plan that would ruin that purple annoyances sickening perfect life. With a devilishly wicked smile on my face, I left my room to go and find a job.

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